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Janata Samajbadi Party - Nepal
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Nayan Shakti Nepal
(May 2018 - March 2021)
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Constituent Assembly
Nayan Shakti Party - Nepal
Northeast India
Rastriya Janata Party Nepal
Samajbadi Party - Nepal

Ghising’s grit, Khadka’s fall : Ghising’s dismissal may reinforce Oli and Khadka’s image as shady politicians, by Naresh Koirala (kp 28/03/2025)

Why are pro-monarchy demonstrators taking to the streets in Nepal?, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep 28/03/2025)

The shackles of Sanatan secularism : The political discourse of Nepal has always downplayed the Dalit question, by CK Lal (kp 26/03/2025)

Nepal’s Corruption Crisis: A Nation in Moral and Political Decay, by Madhab P Khanal (rep 26/03/2025)

Reviving Nepal’s Monarchy: A Nostalgic Fantasy in a Democratic Era, by Bibek Kumar Thakur (rep 26/03/2025)

Begetting grey list, boosting monarchists : Corruption and poor governance have elevated former King Gyanendra’s popularity, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 24/03/2025), Nepal's Political Dilemma, by Saroj Bhattarai (rep 24/03/2025)

Forever wars of a different kind : Restoring monarchy will detract us from our priorities and undermine political philosophy, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 23/03/2025)

Is Nepal’s Democracy Threatened by Rising Polarization?, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh 21/03/2025)

The mood of a nation, by Devinder Thapa (ae 20/03/2025)

Neta vs Janata, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 19/03/2025)

Ghosts of Panchayat and angry young Nepal : Young Nepalis can be restless and angry but shouldn’t invite political regression, by Anurag Acharya (kp 19/03/2025)

Political turbulence in Nepal: Solution through dialogue, not defiance, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 19/03/2025)

Turbulent dynamics of Nepal’s political transformation, by Binoj Basnyat (ae 19/03/2025) [If 10,000 or 15,000 out of 30 million citizens demand a return to the monarchy, this is neither a reason to think seriously about it, nor is it a justification for the king, who was deposed 17 years ago, to actively organise his return to power. The only thing that is certain is that the political parties must change fundamentally and that the main politicians who have failed so often should finally step down!]

Are provinces sustainable? Heavy reliance on grants and revenue sharing limits their fiscal self-reliance and sustainability, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 19/03/2025)

What’s Ailing Nepal’s Democracy?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 18/03/2025)

Dragon Crawling on the Nepal-India Border, by Randhir Chaudhary (kh 16/03/2025)

Wither Architecture Of Global Governance?, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 15/03/2025)

Why Nepal’s Monarchists Are Living in the Past, by Sugam Gautam (rep 14/03/2025)

Why monarchy is unlikely to return : Nepal’s future lies in addressing present challenges, not reviving the past, by Bhim Bhurtel (kp 13/03/2025) [Multi-ethnic and multi-cultural Nepal does not need a monarchy or a Hindu state, nor does it need anti-democratic high-caste male party politicians who have failed so often and will never change. The future lies in a socially inclusive, democratic, federal and secular republic without patriarchy and caste thinking!], The Rise of Rajabadis, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 13/03/2025)

Delusion of diversity in an ethnocracy : The ruling community sets the standards of eligibility, quality and suitability in such a system, by CK Lal (kp 12/03/2025)

Corroding nation-state and republic : What did Gyanendra or his predecessors do other than suppress the people for their interests?, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 11/03/2025)

Political storm brews as Gyanendra Shah’s message challenges major parties ideals (kp 11/03/2025)

Monarchists rally behind former King Gyanendra, sparking political tension : Merely dismissing the royalist wave as nostalgia risks alienating a segment of the population that genuinely feels left behind by the republic, by Gyanu Ghimire (kp) [However, one must not forget that a much larger section of the population once felt forgotten by the monarchy and the Hindu state, just as they do today by the ruling male Khas Arya oligarchy! We are talking here about Dalits, Janajatis, Madhesis, Muslims and women in general, i.e. the vast majority of Nepali society! In contrast, the RPP, which continues to demand monarchy and a Hindu state, was elected by just five per cent of the population in the last elections! The reasons for the increasingly apparent failure of democracy, republic and federalism lie with the political parties and their incompetent and exclusively power-hungry leaders! The claim that Gyanendra wants to ‘sacrifice himself once again for the nation’ is a farce. He too is only interested in returning to power.]

The Systemic Use and Misuse of Democracy in Nepal, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (rep 09/03/2025)

Constitutional Amendment: Path to Stability or Political Unrest?, by Randhir Chaudhary (rep 04/03/2025) [The so-called top politicians of the main parties are responsible for the political instability. The proposed constitutional amendments would only make the situation worse!]

Nepal's elections: The challenge of proxy voting, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ht 27/02/2025)

The virality of sensational lies : With media chasing it, questioning has turned into maligning people and sabotaging institutions, by CK Lal (kp 26/02/2025)

Balen's response to Trump: Federalism on the receiving end, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 26/02/2025)

Of princes, power and politics : Nepali parties are building popular belief systems which are eroding the ethos of democracy, by Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp 25/02/2025)

Return of the repressed : The voices repressed by the dominant parties are now coming back with a vengeance, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 23/02/2025)

Nepal’s Governance Mired In Endemic Corruption, by Dipak Gyawali (sp 21/02/2025)

Nepal is not a failed state, but it is a fragile one : Two books on the socio-political history of Nepal have lessons for the country's future, by Sonia Awale (nt 21/02/2025)

Saving what is left of Himalayan rivers : Not all mountain rivers need to be monetised, saving them will save us from climate breakdown, by Kunda Dixit (nt 21/02/2025)

Unlocking Nepal’s Soft Power Potentials, by Ritesh Panthee (rn 21/02/2025)

Locally elected politicians: They should be more responsive and accessible, by Simone Galimberti (ht 18/02/2025)

Nepal’s Maoists: A party divided by leadership struggles, by Gyanu Ghimire (kh 16/02/2025)

Predicaments of a subordinate society : No matter how high a person from a minority group rises, ethnonational leadership is always above, by CK Lal (kp 12/02/2025)

Role of Corruption and Media Suppression in Nepal, by Ganga Thapa (kh 11/02/2025)

Monarchy’s popularity amid instability : The leading contemporary parties can be blamed for elevating Gyanendra’s popularity, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 11/02/2025) [Unfortunately, people never learn from history or they forget too quickly. The political parties are to blame for the political chaos, weak democracy and non-implementation of federalism, especially associated with the names of Oli, Dahal and Deuba. But the original blame for non-inclusive society, Khas Arya elitism, patriarchy and Hindu state lies with the Shah monarchy. Only a minority of the population has benefited from it and the political parties have done nothing to change it! How can the masses have forgotten Gyanendra's coup and the excesses of 2005 after only 20 years?]

Political analysis or guesswork? We continue to trust political ‘experts’ who offer neat solutions to complex long-term problems, by Biswas Baral (kp 10/02/2025)

Nepal’s Debt Crisis and Corruption : The cases of bribery, nepotism, and embezzlement that continue to plague Nepal are classic hallmarks of a kleptocracy, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (rep 10/02/2025)

Fluid politics makes it hard to build long-term ties, interview with German ambassador Tomas Prinz (ae 10/02/2025)

Attitude Change Key To Consolidate Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 08/02/2025)

Revisiting Transitional Justice (Reflections In The Shadow Of History), by Surya Dhungel (sp 07/02/2025), Lingering Peace Accord And Peacebuilding In Nepal, by Govind Prasad Thapa (sp 07/02/2025), Transitioning To Stalled Transitional Justice Process, by Shobhakar Budhathoki (sp 07/02/2025)

Caught between the winds : Congress struggles to reclaim its democratic identity amid political unpredictability and opportunism, by Sanjeev Satgainya (kp 07/02/2025)

Speak up for provinces : Political leaders must step forward to ensure that provinces function as autonomous entities, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 05/02/2025)

Distracted by communist utopia : Communist leaders are adept at falsely wooing Dalits with great promises about our freedom, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 04/02/2025)

10 challenges that need urgent attention : Without urgent action, the country risks further decline, with long-term consequences for its economy, society, and democracy, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 03/02/2025)

Chasing a hero who isn’t : Democracy thrives through the collective act of institution building rather than the heroics of populist activists, by Dinesh Kafle (kp 03/02/2025), Disparity in law and order enforcement: The Ashika Tamang case, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 03/02/2025)

Is Nepali politics in trouble? Before declaring the end of this system, we must consider the positive aspects of its origin and continuity, by Abhi Subedi (kp 02/02/2025)

Impasse over administrative federalism : Confusion regarding provincial autonomy over public services is constitutionally unwarranted, by Binay Mishra (kp 02/02/2025)

Monetisation Of Politics Injurious To Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 01/02/2025)

Feminist Foreign Policy and Nepal, by Sandhya Ghimire (rep 31/01/2025)

A regime of the amoral narcissist : Trump has little time and even less interest in what he once labelled as ‘shithole countries’, by CK Lal (kp 29/01/2025)

Are political parties relevant today? They are losing their political space to non-political individuals and business tycoons, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 27/01/2025)

Proportional representation: And the issue of threshold, by Birendra P Mishra (ht 27/01/2025)

Cost Of Instability, by Khem Raj Niraula (rn 27/01/2025)

Politics of discontent : Many believe big parties have failed and Nepal is on the wrong path, but will their discontent have any impact?, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 26/01/2025) [See corresponding opinion poll by Sharecast]

राष्ट्रिय मत सर्वेक्षणको नतिजा : ‘देश ठिकठाक छ, जीवन सुध्रिएको छ, तर राजनीति बर्बाद भयो’ [National opinion poll results : ‘The country is fine, life has improved, but politics is ruined’], by Rameshwar Bohara (Ukalo 24/01/2025), चुनाव जित्न गठबन्धन, सत्तामा जान अर्को गठबन्धन र फेरि-फेरि गठबन्धनले निराश जनता [The coalition to win the election, another coalition to come to power and again and again the people disappointed by the coalition], by Durga Khanal (lka 24/01/2025), के सोच्दै छन् नेपाली? [What are the Nepalese thinking?] (Himalkhabar 24/01/2025), ‘पाँच वर्षमा मेरो र देशको अवस्था सुध्रियो, नेता सुध्रिएनन्’ [‘In five years, the situation of me and the country improved, the leader did not improve’], by Saindra Rai (ok 24/01/2025), ‘Hope-mongering’ : Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Both, by Sonia Awale (nt), Pulse of the people : Once again, a survey shows that Nepalis are short-term pessimists and long-term optimists, by Sonia Awale (nt), Politics as usual : Public opinion poll confirms public disillusionment with serial prime ministers, their cadre and cronies, by Shristi Karki (nt)

A case for proportional representation : The reason UML appears to be antagonistic to PR is because of its inclusive provisions, by Deepak Thapa (kp 23/01/2025)

Rise of neo-fascism in Nepal : Nepal, with its fragile democracy and history of political instability provides fertile ground for the rise of neo-fascist tendencies, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ae 23/01/2025)

Bhim Rawal’s expulsion sparks debate: Is UML embracing autocratic leadership?, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep 22/01/2025)

Threshold for stability: A new political excuse, by Binay Mishra (rep 20/01/2025)

‘Justice is dying in Nepal. Let’s save it!’, by Akhilesh Tripati (rep 19/01/2025)

Consensus Must For Statute Revision, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 19/01/2025)

Can Politics Be Shaped As Virtuous Sphere?, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 18/01/2025)

The Merchants of Poverty in Nepal, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (rep 16/01/2025)

Not just the home, women hold the key to running the country, by Bhasa Sharma (rep 16/01/2025)

The UML leadership: Virtually losing moral relevance, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 15/01/2025)

Upholding Good Governance And Combating Corruption 'Key' To Breaking Nepal’s Poverty Cycle. Beyond the Bottom Billion: Applying Paul Collier's lessons to Nepal’s development crisis, by Sara Pahari (rep 15/01/2025)

Geopolitics of economic growth : It is vital to consider the current coalition’s foreign policy and its impact on Nepal’s economic development, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 12/01/2025)

Shun The Politics Of Muddling Through, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 11/01/2025)

Why is Nepal not developing? All the revolutions in Nepal have brought some changes in political and democratic systems, with more changes in lifestyles of political leaders and their affiliates, but people's lives have been deteriorating after each revolution, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 07/01/2025)

The proposal for constitution amendment: Is this for the people?, by Lok Bhattarai (ht 07/01/2025) [No, it is primarily about the interests of the oligarchs at the top of the political parties!]

Bending The Rise Of Strong Men Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/01/2025)

Expectations, inflation and livelihood crisis: Visionary leadership and commitment needed, by Laxman Neupane (ht 02/01/2025)

Invest In Youth To Achieve Prosperity, by Devendra Gautam (rn 02/01/2025)

Seek Consensus To Amend Constitution, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 01/01/2025)

Man Mohan Singh's lagacy : Lessons for Nepal, by Shreesh Tripathi (ae 30/12/2024)

On a path to embrace Chinese models : Nepal’s plurality of parties and its ingrained kleptocratic system will undermine Oli’s efforts, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 29/12/2024)

Ubiquity Of Power Brokers Imperils Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/12/2024)

Geopolitical Impact of Communism's Rise and Fall in Nepal, by Rajeeb Shrestha (rep 21/12/2024)

Consti-tuition, a lesson parties need : Pressing priority should be constitutional conscience, not the pursuit of power, by Sanjeev Satgainya (kp20//12/2024) [But the latter is the only thing that matters to these politicians, who have already failed several times!]

Resolve Political Issues Thru Mediation, by Mukti Rijal (rn 19/12/2024)

The shelter of a kleptocratic ‘Oli-garchy’ : Deuba has to rely on either a fallen Maoist or a ‘Jinpingist’ to keep the kleptocratic order stable and functional, by CK Lal (kp 18/12/2024)

A dysfunctional state : The lack of coordination among key government ministries deters domestic and foreign investors, by Achyut Wagle (kp 17/12/2024)

Presidential System Under Growing Scrutiny, by Parmeshwar Devkota (rn 15/12/2024)

Making The Welfare State Functional, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 14/12/2024)

When Will We Be Free From Socialism?, by Saroj Bhattarai (rep 09/12/2024), Vision Of An Equitable World, by Chuda Prasad Dhakal (rn 11/12/2024)

Message Of Local By-election, by Ballav Dahal (rn 09/12/2024)

The Struggle for Democracy in Nepal, by Ganga Thapa (kh 08/12/2024)

Challenges In Taming Perplexing Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 07/12/2024)

Prisoners of our own device : A paradigm shift in economy, politics and diplomacy is essential to escape the low-growth, high-migration trap, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 01/12/2024)

Self-Fulfilment Calls For Broader Accountability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 30/11/2024)

Of rallies and realities : Without delivery, platforms like the ‘jagaran’ rally will only let the people down, by Mohan Guragain (kp 29/11/2024)

Foreign spouses struggle to navigate Nepali immigration laws : A group of Nepalis seeks to change the immigration laws in favour of their spouses, by Xenia Klaus (kp 27/11/2024) [Long live Nepal's patriarchal thinking!]

Political rallies in the capital: For and against the government, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 27/11/2024)

Leadership Needs Learning From Bottom-up, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/11/2024)

Deuba’s dance with Oli : Congress risks stumbling over its party chief’s personal ambitions, by Sanjeev Satgainya (kp 22/11/2024)

The Defamation Crisis in Nepal : An accused is just a suspect who has been charged with a criminal offense while a convicted is the person who has officially been proven guilty by the court, by Susmita Chaulagai (rep 22/11/2024)

Economic costs of leaders’ rants : Directives without well-defined vision cannot stop the economy’s downward spiral, by Achyut Wagle (kp 19/11/2024)

Legal Eyes on Women’s Issues and Rights : For some, progress made in women’s legal rights in Nepal has been a Cinderella-like fairy tale; for many, women are frustratingly made to look like turtles in a race against rabbits of patriarchy, by Sabitri Rasaily (rep 18/11/2024)

Smoldering Discontent: CPN-UML faces internal turmoil, by Gyanu Ghimire (kh 18/11/2024)

Ideological Politics Loses Appeal To People, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 16/11/2024)

From Politics of Meaning to a Cult of Power, by Ganga Thapa (kh 14/11/2024)

The emperor’s new clothes and Nepal’s fate, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ae 14/11/2024)

Internal democracy in parties takes centre stage as noted politicians discuss system : Speakers and leaders rue the grip of familiar faces on Nepali politics, pledge change (kp 14/11/2024), Why intra-party democracy is essential : True democracy cannot thrive when political parties are profoundly undemocratic, by Pawan Adhikari (kp 14/11/2024) [None of the authoritarian and power-hungry so-called top politicians embodies democratic ideals!], Democracy is under threat, leaders concur : Chief Justice Prakash Man Singh Raut stresses judicial reforms to address public disillusionment (kp 14/11/2024), Rebuilding Trust in Nepali Politics, by Krishna Raman Adhikari (rep 14/11/2024)

Where is the unbundling exercise? Delay in its process continues to hinder effective federalism in Nepal, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 13/11/2024)

The Bigness of Smallness : Nepal, one of the world's small powers, has greater significance in regional politics, by GP Acharya (rep 13/11/2024)

Nepal’s Foreign Policy: Lessons from BP Koirala and the Path Ahead, by Kanchan Jha (rep 12/11/2024)

Ideological strains in multipolar space : Doctrines of all political forces appear stagnant, by Saadesh Mani Pokharel (ae 12/11/2024)

UML plan to trace voters’ political tilt raises eyebrows : The fear is that the survey may intimidate voters and infringe on individual privacy, by Binod Ghimire (kp 09/11/2024)

Managing The Cycle Of Agitation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 09/11/2024)

Constitution Amendment: Just a Two-Party Deal?, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 08/11/2024)

Nepal at a Crossroads, by Ayush Raj Gyawali (rep 07/11/2024)

विकृत ‘राजनीतिक-संस्कृति’ र रूपान्तरण [Distorted politico-culture and transformation], by JB Vishwakarma (ka 01/11/2024)

Restoring Integrity in Nepali Politics, by Ganga Thapa (kh 29/10/2024)

My black Dashain ‘tika’ : It’s a symbolic protest against the anti-Dalit rituals and customs, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 29/10/2024)

Panchsheel and modern human rights: Bridging ethics, justice and compassion, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ht 29/10/2024)

सत्ताबाहिरको माओवादी छटपटी [Maoists out-of-power], by Bishnu Rizal (ka 29/10/2024)

युवा पलायनले पिल्सिएको लोकतन्त्र [A democracy plagued by youth migration], by Lekhnath Pandey (ka 29/10/2024)

Oli and Prachanda lack vision to lead Nepal forward, by Baburam Bhattarai (kh 28/10/2024)

Rise and Transformation of Nepal’s Communist Movement, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (rep 27/10/2024)

“Act decisively or confront public backlash”, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh 27/10/2024)

लोकतन्त्रको विद्रुपीकरण र यो निराशा [The disfigurement of democracy and its disillusionment], by Dhundiraj Paudel (ka 27/10/2024)

विकल्पको विचलन : बाइरोडको बाटोमा [Deviation of options : On the way to Byroad], by Gunaraj Luintel (nag 27/10/2024)

Strength And Weakness Of Catch-all Parties, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/10/2024)

The curious case of Rastriya Swatantra Party: Doomed by careerist politics, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 25/10/2024)

Human Rights and Rule of Law, by Kalyan Shrestha (kh 23/10/2024)

The rot inherent to the republic : In a culture of piety and fealty, a political manipulator can get away with anything, by CK Lal (kp 23/10/2024)

Behind rightists’ inflated optimism : It is necessary to extend the state’s arms to the beneficiaries of public services, by Achyut Wagle (kp 22/10/2024)

Getting multilateral diplomacy right : Nepal should prepare a national action plan for implementing the Pact for the Future, by Pragya Ghimire (kp 22/10/2024)

No Country for Political Youth : Another Reason for Constitutional and Political Change, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 21/10/2024)

Stand Up, Speak Out, and Transform!, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh 21/10/2024)

China-South Asia connectivity : Competitive power politics have created barriers at a time when greater connectivity should be promoted, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 21/10/2024)

Pro-monarchy activists active in streets, social media (ae 21/10/2024)

Oli govt under fire: 8 scandals marking honeymoon period, by Keshab Sawad (kh 20/10/2024)

Revitalising Nepal’s community forestry : Rather than focusing solely on subsistence, CF must tap into its economic potential, by Karuna Karki and Subash Pandey (kp 20/10/2024)

Provincial struggles and opportunities : Effective budget formulation and execution are vital for provinces to take care of local development priorities, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 18/10/2024)

[Democracy: System and Institution or Leadership?], by Geja Sharma Wagle (ka 18/10/2024) लोकतन्त्र : प्रणाली र संस्था हो कि नेतृत्व ?

मतदान विधिमार्फत निर्वाचनमा सुधार [ Reform of elections through voting methods], by Indra Adhikari and Uddhav Pyakurel (ka 17/10/2024)

वर्चस्ववादी दुन्दुभिको कोलाहल [The noise of the hegemonic chaos] by Chandrakishore (ka 17/10/2024)

Culture of Schadenfreude, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 10/10/2024)

Politicians’ Intent Matters Quite A Lot, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 09/10/2024)

Who owns federalism? The biggest challenge to Nepal’s federal polity is failure to implement administrative federalism, by Achyut Wagle (kp 08/10/2024)

The deluge and state sluggishness : Given the likelihood of heavier rains in the future, we must reconsider our environmental policies, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp 07/10/2024)

Making and unmaking of land commissions continues : The newly revived commission, whose office bearers are yet to be appointed, is the 16th formed since the restoration of democracy in 1990 to distribute land to the landless, by Binod Gjhimire (kp 06/10/2024)

Pay Heed To Laws Of Nature Or Perish, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 06/10/2024)

Dangerous fixations : The media should consider the judiciary to be a partner in reforms, not an adversary, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 06/10/2024)

The South Asian stalemate : None of the countries in this region can afford to get caught in a geopolitical ping-pong between India and China, by Anurag Acharya (kp 06/10/2024)

Policy change of national parks: Is this dishonesty or lack of understanding? Amendment Act related to the national parks and reserves has stirred wide criticism on local social media, by Uday R Sharma (rep 06/10/2024)

Education Key To Democratic Citizenship, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 05/10/2024)

Nepal’s Democracy: A Call for Meaningful Change, by Ganga Thapa (kh 04/10/2024)

Stability and the need for constitutional change : Did the federal system fail or was it rather the politicians and parties?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 03/10/2024)

Nepali Politicians and the Politics of Morality, by Akhilesh Tripathi (rep 03/10/2024)

Vive le Népal : Though poorer, Nepal has quietly surged ahead of India in many respects, by Deepak Thapa (kp 03/10/2024)

Natural disasters: Does Nepal ever learn? It’s time all parties, big and small, took the issue of natural disasters more seriously, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 01/10/2024) [Definitely not, as the reaction of the incompetent and inactive Oli government shows!], Of protests and politics : In Nepal, hardly anyone trusts politicians; public anger against the leaders simmers, by Naresh Koirala (kp 01/10/2024) [Political ‘leaders’ should at least have a minimum of leadership qualities. Unfortunately, this does not apply to any of Nepal's ‘top politicians’!]

Nepal: An agricultural country? We are still an agriculture-based society. Yet the sector is also clearly not a government priority, by Biswas Baral (kp 30/09/2024)

Dreamers and drifters in Nepali politics : Although ideological in speeches, politicians are torn between dreams and realities, by Abhi Subedi (kp 29/09/2024)

Toxic Gerontocracy in the Age of Goddess Kali, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 29/09/2024)

Managing Politics Of Hope And Speculation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 28/09/2024)

Foreign Aid: A Double-Edged Sword for Nepal's Development, by Aastha Pokharel (rep 28/09/2024)

Nepal at the Crossroads: Navigating Great Power Politics amid Internal Challenges, by Nabraj Lama (rep 27/09/2024)

Reassessing the Constitution for Effective Governance, by NP Saud (kh 26/09/2024)

How Are Independent Candidates Posing a Threat to Political Parties in Nepal?, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 25/09/20024)

Maobadi in Crisis After joining mainstream politics, Prachanda committed three big mistakes, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 24/09/2024))

The troubling saga of “alternative party leaders”, by Keshab Sawad (kh 22/09/2024)

PM Oli’s petty streak : Nepal’s relations with India have become mired in more paradoxes, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 22/09/2024)

Perspectives on Migration: The ‘Pennywise, Pound-foolish’ Syndrome, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (rep 21/09/2024)

Need For Trust-based Transformational Leadership, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/09/2024)

Political parties and post-truth politics : What we are experiencing is a period marked by general anxiety about what to believe as truth, by Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp 20/09/2024)

Inherited features of effective public policies, by Janaki Kumari Sharma (ae 20/09/2024)

Global tension mounts. Does it spell disaster for Nepal? Conflicts’ repercussions could cause Nepal to lose foreign aid. Climate crisis could cost Nepalis food security, experts warn (kp 19/09/2024)

Really, What’s There to Celebrate!, by Akhilesh Tripathi (rep 19/09/2024)

Constitution amendment debate : We must consider all sides instead of ramming through amendments based on parliamentary strength, by Deepak Thapa (kp 19/09/2024)

Call for radical reform to combat corruption and inequality, by Ganga Thapa (kh 17/09/2024)

Constitution is not the problem : Critical constitutional reforms are required to protect and promote the rights of the disgruntled groups, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 17/09/2024)

The Spectacle Of Democratic Life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 14/09/2024)

The politics of friendship : Nepali political friendships are less about collective visions and more about calculated self-interest, by Raj Baral (kp 12/09/2024)

Instability Hits Provincial Administration, by Mukti Rijal (rn 12/09/2024)

Quo Vadis? Given the country’s political-economic situation, it is time to ask: Where are we heading towards?, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 11/09/2024)

The grammar of political protests: None of the four forces of the political mainstream seems credible or capable of leading a political protest, by CK Lal (kp 11/09/2024)

Socialism: A national ‘bluff' : Nepali political parties are competing to prove themselves purer socialists than others, by Achyut Wagle (kp 10/09/2024)

Weak laws protect corruption : The bill to amend the Prevention of Corruption Act, 2002, shows the deteriorating political mentality in Nepal, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 09/09/2024)

Earth Democracy: Enshrining the Rights of Nature in the Constitution, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 09/09/2024)

Stability, of the unwanted kind : New kinds of political competition are playing out, but changes to the status quo look difficult, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 08/09/2024)

Coalition government and constitutional practice, by Kalyan Shrestha (kh 07/09/2024)

The Verve Of Political Change, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 07/09/2024))

Leadership transition : Old parties are under immense pressure to stay relevant even though they might not admit it, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp 06/09/2024)

Lessons from Bangladesh : If leaders fail to addresspeople's grievances swiftly, public outrage may erupt like a volcano in Nepal as well, by Birendra Prasad Mishra (ae 05/09/2024)

Constitutional Amendment and the Question of Stability : It is also wrong to place all the blame on proportional representation, by Saroj Bhattarai (rep 04/09/2024)

Experts call for timely initiatives to address public anger : Politicians term the widespread disenchantment with political parties a ‘manufactured narrative’, by Purushottam Poudel (kp 01/09/2024)

Women’s Equal Status and Challenges, by Milan Adhikary (rep 31/08/2024)

People As Source Of Welfare Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 31/08/2024)

The (Anti) National Identity Card!, by Akhilesh Tripathi (rep 30/08/2024) [By the way, are only the clothes and cultural attires of the 30 per cent Khas Arya part of the Nepalese identity or also those of the 70 per cent rest of the population?], The (Anti) National Identity Card - II, by Akhilesh Tripathi (rep 18/10/2024)

Bad air and polluted politics : Political resolve to improve air quality will add 3-5 years to the lives of Nepalis, by Sonia Awale (nt 30/08/2024)

Ritual burial of Maoist insurgency : The TJ Bill is the mechanism through which the dominant trio in Nepali politics wants to bury the past and move on, by CK Lal (kp 28/08/2024), Panchthar grenade blast toll hits two after another child dies : Home Minister Lekhak says the explosive that went off there was a remnant of the Maoist insurgency, by Laxmi Gautam (kp 31/08/2024) [Obviously, reality contradicts the ritual burial!]

The elusive dream : If we are to realise the dream of 1951, mediocracy must be replaced by meritocracy, by Naresh Koirala (kp 28/08/2024)

Avoiding Unforced Errors, by Yogesh Oli (rep 28/08/2024)

Geopolitical squeeze and vulnerability : Nepal’s political parties agree on national interests, but internal weaknesses derail their policy positions, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 25/08/2024)

Choreographed migrations : Migrants’ ability to make migration an informed choice remains attenuated, as it is a compulsion for livelihood, by Sanjit Shrestha (kp 25/08/2024)

National Responsibilities Of Citizens, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 24/08/2024)

Democratic flux : The crisis of legitimacy in all its manifestations works against the longevity of governments, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 23/08/2024)

Anti-Corruption Antics, by Narayan Manandhar (rep22/08/2024)

Govt Has No Option But To Deliver, by Mukti Rijal (rn 22/08/2024)

Fall of Moral Leadership and Rise of Corruption, by Ganga Thapa (kh 21/08/2024)

No Flaws In Electoral System, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 21/08/2024)

Social Justice Key To Democratic Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 17/08/2024)

Posthumanism’s Clash with Communism and Neoliberalism, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 17/08/2024)

The geopolitics of Nepal’s politics… …as the Subcontinent becomes a political, economic, and socio-cultural battleground for Asia’s emerging powers, by Shristi Karki (nt 16/08/2024)

New coalition, constitutional reform and political instability, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep 14/08/2024)

South Asia’s battered democracies : At the core of every malaise is the lack of democratic intent among major political players of the region, by Achyut Wagle (kp 13/08/2024)

How Nepal can avoid a political debacle : The new government would do well to focus on good governance, by Pramod K Kantha (kp 13/08/2024) [It would be a prerequisite that the political parties abolish their patriarchal Bahunbad and endeavour to represent the interests and concerns of all social groups in the country equally!]

Political renewal : If you are in a position to form the government, your art of deal-making must be at a different high, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp 12/08/2024)

Constitution amendment and concerns of Madhes, by Randhir Chaudhary (ae 12/08/2024)

Political Instability takes Toll on Nepal’s Economic Development, by Dutta Shree Duwadi (rep 12/08/2024)

New push for a law to raise vote threshold to secure PR seats : In amendments proposed in the bill to integrate election laws, the poll commission gives voters the NOTA option, by Binod Ghimire (kp 11/08/2024) [An extremely anti-democratic approach by two ostensibly large parties that were able to win just half of the votes in the last elections and at the same time suffered double-digit losses! The sole aim seems to be to eliminate smaller parties and increase the share of their own parties in parliament!], Congress-UML constitution revision proposal against election mandate : A polarisation between those who want to protect the statute and those who want to trample on it has become inevitable, interview with Giriraj Mani Pokharel, CPN-MC (kp 12/07/2024)

Nepangladesh, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 11/08/2024)

Stability Requires Improved State's Indicators, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 10/08/2024)

Three men in a rocky boat : Nepal’s top political leaders feel entitled, just like a certain Begum chased out of her country, by Biswas Baral (kp 09/08/2024)

Smoothening the transition : Nepal is accomplishing the goal of graduating from the LDC status, but its readiness will be tested, by Hanaa Singer-Hamdy (kp 09/08/2024)

The stability chimera : The Congress-UML coalition runs the risk of causing bigger problems, by Mohan Guragain (kp 08/08/2024)

The answer to Nepal’s brain drain, by Robert Vanwey (ae 08/08/2024)

Post-legislative scrutiny: Lessons from the UK : The involvement of both parliament and the government makes PLS comprehensive, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 07/08/2024)

Treason, corruption and foreign interference: We need capable young leaders to lead country, by Bishwo Gauchan (ht 06/08/2024)

Narratives on Corruption and Anti-Corruption, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 07/08/2024)

Political consensus for amending charter, by Jagadish Dahal (ae 05/08/2024)

Panchasheel: Keystone Of Nepal’s Foreign Policy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 03/08/2024)

Fatalism and fatalities : Travel safety in Nepal cannot be an island of efficiency when the entire political machinery is dysfunctional, by Sonia Awale (nt 02/08/2024)

Oli: New versus old : More disappointments are on the way. Or will there be a collective explosion of people’s anger?, by Naresh Koirala (kp 01/08/2024)

Antecedent of the ethnonational majoritarianism : Hegemonic assertions that Nepal enjoys ‘a culture of peace and harmony’ at all times are purely synthetic, by CK Lal (kp 31/07/2024)

A Treaty Without Any Utility?, by Dhruba Hari Adhikary (rn 31/07/2024)

Can Oli the autocrat become a democrat? It requires a willingness to embrace collaboration and a respect for democratic principles, by Sambridh Ghimire (kp 31/07/2024)

Rastriya Swatantra Party: A Dwindling Hope, by Mahesh Kushwaha (rep 31/07/2024)

Relevance of  Two-Party System in Nepal, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 30/07/2024) [The two parties together did not even receive 53 per cent of the votes in 2022 and they are in constant decline (13 per cent less than in 2017). There is no recognisable justification for a two-party system.]

Breaking the cycle : The recent success of upstart parties is a testament to changing voting behaviour, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp  29/07/2024) [But the upstart parties must also stick to what they promise and not chum up to the misguided old parties in order to participate in their state-damaging machinations!]

Strong state, weak governance : Sovereignty of the state can be preserved only through prudent domestic and foreign policies, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 28/07/2024)

Ruling alliance mulling to appoint a new speaker and deputy speaker, by Ishwari Subedi (rep) [The shortcomings of the political system are many, as the constant manipulation by the ‘democratic’ top politicians mercilessly demonstrates!]

Socialist Front Left Rudderless?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn) [Dahal's political decline and that of his party seems unstoppable, but given the constant manipulation of Nepalese politicians, you can never be sure!]

Challenges Confronting the New Coalition, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 27/07/2024)

Nurturing The Virtues Of Social Cohesion, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/07/2024)

Exploring the concept of ‘high moral character’ in constitutional context (kh 26/07/2024)

The coalition conundrum, by Anupam Bhattarai (ae 23/07/2024)

Is Mixed Electoral System Flawed?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 21/07/2024) [To put it better: the problem lies in the abuse of both the direct and the proportional election system by the high-caste male elite of the parties. In this form, the direct voting system, which has never been honestly intended and is ultimately distorted by anti-democratic electoral alliances, prevents a correct distribution of power and social inclusion!]

Dancing with Deuba, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 21/07/2024)

Switch in coalition partners a challenge or an opportunity?, by Binod Basnyat (kh 21/07/2024)

Behind Oli’s sly return to power : He may have tossed the idea of constitutional amendments with the intent of humouring New Delhi, by Sanjeeb Satgainya (kp 21/07/2024)

Testing Times for PM Oli, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rep 19/07/2024)

Out of power, Dahal reaches out to old comrades, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 18/07/2024)

Perplexities of the permanent minority : Strengthening the Khas-Arya supremacy appears to be the main agenda of the Oli government, by CK Lal (kp 17/07/2024)

Harnessing Demographic Diversity, by Jhabindra Bhandari (rn 17/07/2024)

Bolster Federalism For Good Governance, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 16/07/2024)

Oppressed classes felt betrayed, other sections didn’t accept Maoists : A force mightier than the Maoists may emerge to take the space it occupied in the past, interview with Ram Karki, CPN-MC (kp 15/07/2024)

Absurdities of political parties : Nepali leaders take pride in becoming prime ministers often, leaving behind no imprints of their governments, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 14/07/2024)

Power struggles render parliament ineffective, by Tejendra Kafle (rep 14/07/2024) [Three power-hungry and at the same time incompetent politicians are ruthlessly destroying the country! The new government will have just as little positive effect as all the previous ones. They were always the same demagogues anyway.]

Is Proportional Representation the Cause of Frequent Government Changes in Nepal?, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 14/07/2024) [The problem is not the PR system as such, but the fact that it is solely in the hands of a few top politicians. They are the real problem because they also misuse the direct election system as an anti-inclusion tool! This is one of the main reasons for political stagnation, constant changes of government and corruption!]

The Challenges of NC-UML Coalition, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 13/07/2024)

Bolstering Sovereignty Of Public Goods, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/07/2024)

A taste of his own medicine : Dahal now finds no one but himself to blame for the unsavoury situation he has led his party into, by Deepak Thapa (kp 11/07/2024)

Time to amend the constitution : Nepal stands at a crossroads where constitutional amendments can pave the way for a prosperous future, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 10/07/2024), Constitutional amendment through referendum : Power-hungry politicians gravitating toward new parties/faces in search of solutions have failed the people, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 10/07/2024)

The Cost of Remittances : Is Nepal Sacrificing Its Future for Present Gains?, by Dikson Limbu (rep 10/07/2024)

What’s in the sinister deal? The oppressed are beginning to worry that the Congress-UML pact is a conspiracy to curtail their rights and privileges, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 09/07/2024) [Even the drafting of the constitution was ultimately the work of the male high-caste elite, especially of the NC and UML. It included further steps to maintain the dominance and privileges of the traditional elite and to prevent the promised social inclusion, e.g. reduction of the proportional electoral system, release of the direct election system to the traditional male highcaste elite, cutting and naming of the provinces in the interests of the Khas Arya elite, identification of state and nation with the culture of the Khas Arya minority, non-implementation of the federal state, etc. Now it is obviously a matter of eliminating the few remaining improvements after the Maoist uprising and the end of the authoritarian Hindu monarchy.]

Dahal’s impending political downfall : Despite being part of Nepal’s transformative changes, he has remained an insecure politician, by Anurag Acharya (kp 09/07/2024)

Balen's Posthumanist Vision for the Mindfulness City : This holistic approach aims to conserve natural habitats, revitalize urban areas, and promote biodiversity within the cityscape, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 09/07/2024)

Can NC-UML Alliance Restore Stability?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 09/07/2024) [No, not in this form! The first thing they would have to do is get rid of their failed, power-hungry top politicians and transform themselves into socially inclusive parties that are orientated towards the good of the country and its citizens.]

What’s wrong with Prachanda?, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 06/07/2024)

Civic Competence Vital For Functional Polity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 06/07/2024)

Pitfalls of pleasurable servitude : Madheshi politicos must realise that confrontation with majoritarian ethnonationalists is the only way of making a mark on history, by CK Lal (kp 03/07/2024)

Midnight matchmaking : The new Oli-Deuba deal is a sign of dishonesty at the heart of contemporary Nepali politics (kp 03/07/2024) [All the changes of government and many of the other policies are acts of dishonesty since Oli, Dahal and Deuba identified politics and democracy in Nepal with their rotten power games!]

The Magic Number, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 29/06/2024)

Nepalis' Perennial Struggles For Aspiring Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 29/06/2024)

Law Implementation Matters In Democracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn 27/06/2024)

Old medicine in new bottles : Only an alternative political force under Dalit leadership will end the neglect of Dalit issues, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 25/06/2024)

The Balen-Oli duel : It is a caricature of Nepali politics marred by the conflict between the old and the young, by Naresh Koirala (kp 24/06/2024)

Nepal’s Democracy Under Siege by Political Elite, by Ganga Thapa (kp 23/06/2024)

An alternative view of federalism : It is about getting rid of the structure of powers steered by the forces behind colonization, by Simone Galimberti (ae 21/06/2024)

Hindutva juggernaut hits a speed bump : Message to Nepal’s leaders: mixing politics with religion does not work and voters will see through it all, by Shreya Paudel (nt 21/06/2024)

Three Worrisome Implications of Nepal’s Political Instability, by Binoj Basnyat (kh 20/06/2024)

The issue of inclusion in politics, by Jeetendra Dev (ae 20/06/2024)

The costs of leaders’ irrational decisions : Most of them are no experts, nor do they hold the required knowledge to run their positions, by Jagadish Prasad Bist (kp 16/06/2024)

Resolving The Paradox Of State Sovereignty, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 15/06/2024)

Call for Debate on Constitutional Economics, by Sudan Kumar Oli (rep 15/06/2024)

A Tale of Corruption and Collusion, by Ganga Bahadur Thapa (kh 10/06/2024)

Without pride and prejudice : The perception is that political reporting has prioritised personalities over issues and noise over sense, by Dharma Adhikari (kp 10/06/2024)

Vibrant Public Sphere Vital For Solidarity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 08/06/2024)

The allure of political pied pipers : Some populists can do good, but a rabble-rouser inevitably causes unmitigated disaster, by CK Lal (kp 05/06/2024)

What about Nepal’s democracy? Political parties, elections, federalism, secularism and social inclusion, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 03/06/2024)

New budget amid economic challenges, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 02/06/2024)

Women in politics and policy-making positions in Nepal, by Pallav Bhusal (rn 02/06/2024)

Struggles For Recognition Bolster Inclusion, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 01/06/2024)

The Process of Political Polarization in Nepal, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 31/05/2024)

Constitution, coalition and instability : A government becomes unstable when politicians do not respect the spirit of the constitution, by Naresh Koirala (kp 31/05/2024)

A budget that overlooks federalism : The government prioritises strengthening federalism, but the policies don’t reflect that, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 29/05/2024)

Translate Republican Ideals Into Reality, by Namrata Sharma (rn 29/05/2024)

Prachanda, do you hear us? It is striking that even the monarchists hadn’t quite harassed and intimidated KMG like this, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 28/05/2024) [Politicians like Dahal, Oli and Deuba talk a lot, often nonsense, but they don't see, don't read and don't listen!]

Electoral system and political stability, by Jeetendra Dev (ae 28/05/2024)

Republican Rhetoric And Reality : The political parties and leaders that galvanised their forces to establish a new governing system have failed to translate the rhetoric into reality, by Nanda Lal Tiwari (rn 28/05/2024)

Stability For Efficient Republic, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 28/05/2024)

Kleptocracy casts a long shadow in Nepal, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ae 27/05/2024)

Bolster Federal Republican Setup, by Ballav Dahal (rn 27/05/2024)

Challenges of Nepali democracy : The actions of Prime Minister Dahal and his partners show that staying in power is their only goal, by Abhi Subedi (kp 26/05/2024)

Court Holds Key To Solve Political Disputes, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 26/05/2024))

Call For Embracing Republican Virtues, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 25/05/2024)

The Arrival of Communist Panchayat System, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 23/05/2024)

Beyond Quotas for Women's Political Empowerment, by Aastha Pokharel (rep 22/05/2024)

Pitfalls of performative politics : All politics is performance, and any politician is only as good as his last act, by CK Lal (kp 22/05/2024)

The  Nepali Puzzle : Nepalis are disgusted by political leaders due to their inability to show behaviors befitting the republic, by Lok Raj Baral (rep 21/05/2024)

Intricate web of alliances shaping Nepal’s political landscape (kh 21/05/2024)

Democracy in Distress?, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh 20/05/2024)

Operatives on Cooperatives : Now, the word “thug” is synonymous to cooperative business, if not the image of a specific political leader, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 19/05/2024)

Kleptocracy and Urgent Need for Reform, by Ganga Thapa (kh 19/05/2024)

Democracy Needs Healthy Countervailing Power, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 18/05/2024)

Hope and trust with RSP : The president of the RSP is the rock star face of the party and that face is seemingly blurred, by Randhir Chaudhary (rep 17/05/2024)

Coalition dynamics and governance challenges in Nepal, by Vidhu Prakash Kayastha (ae 16/05/2024)

Inviting judicial overreach : We repeatedly see that the court is being asked to rule on what are essentially political disputes (kp 16/05/2024)

The erosion of morality in Nepali politics, by Pawan Adhikari (rep 15/05/2024)

K P Oli’s Machinations Brew Instability and Distract from Policymaking in Nepal (kh 14/05/2024) [!!!], Oli’s brinkmanship : Dahal may be on the throne, but it is clear who is setting the rules of the game, by Anurag Acharya (kp 16/05/2024) [Why is he not actually being prosecuted for his constitutional violations, lies and machinations of 2020/21, including instigating the then president to support them?]

Time to Revamp Electoral System?, by Shobhakar Parajuli (kh 14/05/2024)

From the centre to the provinces: The diminishing influence of regional parties. They once presented a formidable challenge to mainstream parties. Now the same forces are reduced to fringe positions,grappling with intra-party feuds and divisions. Experts say relevance of regional forces is still there, by Purushottam Poudel (kp 14/05/2024)

Between politics and education : Political parties will harm education if they continue using students and teachers for politics, by Abhi Subedi (kp 12/05/2024) [The abuse of teachers and pupils for party political interests is reprehensible, but difficult to avoid, as the basic right of all people to political engagement must be respected in a democratic state.]

Power Politics Detrimental To Stability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 11/05/2024)

Avoid Duplication For Resource Efficiency, by Mukti Rijal (rn 09/05/2024)

Accord Top Priority To Poverty Alleviation, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 07/05/2024)

Experts warn against hasty change in electoral system : As two major parties peddle the narrative of a flawed system that elects hung parliament, direct election is no panacea, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 04/05/2024) [The problem is the political parties and not the electoral system. Despite serious manipulation in the run-up to the elections and even greater social exclusion and nepotism, none of the ‘major’ parties are able to secure majorities. A purely direct election system is not very democratic and would still not bring about any political stability with these power-orientated ‘top politicians’!]

Culture Key To Spurring National Integration, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/05/2024)

Ethical Leadership: A Hard Nut to Crack for Many Leaders in Nepal, by Fr. Augustine Thomas 04/05/2024)

Messages from Ilam and Bajhang : The tropes used in politics are temporary, and a leader’s charisma cannot inspire voters for long, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 02/05/2024)

A new approach to legislation in Nepal : To enhance transparency in law-making, citizen’s true involvement and ownership should be ensured, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 01/05/2024)

Communist Party of Nepal (Bahunbadi) : Even if Nepal becomes a classless utopia, it will remain infested by caste hierarchy, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 30/04/2024)

Problem in provinces : The provincial-level leaders should stop acting as puppets of their political masters in Kathmandu (kp 30/04/2024)

Play of ideologies in Nepali politics : As far as I could understand, Communist Party of Nepal’s diamond jubilee did not evoke any specific history, by Abhi Subedi (kp 28/04/2024)

What Ails Our Loktantra?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 28/04/2024) [The politicians, especially the so-called top leaders!]

Securing The Quality Of Life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/04/2024)

Evidence-Based Policy Making in Nepal: Challenges and the Way Forward, by Rakshya Silwal (rep 25/04/2024)

Social Democracy Empowers People, by Bishnu Bahadur Badaila (rn 25/04/2024)

Populism and Nepal’s democracy, by Sushil Thapa (ae 23/04/2024)

Direct election of prime minister and chief ministers way out of instability : Just like a set of elite people has captured Kathmandu’s politics, another set of elites has captured the politics of Janakpur, the capital of Madhesh Province, interview with Tula Narayan Shah (kp 22/04/2024)

Health of the republic : Despite many governmental instabilities at the centre and the provinces, the republic's future is secure, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 21/04/2024)

Boost Youth Involvement In Politics, by Mukti Rijal (rn 18/04/2024)

A liberal argument against identity politics : Simply recognising the dignity and liberty of all should be enough to solve our issues, by Pravat Kafley (kp 18/04/2024)

It’s Time for Women to Take the Lead, by Prakriti Nepal (kh 17/04/2024)

Revisiting provincial structures : Instability in the provincial governments is unacceptable. Such turmoil has dissatisfied the public, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 17/04/2024)

Addressing Complex Governance Challenges, by Kalyan Shrestha (kh 16/04/2024), Questioning PM Dahal: What is hindering good governance? Prime Minister Dahal says, “National consensus has eroded” (kh 17/04/2024)

Is Nepal really a ‘yam between two boulders’?, by Simone Galimberti (ae 16/04/2024)

Focus On Good Governance, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 16/04/2024)

I am for a fully PR system with a five percent threshold : Leaders don’t want overseas voting because that will swing results in unpredictable ways. But technically, online voting is feasible, interview with Neel Kantha Uprety (kp 15/04/2024) [Excellent statements by a former Chief Election Commissioner!]

Political Stability Still Elusive, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 14/04/2024) [Political stability can only return when Oli, Dahal, Deuba and numerous other power-orientated politicians retire from the political business and a generation that is hopefully ready to deliver takes over responsibility!]

Ensure Stability For Functional Governance, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/04/2024)

Nepal’s Struggle with Federalism, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 12/04/2024)

Mediation Key To Break Political Logjam, by Mukti Rijal (rn 11/04/2024)

The allure of monumentalism : Elected versions of tinpot tyrants are erecting structures of self-aggrandisement across the country called view towers!, by CK Lal (kp 10/04/2024)

Will NC and UML form a new alliance?, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 09/04/2024)

The Coalition Crush Saga: A Tumultuous Chapter, by Anupam Bhattarai (rep 09/04/2024)

Challenges Of Implementing Constitution, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 09/04/2024) [The implementation of this constitution is definitely not wanted by the leading politicians. They break the constitution whenever they want and only use it to further their power struggles.]

Role Of Youth In Local Governance, by Jagdish Ayer (rn 09/04/2024)

What do the people want?, by Jeetendra Dev (ae 08/04/2024)

Pro-monarchy RPP emerges kingmaker in provinces : Ruling coalition turns to it to form provincial governments after a month of abandonment. Party still non-committal, by Binod Ghimire (kp 06/04/2024) [The anti-republican, anti-secular and anti-federal RPP is trying to use the weaknesses of the other parties to destroy the few important achievements after Jana Andolan II as soon as possible! And the repeatedly failed top politicians clinging to power are too stupid to realise this!]

Of women and strongmen : Hardly have women begun to creep to the top and men already think women have too much power, by Deepak Thapa (kp 04/04/2024)

Melodrama for monarchy : The monarchists' idea that the return of constitutional monarchy will solve Nepal’s problems is nostalgic, amnesiac and ahistoric, by Naresh Koirala (kp 03/04/2024)

Food security and climate resilience : Inadequate adaptation and mitigation strategies put the nation's food security and livelihoods in jeopardy, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 03/04/2024)

Politics Is Virtuous Sphere, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 03/04/2024)

By-elections : Litmus Test For Parties’ Popularity, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 02/04/2024)

Adaptation To Transitional World Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 30/03/2024)

How Long Will Remittance Sustain Nepal's Economy?, by Laxman Kafle (rn 29/03/2024)

Instability only constant in Nepali politics : Our coalition politics is no closer to finding common ground for the nation’s good, by Meena Bhatta (kp 28/03/2024)

Who is not corrupt? The politics of vote-buying has replaced ideological and ethical competitions in elections, by Achyut Wagle (kp 26/03/2024)

Nepal’s current crisis and the way out, by Jeetendra Dev (ae 25/03/2024)

Nepal’s federal fed-up : The institutionalisation of federal intervention will erode provincial democracy and autonomy, by Semanta Dahal (kp 24/03/2024)

What is the possibility of NC-UML alliance?, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 24/03/2024)

Is Broader Left Alliance In Offing?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 24/03/2024) [Apart from the greed for power and the authoritarianism of their top politicians, Nepal's pseudo-communist parties do not have much in common!]

Promoting Public Sphere Of Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/03/2024)

Ailing institutions, stagnating economy : Political leadership shapes a nation’s fate, while institutional change is prerequisite for economic growth, by Durga Gautam (kp 22/03/2024)

Interplay Between Domestic And Foreign Policy, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn 22/03/2024)

Mr. Uthal-puthal in doldrums, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 20/03/2024)

Political economy of development, by Kamal Raj Dhungel (ae 20/03/2024)

Nepal is a yam between three boulders : You can’t clearly distinguish between international and domestic factors responsible for the change in ruling coalition, interview with Khagendra Prasai by Thira L Bhusal (kp 18/03/2024)

Misuse of alliances in political power-lust : To be fair to Dahal, changing colour is a common trait among most Nepali politicians, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 17/03/2024)

Long march as resistance : Usury victims have introduced a strong  nonviolent protest in the so-called revolutionary socialist Nepal, by Abhi Subedi (kp 17/03/2024)

Nepal's Quest For Political Stability, by Rameshwar Baral (rn 15/03/2024)

Living Sustainably Through Traditional Farming, by Sanjaya Gajurel (rn 15/03/2024)

Court orders parties not to abuse proportional representation system : Constitutional Bench directs them to follow constitutional spirit of giving space to under-represented populations, by Binod Ghimire (kp 14/03/2024) [The leading politicians do not abide by the constitution and subordinate laws or court orders, i.e. they will continue to pursue their non-inclusive nepotism system!], Elite capture : The usurpation of the PR system by imposters has sowed suspicion about the idea of representation (kp 15/03/2024)

Politics of chicanery : The disregard for integrity among leaders has muddied the entire political pool, by Achyut Wagle (kp 12/03/2024)

End of Prachanda : With the change in political alliance at the center, there will be an inevitable avalanche in provincial governments, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 11/03/2024)

Nepalis deserve better politicians : Through the recent change of guard, we got a confirmation once again that trust and commitment are not valued currencies in politics, by Simone Galimberti (ae 11/03/2024)

RSP: Rise and risks : Certain concepts floating in the orbit of political science may explain what is going on with RSP, by Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp 10/03/2024)

The rule of the third : Dahal has done a lot of talking. It's time to justify his position through swift action, by Mohan Guragain (kp 10/03/2024)

Contradictory Conduct Infests Party Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 09/03/2024)

Catapulting to Singha Darbar : The more things change in Nepali politics, the more they remain the same (nt 08/03/2024)

Ensure Result-oriented Bureaucracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn 07/03/2024)

Lawmaking at the local level : Unlike the local laws, delegated laws enforced by the centre reportedly promote corruption, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 06/03/2024)

The state of State Capture, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 05/03/2024)

Cultivated instability instead of positive renewal, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (Nepal Observer 04/03/2024)

Raisina, Ram and Nepal : Nepali politicians old and new are competing to pay homage to the BJP’s brand of religious politics, by Biswas Baral (kp 04/03/2024)

Shifting Choices Of Public Life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/03/2024)

Promoting Political Harmony Via Lullabies, by Anupam Bhattarai (rn 02/03/2024)

The accelerated mass migration out of rural mountains is proof that federalism is malfunctioning, by Chetan Adhikari (nt 01/03/2024) [Those responsible are the so-called top politicians who insist on centralised power and who, despite their constant failures, declare that they are indispensable!]

Corruption and Moral Bases of Democracy, by Mohan Nepali (rep 29/02/2024)

Nepali Leftists In Post-communist World, by Mukti Rijal (rn 29/02/2024)

Of plebeians, plutocrats and populists : There are laws in place that proscribe usury, but their enforcement is fraught with institutional hurdles, by CK Lal (kp 28/02/2024)

Grasp Shifting Trends In Party Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 24/02/2024)

Mounting public frustration tests Nepali democracy : Longevity of democracy rests on effectively combating corruption and economic transformation, say experts, by Anil Giri (kp 19/02/2024)

Making Nepal more inclusive, by Simone Galimberti (ae 19/02/2024)

Implementation of Constitution and Challenges, by Kalyan Shrestha (kh 16/02/2024)

Democratising Party Leadership Essential, by Mukti Rijal (rn 15/02/2024)

Promote Human Rights And Inclusion, by Namrata Sharma (rn 14/02/2024)

What puts Nepal’s democracy in peril?, by Sushil Thapa (ae 12/02/2024)

Bind Leadership To Constitutional Ideals, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 10/02/2024)

Correcting policy failures in Nepal, by Umesh Raj Rimal (kp 09/02/2024)

Nepal's peace dilemma : The failure to conclude the transitional justice process undercuts the achievements in the structural transformation of Nepal, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 07/02/2024)

Dangerously deluded monarchists : Sensible Nepalis should aim for the secular republic's reformation and revitalisation, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 06/02/2024) [In particular, the person at the centre of the monarchist ambitions should be brought to heel immediately!]

Of alternative voting methods : Nepal must assess its capacity to implement absentee voting and digitalise elections, by Arjun Thapa (kp 06/02/2024)

Culture Serves As Soft Side Of Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 03/02/2024)

World Social Forum in Kathmandu : Gathering will bring 30,000 Nepali and international participants to Kathmandu on 15-19 February (nt 02/02/2024)

Orphanising federalism : There is a lack of research-based policy-making institutions within the government system, by Achyut Wagle (kp 30/01/2024)

Safeguarding the Legacy of Martyrs : To forcefully declare a member of a certain party as a martyr is an act of insulting the real martyr and defaming the word martyr, by Saroj Bhattarai (rep 30/01/2024

Particracy vs Democracy, by Kalyan Shrestha (kh 26/01/2024)

“Political parties must adopt a proactive approach”, interview with Devendra Paudel, CPN-MC (kh 26/01/2024)

The neglect of federalism : Concentration of power at Singha Durbar overshadows the idea of grassroots-level governance, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 24/01/2024)

Why Nepal needs deliberative democracy : Deliberative democracy could strengthen federalism at grassroots level by bringing people really closer to the decision making, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 21/01/2024)

Anomalies That Beset Left Parties, by Ritu Raj Subedi(rn 21/01/2024)

Building Rational Political Order, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/01/2024)

rithvi Narayan Shah's Dibyapodesh and Marxism, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (rep 17/01/2024)

Long hair symbolizes the nature of a rebel: CK Raut. Rebellion in Strands: Unveiling the Political Odyssey of CK Raut (based on interview), by Gyanu Ghimire (kh 17/01/2024)

The ills of pending electoral reforms : Democratising Nepal’s political parties has been a Sisyphean endeavour, by Achyut Wagle (kp 16/01/2024)

Widening Boundaries Of Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/01/2024)

South Asia amid global contestations : What we need is a unique, irreplaceable and functional regional organisation, by Sisir Bhandari and Rajib Neupane (kp 12/01/2024)

Oli and the hubris of ‘great’ Nepal : No one should bother reading about Oli’s hallucinatory visions of Nepal’s past, by Deepak Thapa (kp 11/01/2024)

Challenge To Define Vision Of Socialism, by Mukti Rijal (rn 11/01/2024)

Parties kill National Assembly’s spirit : Among those being elected, there are no field experts. The post-election upper house will also be less inclusive, by Binod Ghimire (kp 10/01/2024) [Power-hungry and authoritarian male high-caste politicians are systematically destroying all aspects of democracy and social inclusion of the modern Nepali state!]

A nation on the move, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 10/01/2024)

Nepal’s Dream: Tale of broken promises, unfulfilled ambitions, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh 09/01/2024)

Parties turn the National Assembly into a platform for losers, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 09/01/2024)

Intellectual cult in Nepali politics : One does not have to be an academician to become a political leader, by Abhi Subedi (kp 07/01/2024)

Building Trust In Public Institutions, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 06/01/2024)

Rethinking Geopolitical Labels: An Asian Perspective on 'Global South' and 'Middle East', by Prem Lamichhane (rep 06/01/2024)

Federal express : Kathmandu never really devolved power to provinces to give federalism a chance to work, by Sonia Awale (nt 05/01/2024),
The F word : Federalism has failed not because the system is flawed, but because Nepal’s politicians have (nt 05/01/2024)

How Does Technology Affect Politics? Social media has disrupted traditional political landscapes, empowering individuals to engage in public discourse like never before, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 04/01/2024)

Flying away from despondency : The poor youths have always been pushed out of the country to wherever they could find work for survival, by CK Lal (kp 03/01/2024)

Time for fifth generation reforms : Fact-based periodisation is important to capture the long evolution of Nepal’s reform process, by Achyut Wagle (kp 02/01/2024)

The Cost of Cutting Costs, by Aashish Ghimire (rep 02/01/2024)

Dahal’s hubris, inflation and misgovernance : Nepal’s remittance quickly travels back overseas due to our failure to utilise it in the productive sector, by Jagadish Prasad Bist (kp 01/01/2024))

Address Concerns Of Youths, by Ballav Dahal (rn 01/01/2024)

Year of politically-charged scams : The prime minister is not genuinely committed to combatting corruption, and his rhetoric is merely lip service, anti-corruption activists say, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 31/12/2023),  The year of crises : 2023 was unforgettable for the Nepali people. A terrible, devastating year that has scarred many, in multiple ways, by Sangam Prasain (kp 31/12/2023), All talk and no work in Parliament : While Parliament has failed to give full shape to all the committees, the panels that got their shape and leadership have not been able to create any optimism either, by Thira L Bhusal (kp 31/12/2023), Nepal’s diplomacy stretched thin : Prime Minister Dahal has an uphill battle as Nepal seeks to balance relations with its giant neighbours India and China amid growing US interest in the country, by Anil Giri (kp 31/12/2023)

Nurturing Vital Links Of Political Stability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 3012/2023)

Revisiting Nepal’s inclusion policy, by Ashansha Mulmi (nlt 27/12/2023)

A disillusioned country : Pessimism has become defining characteristic of Nepali society, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp 25/12/2023)

Motive Of ‘Mission 84’ Under Scanner, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 24/12/2023)

What Ails Nepali Political Parties?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 17/12/2023)

Flip-flops Of A Leader That Cost His Politics, by Mukti Rijal (rn 14/12/2023)

Nepal’s Constitutional Bodies Under Scrutiny : Alleged bid by ex-administrators to please leaders while in office, by Laxman Sharma (kh 13/12/2023)

Ferrari brains and media darlings : A new generation of Nepali leaders is becoming known as the ‘Ferrari brains’ in a fast-changing political landscape, by Anupam Bhattarai (ae 13/12/2023)

Social Safety Key To Poverty Alleviation, by Lok Nath Bhusal (rn 13/12/2023)

Dalit lives after Soti judgement : Unless the casteist elements of Hinduism are reformed, no amount of prison sentence will ensure human dignity, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 12/12/2023)

Aspiring To A Robust National Identity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 09/12/2023)

From crimson to saffron, a perilous path : The clamour for readopting ‘Hindu Rashtra’ reflects the Hindutva sweeping through India’s Hindi heartland, by CK Lal (kp 06/12/2023)

Parties’ Mission 84 Gimmick Or Genuine Campaign?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 05/12/2023)

Illogical logics and raja-badies, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 02/12/2023)

Political Efficacy Key To Functional Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/12/2023)

Strengthen Federalism For Effective Service Delivery, by Ranju Kafle (rn 01/12/2023)

Secularism and social inclusion or Hindu state and monarchy?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 29/11/2023)

Nepal : National Destiny in Disjunction, by Binoj Basnyat (kh 28/11/2023)

Dahal’s Delhi ‘darshan’ : Holding the decisive votes, Dahal was the kingmaker. Delhi thought ‘they could do business’ with him, by Biswas Baral (kp 27/11/2023)

Pro-royalists are having their moment. Should major parties worry? Prasai’s rally in Kathmandu has bolstered and galvanized the groups that wish to bring back monarchy and Hindu statehood, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 27/11/2023)

Ensure Public Ownership Of Lawmaking, by Krishna Man Pradhan (rn 27/11/2023)

Handling Anti-systemic Forces, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 26/11/2023)

International conference on federalism: Takeaways for Nepal : Federalism should be a tool for creating inclusive policies around the nation and not just an end to itself, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 24/11/2023)

A traffic jam in Jaleshwar : At least in Madhesh, federalism has little to do with better governance and faster development, by CK Lal (kp 22/11/2023)

Keep Vigil On Unconstitutional Moves, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 21/11/2023)

Upcoming UML-Durga Prasai showdown puts government on security alert : In a love-hate with the main opposition, Prasai is rallying people behind his cause of restoring monarchy, by Binod Ghimire (kp 19/11/2023)

Bringing Informal Polity Into Constitutional Domain, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 18/11/2023)

Inner-party Democracy Ends Mass Alienation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 11/11/2023)

This System Will Not Improve Even If ‘Top Leaders’ Retire, by Rabindra Mishra (rep 10/11/2023) [In addition to some rational criticism of Nepal's political situation, this originally "alternative" again calls for a return to monarchy, Hindu state and a reformed 1990s system. Monarchy and Hindu state are responsible for the basic evils of modern Nepal and the 1990 system was similarly abused by the party politicians as the present one. And why should Nepal return to an institution that has repeatedly committed coups? It would make more sense to exclude those responsible for the failure of the 2015 system, to fundamentally reform and implement the latter system in a socially inclusive manner and, above all, to democratise the political parties and the electoral system!], Loktantra’s Moral Turpitude, by Dipak Gyawali (sp 10/11/2023) [Dipak's criticism of the current political system as abused by so-called top politicians is fundamentally correct. However, the Hindu state is not a solution, as Nepal is a multicultural state. And the monarchy was no better than today's politicians: several coups, suppression of civil liberties, excessive enrichment at the expense of the people, lack of political stability with constantly changing governments, marginalisation of large sections of the population, extremely centralist orientation of the state, etc. What's the difference? ]

The perils of fragile institutions : How can Nepal cultivate institutional frameworks that stand the test of time?, by Rajib Neupane (kp 08/11/2023)

Misjudging Politics as Service, by Atindra Dahal (rep 08/11/2023)

Saving the Nation in Peril, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (rep 07/11/2023) [Despite all the well-founded criticism of the politics of recent decades, especially of the so-called top politicians of the political parties who have completely failed and harmed the state, the author is wrong in his condemnation of federalism and his call for a return to the non-inclusive Hindu state of the former Shah monarchy! The Hindu monarchy is anachronistic, is largely to blame for the problems of modern Nepal and does not fit in with modern times. Moreover, Hinduism and the culture of the Khas Arya are only partial aspects of a much more diversified Nepalese identity!]

Nepal's elusive peace process and Guterres’ initiative, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (rep 04/11/2023)

Governance Efficacy Vital For Functional State, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/11/2023)

Refugees Bring Opportunities, Too, by Namrata Sharma (rn 01/11/2023)

Israel-Hamas War and Nepal, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 29/10/2023)

Ethics in utilising public purse : Nepal’s legal and institutional frameworks can yield expected results only with ethical approaches, by Hari Sharma (kp 29/10/2023)

The Centrality Of The Just Order : Ethical conduct of leaders and the educated public can give hope for people to live peacefully under the shared sovereignty, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/10/2023)

Losing faith in the system : The state of politics and bureaucracy in Nepal demands urgent attention and reform, by Tulasi Acharya (kp 20/10/2023)

So many entities, so little work : There are many intergovernmental bodies, but their impact appears to be negligible, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 18/10/2023)

Democracy : A multifaceted reality in Nepal, by Saadesh Mani Pokharel (ae 16/10/2023)

Nepal’s Multipronged Foreign Policy Strategies, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 14/10/2023)

Terrible Times To Continue, by Tilak Rawal (sp 13/10/2023)

Nonalignment or Multi-alignments : Non-alignment does not imply indifference to the day's pressing issues or to remain neutral or voiceless, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep 13/10/2023)

Bureaucratic Resistance on Nepal’s Path to Federalism, by Niyati Shrestha (rep 12/10/2023)

Civic Participation Cures Democratic Deficit, by Mukti Rijal (rn 12/10/2023)

Countering the political theology of Hindutva : The accommodative Hindu way of life has become the Hindutva strain of European fascism, by CK Lal (kp 11/10/2023)

Check Alarming Exodus Of Nepalis, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 10/10/2023)

The Iih movement and beyond : Extra-party protests are likely to be popular if conventional parties’ roles become less credible, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 09/10/2023)

Labour, Poverty Alleviation And Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 07/10/2023)

Political Science Nurtures Democratic Praxis, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 30/09/2023)

Crimson, saffron and green : An ideological vacuum is turning the Madhes into fertile ground for the religious right, by Chandra Kishore (nt 29/09/2023)

The art and science of policymaking : Would you prefer a self-intuitive leader or an unprejudiced one, who welcomes multiple thoughts in decision-making?, by Janaki Kumari Sharma (ae 29/09/2023)

Evidence-based policymaking in Nepal : Many developing countries have yet to enhance their policy formulation and implementation capacity, by Hari Sharma (kp 28/09/2023)

Blaming politicians: The hypocrisy of democracy, by Prabin Kumar Yadav (ae 25/09/2023)

Build Peace Edifice For Social Justice, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/09/2023)

Shooting their mouths off : Those with a public presence have a greater responsibility in their choice of words, by Deepak Thapa (kp 21/09/2023)

Nepotism within state-sponsored corruption: Contradicting Wilson's Theory of Altruism, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 21/09/2023)

Awakening Nepal: A Stark Warning, by Prem Lamichhane (rep 20/09/2023)

Erosion of Professional Ethics : In the grand chessboard of politics, are the people still paramount, or have they become mere pawns in a larger power play?, by Nabraj Lama (rep 19/09/2023)

Map politics in South Asia : The bilateral agreement on the trilateral junction of Lipulekh is a case in point, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 17/09/2023)

Ethical Business Vital For Justice And Peace, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 16/09/2023)

Perils Of Power-centric Politics, by Mukti Rijal (rn 14/09/2023)

Global arms control and Nepal : Given our hopeless situation in arms manufacturing, our best bet is on their control, by Hitesh Kumar Bhattarai (kp 14/09/2023)

Putting an end to the reckless rhetoric of politicians, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (rep 12/09/2023)

Sunk cost fallacy in politics: Alternative voices being marginalised, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 11/09/2023)

Fresh Concerns Over Nepal's Official Map, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 05/09/2023)

Land equity for food security : Food insecurity will continue to rise if the government fails to protect agricultural land, by Jagat Deuja (kp 04/09/2023)

Some noos influencing state activities: And how they enrich diplomatic studies. By noopolitik, we mean an approach to adopting statecraft to be initiated and undertaken by non-state actors, by Madhav Shrestha (ht 04/09/2023)

Litmus Test Of Socialist Front : If the Front is confined itself in displaying only numerical muscle in the House, it is unlikely to create impact and justify its relevance in national politics, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 03/09/2023)

Leadership Development through Examen of Conscience, by Fr. Augustine Thomas (rep 01/09/2023)

Surviving a dangerous neighbourhood : Blowing with the ill winds since 2014, the spectre of ‘neo-Hindutva’ has begun to haunt Nepal, by CK Lal (kp 30/08/2023), Assessing Nepal’s Future Conflict Trends, by Rajendra Bahadur Singh (rep 30/08/2023)

Coalition for corruption : Power equations may change, but the unfair practices of the political syndicates perhaps won't, by Mohan Guragain (kp 29/08/2023)

Head on collision of judiciary and executive: A perennial problem in Nepal, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 29/08/2023)

BRICS+six and beyond : Admitting undemocratic countries to the group will only augment China’s strategic interests, by Achyut Wagle (kp 29/08/2023)

Missions impossible : Nepali politics is so volatile that it is hard to predict what will happen in six months, much less four years, by Biswas Baral (kp 28/08/2023)

A revival of BP studies : A new book highlights Koirala’s role in creating a political culture of democracy, freedom and humanism, by Abhi Subedi (kp 27/08/2023)

Public Power Vital For Democratic Realm, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/08/2023)

Democracy, Capitalism, and the Path to Social Equilibrium : Who are the beneficiaries of this new-founded political system in the small Himalayan nation?, by Amrit Poudel (rep 26/08/2023)

Unbundling federalism : Higher levels of government are undermining the constitutional roles of the lower levels, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 23/08/2023)

Ex-ministers among 238 on CIB list for land scam prosecution : Ex-prime ministers Nepal and Bhattarai spared in police report on Lalita Niwas probe submitted to district attorney, by Prithvi Man Shrestha and Anup Ojha (kp 23/08/2023) [It is a big step that politicians of the second level are prosecuted for their potential crimes, but those of the top level continue to enjoy the protection of those currently in power, who only change within the circle of the top level anyway. Otherwise, it could be that the top brass of politicians will soon disappear from the scene altogether!]

Rule for the commoners, relief for the leaders: Height of discrimination, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 22/08/2023) [In reality, the constitution was drafted by the top politicians of the major parties, i.e. by those people who constantly disregard it to this day!]

Soft state syndrome: Precursor to state failure, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 21/08/2023)

Strengthening Nepali think tanks : They have been limited by governance, incentive and efficiency-related issues, by Sushav Niraula (kp 20/08/2023)

Lame Defense Of House Dissolution, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 20/08/2023)

eformist Politics Faces Multiple Crises, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 19/08/2023)

Anti-corruption drive rattles political parties, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 18/08/2023)

Opposition’s absurdity : If the government is hamstrung on one pretext or another, people’s faith in the system starts eroding, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 17/08/2023)

How much corruption is too much? Corruption at the highest echelons of government is nothing new in Nepal, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 16/08/2023)

Parliamentarism in the swamps : A handful of top leaders of major parties decide every national issue in closed-door meetings, by Achyut Wagle (kp 15/08/2023) [This is what the so-called political leaders mean by democracy!]

Towards open governance and civic participation : There is a long way to go for Nepal to build integrity in state institutions and eradicate corruption, by Narayan Adhikari and Blair Glencorse (kp 15/08/2023)

Nepal’s Quest for balance in a Multipolar Global Landscape, by Pranab Raj Koirala (rep 15/08/2023)

The Question of Legacy : What Will Nepal's Current Leaders Leave for the New Generation?, by Nabraj Lama (rep 11/08/20233) [Hopefully the realisation that they need to do everything differently/better!]

Major parties head to grassroots, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 10/08/2023)

Joint movement of indigenous nationalities essential to safeguard achievements, say activists : Recent struggle indicates that indigenous nationalities are dissatisfied and angry but they also have no collective way to channel their frustration. Activists say the movement against the ‘Koshi’ name could inspire more groups, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 09/08/2023)

Lessons from Manipur : The Nepal government too is notorious for ignoring ethnic, caste and communal grievances, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 08/08/2023)

Too early or too late? Political parties have embarked on election campaigns. People won’t be easily fooled (kp 08/08/2023)

A tale of two CC meetings: Striking similarities and dissimilarities, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 08/08/2023)

Incompetent lawmakers: Wasting valuable time of the nation, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 07/08/2023)

The Leader is dead, long live the Leader!, by Rameshwar Baral (rep 30/07/2023)

Is Nepal a failed state? The country has not been able to create minimum economic opportunities for its bulging youth population, by Chandra Dev Bhatta (kp 25/07/2023)

Caste killing progress : Nepali Sarkis could have created luxury leather goods and become another Louis Vuitton, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 25/07/2023)

Shifting Roles Of Civil Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 22/07/2023)

Why the 1923 Nepal–Britain Treaty of Friendship is of great importance for Nepal and the UK : The 1923 treaty helped Nepal to stay as an independent sovereign state in the immediate aftermath of the independence of India, by Surya P. Subedi (nlt 18/07/2023)

Why is Nepal a fragile state?, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 17/07/2023)

An answer to food insecurity : Reclaiming land has traditionally been a way of adapting to the fury of nature, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp 17/07/2023)

The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Nepalese Politics: From Power Games to National Progress, by Nabraj Lama (rep 12/07/2023) [This can only be done with a completely new and socially inclusive political leadership! The current leadership is so caught up in power games that it can't help itself!]

Communists in saffron robes : People can’t tell which one of Prachanda's avatars is genuine and which is fake, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 11/07/2023)

Is The Future of Nepali Political Parties Doomed?, by Krishna Verma (rep 10/07/2023)

“Maoist Center appears to prolong its tenure in power”, by Arun Kumar Subedi (kh 10/07/2023)

Need To Build A Coherent National Identity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 08/07/2023)

Coalition politics in Nepal: Navigating the Challenges of Making and Breaking Alliances, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep 05/07/2023)

French riots and Nepal’s ‘respectable’ casteism : Everyone pretends that Dalits have been afforded unprecedented amounts of rights and privileges, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 04/07/2023)

Is ‘left unity’ on the card?, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 04/07/2023) [Hard to imagine! There are far too many "leaders" there who do not tolerate other gods next to them!]

Subsidised education, health care: Only partnerships can bring results, by Simone Galimberti (ht 03/07/2023)

Governance in Social transformations in Nepal, by Medani P. Bhandari (rep 03/07/2023)

Generational change in Nepali politics : The Maoist story is the most eloquent in terms of political discussions, reports and reviews, by Abhi Subedi (kp 02/07/2023)

Perils of debt-financed fiscal deficit : For developing countries with growing financing needs, well-managed debt can enable growth, by Bigyan Babu Regmi (kp 02/07/2023)

An Emerging New International Order, by Yagya Bahadur Hamal (rep 02/07/2023)

Regulating The Monopoly Of New Class, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 01/07/2023)

Straw-legged bureaucracy: Mere shadow of the politics, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 29/06/2023)

Decentralized Autonomous Nepal, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 29/06/2023)

Nepal staring at impending ‘stagflation’, economists say : Political instability, violence, and climate disasters have been threatening food security in South Asia: Experts, by Sangam Prasain and Krishana Prasain (kp 20/06/2023)

Discussion on Changing the Electoral System : Is social inclusion falling out of reach?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 19/06/2023)

Dunning-Kruger effect in Nepali politics : Intellectual shortfall at its peak, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 19/06/2023)

Democracy in Disarray, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep 19/06/2023)

Strategy To Boost Bargaining Power?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 18/06/2023)

A Fish Rots from its head, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 17/06/2023)

Cultic Culture Crushes Democratic Hope, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 17/06/2023)

Why Democracy Lacks Trust And Respect, by Rameshwar Baral (rn 16/06/2023)

Maps and more : When our government adopted a new map of Nepal, not half an eyebrow was raised in New Delhi, by Deepak Thapa (kp 15/06/2023)

Misinformed lawmakers, misleading debates : They must engage in policy discussions with arguments supported by facts and evidence, by Ishwari Bhattarai and Kiran Dahal (kp 13/06/2023)

Eroding decorum of the HoR : Lawmakers to be blamed, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 12/06/2023)

Deuba moots election system change : Speaks of having in place FPTP system for HoR and PR system for National Assembly, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 11/06/2023) [Deuba pleads for the final end of social inclusion in the HoR instead of ensuring that this inclusion is also prescribed in the selection of candidates for the FPTP system! 15 percent male Khas Arya should be the absolute limit for all political levels and also for the leadership levels of political parties if Nepal's social harmony is to be maintained!]

Age, term limits in political parties contingent on top leaders’ whims : If bureaucrats, professors and justices retire, why not politicians, asks ex-election chief, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 10/06/2023), Gerontocracy Ruling The Roost?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 11/06/2023)

Presidential Pardons, explained : The controversial practice of Presidential Pardons in Nepal: Examining the constitutional provisions and political implications, by Anjila Shrestha (nlt 09/06/2023) [Nepal is not under the rule of law, but under the rule of so-called top politicians, all incompetent and repeatedly failed! And they seriously claim to always have the law on their side!]

Intersection of Politics and Professions: Nepal's Paradoxical Scenario, by Nabraj Lama (rep 08/06/2023)

Dahal’s India visit: A postscript : Mismatch of more reliance on India and people’s desire to break free of its embrace could turn ugly, by Biswas Baral (kp 05/06/2023)

Many see Dahal’s temple worship as deviation from his Marxist ideology : Nepali communists follow Marxism, which talks about dialectical materialism and says religion is an opiate to the people, by Binod Ghimire (kp 03/06/2023) [Their slogans are mostly phrasemongering. For example, no one advocates the inclusion and rights of women, Dalits, ethnic groups and Madheshi and reduces the proportion of male Khas Arya to a reasonable level in the allocation of posts! The handling of citizenship is also an outstanding example!]

Safeguarding republicanism : We must initiate several reforms to ensure citizens’ continued trust in the current system, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 31/05/2023)

Good Governance Key To Improving Republic, by Ballav Dahal (rn 29/05/2023)

Republican Nepal fails to achieve its stated objectives : As the country celebrates 16th Republic Day, its politics has blatantly failed to live up to the people’s expectations, say observers, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 29/05/2023)

17 rights activists protesting against corruption taken into custody (kh 28/05/2023) [This is the state of the rule of law in Nepal: civil society protesters are arrested, convicted and sentenced murderers are released, potential rapists are courted and celebrated, women are not categorised as full and equal citizens, the historical and cultural identity of the majority of the population is disregarded in an authoritarian manner, disagreeable statements by parliamentarians are expunged from the record after the House of Representatives is blocked, etc.], Fringe parties, independent lawmakers complain of negligence in parliament (kh 28/05/2023) [This is the state of a ruling oligarchy and not a democracy!]

Key Requisites For Nation-building, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 28/25/2023)

Ungreasing the wheels of corruption: Three Lessons for Nepal, by Alok K Bohara (rep 27/05/2023)

Essential To Overcome Political Malaises, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/05/2023)

The reign of private interests : A system that does nothing about conflict of interest is likely to foster corruption, inefficiency, and moral decline, by Basanta K Pokharel (kp 26/05/2023)

The poverty of republican imagination : The divisive 2015 constitution has almost foreclosed any chance of further reforming society and polity, by CK Lal (kp 24/05/2023)

The crux of the matter, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 24/05/2023)

A plethora of pipedreams : Some items in the latest programme have been reappearing unfailingly for the past 30 years, by Achyut Wagle (kp 23/05/2023) [This is due to the fact that the same old failed and totally incompetent politicians are clinging to power. They can't think of anything better, let alone solutions!]

Pashupati Shumsher Rana: Fragility of parties does not forecast a stable future, interview with Pashupati Shamsher JB Rana (ae 23/05/2023)

How language reflects social and racial prejudices against Madhesh, by Sushant Nepali (rep 22/05/2023)

Power to youth by councils : Creating youth councils will be a way to support the decision making process in all levels of government in Nepal. However, such forums should be based on merit, inclusion and diversity, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 22/05/2023)

Vigilance after refugee scam : The responsible people of the political parties and the bureaucracy have established an uncanny alliance, by Abhi Subedi (kp 21/05/2023)

Bhutanese Refugee Scam : Parties Must Not Interfere In Prosecution, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 21/05/2023)

Why are Nepalis Leaving the Country?, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 21/05/2023)

Nurturing Leadership Ideals, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/05/2023)

Grassroots Citizens Voice Against Status Quo, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/05/2023)

Nepal is failing on multiple fronts. What can be the way out? We should first be able to discern neighbors’ core interests and maneuver our binding compulsions while managing our internal problems, by Suresh Sharma (nlt 12/05/2023)

Fault lines in foreign policy : Nepal’s western border issue is on the backburner and there has only been a coy response from political elite, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 12/05/2023)

No trust, no credibility : The singular mission of all major political parties in Nepal has been to grab power by any means, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 11/05/2023)

The Hindutva template of hegemony : The controversy over Bhanubhakta’s statue shows the emancipation of the subaltern is a long process, by CK Lal (kp 10/05/2023)

By-poll Message To Parties, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 10/05/2023)

Of political parties and leaders : The binary of democrats and communists is the most commonly used expression in Nepali political parlance, by Abhi Subedi (kp 07/05/2023)

Reasoned Debate Key To Civic Renewal, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 06/05/2023)

By-election 2023: Swing voting or polarisation? The use of informal networks, rather than open policy debate, is still a key to winning elections, by Sanjeev Humagain (kp 05/05/2023)

Generational idiosyncrasy of Nepali Congress : To be relevant again, the party must flush out the toxic residues of Machiavellian politicking from its culture, by Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp 03/05/2023)

In a recession : There is no political consensus on boosting economy, creating jobs and unlocking public spending (kp 02/05/2023), Appoint Chief Justice right away : A delay in the appointment of the head of the top court casts doubt on the judiciary's independence, by Dipendra Jha (kp 02/05/2023)

Key Takeaways For Established Parties, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 02/05/2023)

Fork in the road for RSP : Can the party develop a loyal cadre base that can work for the long haul without seeking immediate personal gains?, by Biswas Baral (kp 01/05/2023)

New forces came and went. Will emerging parties be different? Swatantra, Janamat became national parties at one go. Here’s a peek into their prospects, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 30/04/2023)

Death of ideological politics in Nepal : Misfortune looms large over the fate and longevity of existing ideology-based political parties in Nepal, by Matrika Poudyal (ae 30/04/2023)

Opportunism and sacrifice in politics : The contest between the older parties and the newbies is one between stagnation and kinetics, by Avasna Pandey (kp 30/04/2023)

Prevent Partisanisation Of State Apparatuses, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 29/04/2023)

The Byawastha-Awastha Hypothesis, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 27/04/2023)

The politics of emotional control : The polls have diverted the national attention away from some of the more pressing issues of political economy, by CK Lal (kp 26/04/2023)

Communist Parties In Existential Crisis, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 26/04/2023)

National mood-swing : The by-elections have reaffirmed the young voters’ disillusionment with traditional political parties, by Anurag Acharya (kp 26/04/2023)

Stunned by the RSP, can Nepal’s old parties reinvent themselves? The trouncing of the candidates of established parties in the by-elections is being seen as a ‘do or die’ moment for the forces that have promised much but delivered little, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 26/04/2023), Tipping poin : If the political biggies do not mend their errant ways, they will face even more reverses in coming days (kp 26/04/2023)

Committees Boost Parliament’s Efficacy, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 25/04/2023)

Land, Livelihood and Climate Change, by Jagat Deuja (rep 22/04/2023)

Deliberative Public Key To Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 22/04/2023)

Nepal in a multipolar world : We should recognise that inviting the influence of major powers can be risky and costly, by Amrit Poudel (kp 21/04/2023)

Electricity for us first : Will Nepal’s hydro that is translating into billions in export earnings benefit the Nepali people?, by Bishal Thapa (kp 21/04/2023)

“Nepal has strayed significantly from its intended path”, interview with Jayaraj Acharya (kh 20/04/2023)

Save Public Institutions From Decline, by Mukti Rijal (rn 20/04/2023)

Focus On Good Governance, Prosperity, by Namrata Sharma (rn 19/04/2023)

Constant tussle for power has crippled provincial governance : The power-centric mindset of Kathmandu-based politicians blamed for putting federalism in jeopardy, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 18/04/2023)

Democracy in retreat : Top leaders of old parties lack public trust despite their successes in electoral arithmetic, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 17/04/2023)

Creating Autonomous Economic Space, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 15/04/2023)

Should we review the constitution? Experts have no definite answer, but they do agree on one thing: the political parties must change their attitude and implement the constitution to the letter, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 13/04/2023)

Living Sustainably to Ensure a Future of Sustainability, by Basu Gautam (rep 13/04/2023)

Strengthen Public Finance Management, by Mukti Rijal (rn 13/04/2023)

What will become of Nepal’s multiparty democracy and federalism? Experts warn that the entire multiparty polity and federalism may suffer collateral damage if political actors do not heed to the warning signs on the wall (nlt 12/04/2023)

Overcoming Hurdles To Good Governance, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 08/04/2023)

Power in the wrong hands, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (rep 08/04/2023)

Parties’ Mercurial Acts Erode Credibility. by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 01/04/2023)

Tackling Geopolitics In South Asia, by Liladhar Upadhyaya (rn 01/04/2023)

Unfinished political reform : The practice of internal democracy in our major political parties is essentially absent or a sham, by Achyut Wagle (kp 28/03/2023)

What good are the sister wings of Nepal’s political parties? Sister organisations of political parties are forgetting their roles and gradually losing their relevance, observers say, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 28/03/2023) [They primarily serve the party-political infiltration of Nepali society in the interest of a handful of political leaders!]

A crowded, cacophonous cockpit : American, Indian and Chinese representatives will start sniping at each other, as Nepal looks on helplessly, by Biswas Baral (kp 27/03/2023)

‘The country is severely ill:’ NC leader Shekhar Koirala : During the house session on Sunday, Nepali Congress leader Shekhar Koirala raised some pressing issues, while saying that the country’s political system has already witnessed the first step of failure (nlt 26/03/2023) [It is not so much the system as the way the authoritarian and power-hungry politicians abuse it for their selfish ends!], 'Consensus inevitable to overcome economic crisis' (ht 27/03/2023)

Nepal’s New Challenges with Super Powers, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 26/03/2023)

Treading Forked Geopolitical Paths, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 25/03/2023)

Crime and politics: How politics shapes criminal activity : Nexus between politics and crime is evident in the way criminal gangs operate in Nepal. Many criminal gangs have links to political parties and they use their political connections to expand their criminal activities, by Bikash Yadav (nlt 19/03/2023)

Consensus Culture Key To Stability, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 19/03/2023) [The biggest obstacle to political stability are the endless power struggles of the so-called top politicians who completely overestimate their own importance!]

Citizens Transcending Partisan Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 18/03/2023)

Promoting Accommodative Leadership, by Mukti Rijal (rn 16/03/2023)

Political mentorship vital for better future leaders, by Drithata Silwal (ae 14/03/2023)

Stop the Misuse of Presidential Power of Pardon, by Ravi Nayak (rep 12/03/2023)

Taking Nation Out Of Political Muddle, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 11/03/2023)

Towards political stability : The strength of the House of Representatives should be reduced from 275 to 165 members, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 08/03/2023) [A series of proposals for a change in the political system, some of which could form a good basis for discussion! What is still missing, however, is the democratisation of the parties and the underlying Political Party Act. The lack of social inclusion and political instability is mainly due to the machinations of the divisive top politicians!]

Evolving gender equations : Women should speak up for justice notwithstanding concerns of family reputation or social pressure, by Sushila Karki (kp 08/03/2023)

Ideology and Politics in Nepal, by Naren Khatiwada (rep 08/03/2023)

Nepal’s opposition politics has been a saga of opportunism : The country’s post-1990 history is testament to the undemocratic nature of opposition parties, irrespective of their ideological bent, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 07/03/2023)

Left Movement in Nepal : Devoid Of Ideological Compass, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 05/03/2023)

Nepali Politics Takes A New Twist, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/03/2023)

Premiership in instalments, by Rabin Giri (nt 03/03/2023)

Opposition sans spirit : Ideological adultery among political parties has crushed the spirit of oppositional politics (kp 03/03/2023)

Of betrayals and retributions : Economy, employment, and public service delivery remain under the shadow of the farce that is Nepali politics, by Achyut Wagle (kp 28/02/2023)

Sticking To Principle Vital For Stability, by Birendra P Mishra (rn 27/02/2023)

Befriend and betray: It’s all too easy for Nepali politicians : The federal coalition is on the brink with Dahal, CPN (Maoist Centre) chief and prime minister, backing a Congress candidate for President, by Purushottam Poudel (kp 27/02/2023)

Holidays on demand: Immature and arbitrary practice, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 27/02/2023)

Native Culture In A State Of Flux, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 25/02/2023)

Decline And Fall Of The Nepali Maoists, by Dipak Gyawali (sp 24/02/2023)

Celebrating National Oligarchy Day!, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 21/02/2023)

Coalition politics : Where strength is generally the weakness, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 2102/2023), Untimely consensus : Forging a “national consensus” in the absence of national emergencies is an affront to multiparty politics (kp 22/02/2023)

The wrong way: Political parties in Nepal are trying to elect someone who works at their behest as the president : The ongoing contention of the political parties to elect their loyalists indicates that they want to exercise more powers through the president's office, by Ashim Neupane (nlt 20/02/2023)

Nepal's Quest for Wider State Capabilities, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (rep 19/02/2023)

Presidential Election Intensifies Political Manoeuvres, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 19/02/2023)

Democracy And Right To Equal Opportunity, by Nanda Lal Tiwari (rn 19/02/2023)

Changing Political Landscape of Nepal, by Ganesh Mandal (rep 18/02/2023)

Revitalise Civic Life For Common Good, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 18/02/2023)

Political Instability Hits Economic Development, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 16/02/2023)

Nepal's democracy constraints: Parties, leaders be accountable, by Ganesh Mandal (ht 16/02/2023)

Presidents and precedents : Bad precedents in a budding democracy like Nepal’s can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 15/02/2023)

A tribute to the privileged few : Competitive stupidity comes naturally to the decision makers of a country with the lowest IQ, by CK Lal (kp 15/02/2023)

Republicanism and presidency : Events of the past 15 years should provide valuable experience for the next President, by Achyut Wagle (kp 14/02/2023)

All is fair in war (and peace) : Retelling the Maoist conflict, and its impact on Nepali society and politics, by Rajendra Dahal (nt 10/02/2023)

Prachanda and company : Prachanda has no need to fear how history will view him for achievements since 2006 but he could still bungle it, by Deepak Thapa (kp 09/02/2023)

Ministerial responsibility versus party ideology: Need to maintain decorum, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 07/02/2023)

Rationalising smart alignment strategy : Great powers want Nepal to side with them and become part of their respective strategies or initiatives, by Purna B Silwal (kp 07/02/2023)

Social justice moving backwards : The leaders of the political parties are the biggest obstacles to achieving social justice, by Pradip Pariyar (kp 06/02/2023)

hat about political stability in Nepal? Lack of rule of law, unconstitutionality and infighting among top politicians, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 05/02/2023)

Dahal’s instability: His trait or nature of coalition politics? Maoist party’s growing challenges and Dahal’s need to constantly manoeuvre to stay relevant run parallel, by Anil Giri (kp 05/02/2023)

Ruling Allies Facing Trust Deficit?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 05/02/2023)

Political Match-Fixing, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 04/02/2023)

Forge National Consensus On Core Interests, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/02/2023)

Role Of Informed Citizens In Democracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn 02/02/2023)

Comedy Of Errors In Politics, by Namrata Sharma (rn 01/02/2023)

When faith in the system fails : It is becoming difficult to describe what politicos actually do other than fulltime politicking, by CK Lal (kp 01/02/2023)

Evidence-based policy-making in Nepal: A driver of better implementation, by Kanchan Rauniyar (ht 01/02/2023)

Conflict of interest: Taken for granted in Nepal, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 30/01/2023)

Do we need High Level Political Mechanism at all? Political parties often form political mechanisms though such mechanisms are not recognized by law and its relevance and effectiveness are always questioned, by Kishor Dahal (nlt 29/01/2023)

Is Nepali politics postmodernist? Nepali politics appears to be moving towards some kind of uncertainty, by Abhi Subedi (kp 29/01/2023)

Imperatives Of Trust In Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 28/01/2023)

People are increasingly adapting to the new federal setup, report says : The overall perception of the country’s direction has been negative but people in remote areas and marginalised groups are more optimistic than others, according to the report, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 27/01/2023)

Maoist Centre, which leads government, is trying to form a sub-alliance : Dahal’s Maoist Centre, Yadav’s Janata Samajbadi, Nepal’s Unified Socialist and Bhattarai’s Nepal Samajbadi are trying to come together in any form, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 27/01/2023)

Decay of the party system : Political culture will suffer if parties adopt a nepotistic approach to politics, by Sambridh Ghimire (kp 26/01/2023)

Flames of resistance : Prem Acharya set himself ablaze as a protest against the dehumanisation of ordinary Nepalis (kp 26/01/2023)

Wishy-washy parliamentary committees : Many crucial bills died because the House of Representatives dawdled until the expiry of its term, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 25/01/2023)

Ruling coalition fails to ensure inclusiveness in Cabinet : Political parties won’t ensure inclusion, unless it’s made mandatory by amending the constitution, says expert, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 21/01/2023) [This reflects the basic non-inclusiveness of all political parties! Nepal is still not a democracy, but an oligarchy dominated and controlled by male Khas Arya.]

Rationality Of Democratic Opposition, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/01/2023)

Parliament sans opposition : It happen only in Nepal, by Pushpa Raj Joshi (ht 20/01/2023)

Having multiple deputy prime ministers adds to the state’s liability : The trend of appointing many deputy prime ministers indicates Nepali politics’ degeneration into just a ‘number’s game’, by Binod Ghimire (kp 18/01/2023)

Putting national interest first : Nepal should learn from its neighbours that it needs to pursue an independent foreign policy, by Nischal Dhungel and Abijit Sharma (kp 18/01/2023)

(Un)Common Minimum Program : Anyone taking a deeper dive into the new coalition government’s common minimum program will immediately find it to be hurriedly drawn, highly ambitious, populist and distributive in character, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 17/01/2023)

Nepal: What the Election of 2022 Denotes, by Binoj Basnyat (kh 17/01/2023)

Implement the Charter in letter and spirit for progress, prosperity, by Jivesh Jha (ae 17/01/2023) [The Oli and Dahal manufactured government of 2018 had no interest in this, nor did those manufactured by Deuba, Dahal and others in 2021! Why should this change with the current government, manufactured by Dahal, Oli and others? Oh, I just see, Dahal has always been involved!]

Parties snub inclusion principle in top provincial posts : All chief ministers are male. Constitution is silent on what should be done if the authorities fail to ensure proportional representation, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 16/01/2023) [This is not a trivial offence, but a serious violation of the Constitution, the fundamental law of the land, and should be punished accordingly. In an increasingly conscious society, the social balance is in danger!]

Uphold Spirit Of PR Election System, by Sangita Subedi (rep 16/01/2023)

Our metamorphosis to kakistocracy : To make matters worse, we now have a newly formed Parliament with no opposition, by Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp 15/01/2023)

Nepal In Cauldron Of Security Initiatives, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 14/01/2023)

Left, Right…Right Left…..No Right, No Left, by Keshab Poudel (sp 13/01/2023)

The liberal young : There is not one political party that remains unswayed by the shenanigans of power politics, by Deepak Thapa (kp 12/01/2023)

The indelible permanent establishment, by Pranab Kharel (ae 12/01/2023)

Strengthening federalism : Reforming the electoral system is a vital condition for the stability of federalism, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 11/01/2023) [However, legal changes are also needed that stop the constant interference of the national level in the executive and legislative affairs of the provinces!]

Main opposition concept comes into question : Congress leaders say the party has lost moral ground to claim opposition role after giving confidence vote to Dahal, by Anil Giri (kp 11/01/2023), Plot thickens as Nepali Congress gives Dahal vote of confidence : Speculations rife of Deuba striking some kind of tacit agreement with prime minister, by Purushottam Poudel (kp 11/01/2023), No opposition party in parliament!, by Kosh Raj Koirala (rep 11/01/2023)

Government of national consensus: Easily said but difficultly done, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 10/01/2023)

Recipe of Nepali politics: Betrayal, immorality and power bargain, by Pushpa R Joshi (ht 09/01/2023)

Politics As A Domain Of Liberty, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 07/01/2023)

Power sharing, inclusive politics in Nepal: Honour the constitutional principle, by Yagya Bahadur Karki (ht 06/01/2023) [When will the arrogant high-caste macho males at the top of the state and political parties finally be punished for their constant disregard of the constitution and laws? A permanent ban from political office should be the minimum punishment! This is not a trivial offence, but malicious intent!]

Debate On Presidential System, by Birendra P Mishra (rn 05/01/2023)

The season of liberal exuberance : Dahal knows that Kathmandu’s libertarians love the announcement of game-changer proposals, by CK Lal (kp 04/01/2023)

Nepal’s PM warns of action in case of unnecessary delay in service delivery. Then Passport Department announces system failure. Is this only a coincidence? : Nepal’s democratization processes have failed to foster effective civil service reform. Largely characterized as a conformist force, bureaucracy is politically divided and less accountable to people (nlt 03/01/2023)

BP’s Vision For Changing Geopolitics, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rn 03/01/2023)

Identity politics going through a churn : The November elections were not in favour of the parties that have long relied on it, by Binod Ghimire (kp 02/01/2023)

Fractured Popular Mandate and Political Stability, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep 02/01/2023)

Jhapa has turned into ‘power centre’ of national politics : The eastern district is now what Biratnagar used to be between 1990 and 2010, by Arjun Rajbanshi (kp 02/01/2023) [Ultimately, in both cases, these are men from the high-caste population groups who were originally at home in the hilly region!]

A wind of change is blowing : But voters are sceptical whether the new parties and leaders will do anything different because the parties and even some independent candidates have repeatedly tricked the public with their false promises, analysts say, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 30/12/2022) [But the eternally outdated, failed male top politicians have not yet grasped it!]

Finding leaders in 2023 : It is important to leverage the enthusiasm of the youths besides the experience of the elders, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 27/12/2022)

Duties Of Voters Merit In Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 24/12/2022)

No End To Transactional Politics, by Mukti Rijal (rn 22/12/2022) [The arrogance with which the ageing and failed so-called top politicians ignore their electoral defeat can no longer be surpassed! In a functioning democracy, such politicians would have resigned long ago!]

Respect the Results of Change : In view of the demography and the challenges facing the country, new leadership with vitality and vision is the demand of the time and passion of the people, by Chiranjibi Paudyal (rep 22/12/2022)

Melancholy of the Madheshi intelligentsia : Except Madhesh, all other provinces are patterned after the old regional administrative system, by CK Lal (kp 21/12/2022)

Importance Of A Strong Opposition, by Namrata Sharma (rn 21/12/2022) [In this sense, parties that distinguished themselves as alternatives in the elections should not participate in government now!]

Can Businessmen be Successful Politicians?, by Shanker Man Singh (rep 20/12/2022)

Impeachment conundrum: Making a mockery of the constitution, by Pushpa R Joshi (ht 19/12/2022)

Set the Tone for Post-leadership Reality, by Augustine Thomas (rep 19/12/2022)

Leadership Integrity Vital For Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 17/12/2022)

Who will be Nepal’s next PM?, by Akhilesh Tripathi (rep 15/12/2022), Which first: PM appointment or House session? President’s Office says there has been no consultations about which of the two routes to take (kp 15/12/2022) [Article 76 of the Constitution states that the politician who has a majority of deputies in the HoR shall be appointed prime minister. But this majority can only exist after the House has met for the first time!]

Parties Need To Work Together, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 15/12/2022), Pros And Cons Of Coalition Politics, by Mukti Rijal (rn 15/12/2022)

Whither the Post-Election Nepali politics?, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (rep 14/12/2022)

Assessing the election results : Experiments with coalition governments have been marred by corruption scandals, by Nishchal N Pandey (kp 12/12/2022)

Court verdict doesn’t shield against Parliament dissolution in all cases, interview with Bipin Adhikari (kp 12/12/2022)

Good governance is the need of the hour : Unemployment, inflation, expensive healthcare services and costlier education are the major challenges Nepali people are dealing with on a daily basis, by Jivesh Jha (nlt 07/12/2022)

Rightist tilt in Nepal : History shows that politics devoid of philosophical underpinnings last only a season, by Achyut Wagle (kp 06/12/2022)

The last dance of the old guards : With the recent drive of youth sensation in leadership, public sentiment seems to have shifted more towards the younger generation of politicians and new faces, by Nabin Kafle (nlt 06/12/2022)

Future course of Nepali politics: Heading towards yet another cycle of instability, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 06/12/2022)

The mad rush for power could destabilise politics : All big and small parties are negotiating to join government. Seemingly, no one wants to stay in the opposition, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 06/12/2022)

Changing Electoral Landscape, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 03/12/2022)

Patronizing Sovereign Dignity of Nepal, by GP Acharya (rep 03/12/2022)

Fix Delivery Means To Fulfill Promises, by Mukti Rijal (rn 01/12/2022)

Contours of post-election politics : Democracy seems to have become stronger with the popular quest for alternatives, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 27/11/2022)

The ambition of politicians and the will of voters : Attempt of a first election analysis, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (Nepal Observer 27/11/2022)

Remarkable Electoral Shifts, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/11/2022)

Stability For Sustainable Development, by Bishnu Prasad Khanal (rn 24/11/2022)

Defining Contours Of Democracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn 24/11/2022)

Validation of the existing order : Voters have validated the status quo with their participation as well as abstention, by CK Lal (kp 23/11/2022)

A eulogy to unfact : During election campaigns, when truth is reduced to pithy slogans, facts are far from simple errors of details, by Dharma Adhikari (kp 23/11/2022)

The mavericks are coming : The parties should get the message that the Nepali people are getting tired of their ways, by Achyut Wagle (kp 22/11/2022)

Inclusion and reservation: Experiences from other countries, remedies for Nepal : The simple fact that political parties are neglecting potential candidates from Dalit and Janajati communities and women is an indicator that the country needs even stronger quota provisions for them, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 19/11/2022)

Balancing Liberty And Social Order, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 19/11/2022)

Politics in remaking, by Chandra Dev Bhatta (ae 17/11/2022)

Democracy beyond elections : Without adequate representation, marginalised communities in Nepal are less likely to have their issues addressed, by Narayan Adhikari and Nicholas Budny (kp 17/11/2022)

Party Positions Vis-à-vis Manifestos, by Mukti Rijal (rn 17/11/2022)

Election Manifestos and Reformation of Government and Electoral System, by Rajendra Bahadur Singh (rep 13/11/2022)

Fair Polls Enhance Freedom Of Choice, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 12/11/2022)

Season of discontent : This year’s election has been marked by a refrain of discontent against traditional parties and their leaders, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 11/11/2022)

Simmer in the geopolitical cauldron : For Indians, the Treaty of 1950 is the prime concern, everything else is optics, by CK Lal (kp 09/11/2022)

‘Tragic brilliance’ federalism : Citizens not only accept the defects, but also play a role in maintaining the system, by Achyut Wagle (kp 08/11/2022)

A toxic cocktail An alliance between wealth and power is a structural problem that all nations have to handle, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp 08/11/2022)

Psychological aspect of Nepali politics : The politicians' existential angst comes out clearly in their unrealistic work plans, by Abhi Subedi (kp 06/11/2022)

The Need Of Civic Renewal, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 05/11/2022)

Upper house panel suggests fewer ministries to cut costs : Calls for scrapping 10 federal ministries and reducing the number of provincial ministries to 10 percent of assembly’s size, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 04/11/2022)

Our election, their election : Sunak was chosen not for his longevity in politics, but because he was considered the best, by Deepak Thapa (kp 03/11/2022)

Managing Nepal’s fiscal risks : These risks are caused by political and administrative errors made in managing the public economy, by Gopi K Khanal (kp 03/11/2022)

Voting for the independents : Their election victory will send a message to the political lifers and their servile cadres, by Naresh Koirala (kp 31/10/2022)

The declared ideals of 2006 and today’s political impasse, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 24/10/2022)

Defining Autonomy Of Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 22/10/2022)

Constitutional Commissions: Search For Visible Role, by Keshab Poudel (sp 21/10/2022)

Fool Us Once, Fool Us Twice…, by Akhilesh Tripathi (rep 20/10/2022)

3-party dictatorship : Nepal’s break-up and make-up electoral politics undermines democracy (nt 14/10/2022), Nepal’s parties forge new pre-poll alliances : Seat sharing deals for November's federal elections indicate that ideology does not matter anymore, by Shristi Karki (nt 14/10/2022) [Party ideologies have long been lost! It's all about power and the advantages of the top politicians!]

Advocates of independent politics fall into party line : Campaigners aiming for a new way of doing politics organise for proportional electoral seats, by Binod Ghimire (kp 14/10/2022), Opportunity For New Faces, by Yug Bahadur (rn 14/10/2022)

Federal and provincial elections: Test for the independent candidates : Several challenges will confront the independent candidates if they will win in the upcoming federal and provincial elections. Yet also they will have the greatest opportunity to re-shape the political space in Nepal, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 13/10/2022)

No room for experts in Nepali politics : Experts say the problem with Nepali leaders is most of them consider themselves ‘Mr know all’ and ignore expert advice, by Anup Ojha (kp 13/10/2022)

Subverting political federalism : The coalition culture has sidelined deserving candidates in favour of cronies and sycophants, by Achyut Wagle (kp 11/10/2022)

Multiple organ failures of the nation: Can the new election lead to its recovery?, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 11/10/2022)

Nepali elections are becoming a battle of same old faces : Lack of internal democracy in political parties is mainly to be blamed, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 11/10/2022) [Maybe not yet a failing state, but definitely a failing democracy!], Continuity over change : The new roster of tried and tested electoral candidates does not inspire much confidence (kp 11/10/2022)

The centrality of elections in political process : Historically, the parties that shied away from elections have become irrelevant, by Thira L Bhusal (kp 11/10/2022)

Let Election Ensure Stability, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 09/10/2022) [This hope is unlikely to be fulfilled, as all the failed politicians continue to consider themselves indispensable. The continuation of patriarchy, social non-inclusion, Bahunbad and personal power struggles is guaranteed!]

Ending The Irony Of Politics : The parliamentary politics of Nepal is confined by its constitutional frame of adversarial mode, power collusion and patronage based political culture, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 01/10/2022)

Swing votes : Politics is not about people, it is only about power in Nepal – more so than elsewhere, by Shristi Karki (nt 30/09/2022)

‘Rastriyata’ and the abuse of emotions : Unyielding nationalism is not realistic in today’s world, and it is time we started rethinking ours, by Naresh Koirala (kp 30/09/2022)

Data can strengthen democratic systems : A successful democracy provides men and women equal opportunities for representation, by Rohini Pande, Adnan Khan & Michael Callen (kp 29/09/2022)

Call for rejuvenation in Nepal’s foreign policy, by Saurav Raj Pant (kh 28/09/2022)

Get the Governance Right, by Lal Shanker Ghimire (kh 28/09/2022)

Use of pocket veto: Yet another disregard of the constitution, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 28/09/2022)

Political Rise Of The Alternatives As Loktantra Decays, by Dipak Gyawali (sp 27/09/2022)

Constitutionalism in crisis : Ironically, the final interpreter of the constitution, the Supreme Court, itself is mired in hazy confusion, by Achyut Wagle (kp 27/09/2022)

Adjusting To Shifting Geopolitics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 24/09/2022)

Rule of the lawless : Following the rules in Nepal is an exception, rather than the rule (nt 23/09/2022)

United in dotage : Old age runs deep in Nepal’s mainstream politics (nlt 16/09/2022) [These failed politicians, who still believe they are indispensable, are, besides authoritarian party structures, the fundamental problem of Nepali politics!]

Insulating sentiments from hurt : We must learn to become more tolerant and inclusive to strengthen our democracy, by Avasna Pandey (kp 12/09/2022)

Is alternative politics on the wane in Nepal? The leaders of ‘alternative forces’ have turned out to be no different than the conventional political parties, experts say, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 10/09/2022

High and mighty : We should debate whether we need VIPs flashing their status to our faces every opportunity they find, by Deepak Thapa (kp 08/09/2022)

‘Our political leaders have deluded us with ideological slogans and outdated doctrines as recipes for development, interview with Kul Chandra Gautam (nlt 07/09/2022)

Theory of dissent : ‘None of the above’ is a legitimate option that allows the electorate to reject candidates, by Samar SJB Rana & Vera Jasmine Shrestha (kp 02/09/2022)

Indirectly elected representatives, most of whom are women, have less powers : In the upcoming elections, women aspire to contest first-past-the-post seats but political parties don’t seem enthusiastic to give them tickets, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp 31/08/2022) [According to the patriarchal thinking of the ruling male elite, Nepal belongs only to men, especially to those from the Tagadhari castes, particularly the Bahuns. The citizenship law and the current discussion on this matter make this clear. Since because of the alliance the direct candidacies are also divided among the parties, the ruling men cannot "waste" any mandate on women!]

People’s issues ignored as parties are overly fixated on power : One year since adopting their common minimum programme, the ruling parties have never discussed the commitments, by Purushottam Poudel (kp 31/08/2022)

The Rules Of Democratic Game, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/08/2022)

Bring Fresh Faces To Leadership, by Yug Bahadur (rn 26/08/2022) [And this must be done inclusively. Given the existing disproportion, at least half should be women; at least 20 per cent should go to Dalits; a male Bahun should only be added if at least three male Bahuns drop out at the same time!]

Mergers and factions : Given past experience, we might as well write off the yet-to-be-born party even before it comes into being, by Deepak Thapa (kp 25/08/2022), Failed Bids To Form New Parties, by Mukti Rijal (rn 25/08/2022)

Ending Ambiguity In Foreign Policy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/08/2022)

Prevent Intellectual Decadence, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 19/08/2022)

Why Politicians Need Moral Integrity?, by Mukti Rijal (rn 18/08/2022), Integrity in leadership: Ways to enhance it, by Ramesh Ghimire (ht 18/08/2022), “This is the last opportunity for senior political leaders” : "Politics with ideals seems out of sight of late", interview with Deep Kumar Upadhyaya (kh 19/08/2022)

Ritualistic conduct of elections : Unless street protests erupt once again, Nepal is doomed to endure more of the same, by CK Lal (kp 17/08/2022)

How political parties in Nepal are failing in moralistic culture and civic responsibility : Despite making initial brisk contributions in toppling the contemporary regime and inducing few social changes, political parties in Nepal have not been successful in establishing a long lasting political culture, by Pushpa R Joshi (nlt 15/08/2022)

Cultural Thrills Of Progress, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/08/2022)

Politics and courage : Their contribution to democracy is so great that we are expected to remember the past and be content, by Deepak Thapa (kp 11/08/2022)

10/08/2022: Generation Democracy: Meet a Nepali youth who is working for advancing youth leadership  : Jagdish Ayer, a youth activist, has been working for the engagement of Nepali youth in political processes through mock parliament and other activities (nlt 10/09/2022)

As elections approach, some are calling for not repeating old faces : Observes say just changing a small set of leaders may not suffice amid degrading political culture, by Binod Ghimire (kp 09/08/2022) [The SC's 2014 directive is binding law for the executive and the legislature. Prompt implementation would have meant that probably none of the top politicians who consider themselves indispensable would still be politically active today, which would be incredibly good for Nepal! Given the disenfranchisement of the electorate through the alliance manipulations of the parties, the NOTA option would be more important than ever!]

Message From Political Cartoons, by Tulasi Acharya (rn 08/08/2022)

Nepal’s phallocentric worldview on citizenship : The phallocentric world view that has seeped into the power structures of Nepal for generations explains why the citizenship bill has a provision requiring a Nepali mother to prove that the phallus is a Nepali, by Mukesh Baral (nlt 06/08/2022)

Democracy Is Not Zero-Sum Game, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 06/08/2022)

Opportunists Dominate Politics, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 03/08/2022)

State capture by ‘Kathmandu Cocoon’ : A highly cemented network of the ruling elite decides everything related to state affairs, by Achyut Wagle (kp 02/08/2022)

Is Nepal losing democracy?, by Ganga Bahadur Thapa (kh 31/07/2022)

Imperatives Of Citizen Empowerment, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 30/07/2022)

Acknowledging the independents’ reality : They promise effective governance, corruption eradication, and overall, a political overhaul, by Saugat Raj Gautam (kp 29/07/2022)

Why are parties hesitating to fight elections on their own?, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 25/07/2022)

“Nepal seriously needs statesmanship” : People should discard candidates over 65 years of age in elections, interview with Mumaram Khanal (kh 27/07/2022) [An excellent suggestion!]

The center cannot hold : Some tendencies to centralize powers were expected in the early days of federalism but its continuation even after five years of completion of the federalisation process is problematic, by Yatindra KC (nlt 25/07/2022)

Reshaping Indigenous Movement in Nepal, by Krishna K Shrestha (rep 25/07/2022)

Can Socialist Centre Sail Smoothly?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 24/07/2022)

Civic Loyalty Key To National Sovereignty, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/07/2022)

Nepal in a few words : Explaining the country in words that pervade our public discourse, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 22/07/2022) [An outstanding analysis!]

Why Alternative Forces Fail In Nepal?, by Mukti Rijal (rn 21/07/2022) [Mostly, these forces are not "alternative" at all. Just take the ideas of Rabindra Mishra, who understands a return to Hindu monarchy and a renunciation of secularism and federalism as "alternative" in the interest of the traditional patriarchal elite!]

Criminalised politics, politicised institutions : Leaders need money to finance elections to secure victory for their cronies, relatives and sycophants, by Achyut Wagle (kp 19/07/2022)

Unexplained story of BRI, by Krishna Timalsina (kh 18/07/2022)

As Congress debates rationale behind alliance politics, left parties discuss a communist front, if not unity : A section in the Congress party questions Deuba if coalition partners must fight the upcoming polls together, by Anil Giri (kp) [All think only of their power, no one of the country and the people! Earlier, monarchy and Ranas were responsible for such misbehaviour, later also the Panchas. Now the top politicians of the parties have adopted this "task". How long will they be allowed to do so? Nepal urgently needs a generation of honest political leaders without monarchists, Hindu state fanatics and failed anti-democratic party leaders!], Proposal to unify communist parties just a year after split, by Tapendra Karki (rep 17/07/2022) [Obviously, PK Dahal and MK Nepal were not concerned with substantive differences last year, but merely wanted to use the opportunity to get rid of KP Oli in view of his numerous constitutional violations and neglect of duty and to assert their own claims to power.]

Sharing university narratives : Things went wrong when the political parties turned the students' organisations into party units, by Abhi Subedi (kp 17/07/2022)

Ensuring Political Stability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 16/07/2022)

Challenges Of Good Governance, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 15/07/2022)

Nepal : An economic crisis like in Sri Lanka is inevitable, if Nepal ignores its early symptoms, by Bijendra Man Shakya (kp 15/07/2022)

Lies, more lies : It is our misfortune that the cast of characters has changed very little in the last three decades, by Deepak Thapa (kp 14/07/2022)

Coalition culture in Nepali politics : Forging a coalition among political parties with the objective of contesting and winning national elections is rather a new concept in Nepal, by Binod Kumar Bhattarai (ae 07/07/2022)

New Wheels In Politics, by Mukti Rijal (rn 07/07/2022)

Left alliance has an appeal to the communists. But can they pull it off again? Ruling coalition seems to be intact so far, but recent activities hint something is cooking with the leftist forces feeling encouraged, by Tika R Pradhan and Anil Giri (kp 03/07/2022)

Critical Moment For Party Reforms, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/07/2022)

Despite six-decade history, parliamentary practice remains weak in Nepal : Experts say that in countries where political parties aren’t democratic, the parliamentary practice cannot be effective, by Binod Ghimire (kp 01/07/2022)

Promote Gender Equality In Politics, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 01/07/2022)

What perpetuates patriarchy in Nepal?, by Cilla Khatry (ae 30/06/2022)

Two Faces of Civil Service, by Sarans Pandey (rep 01/07/2022)

Maoist castaways : The party and its leadership have moved on to mundane pursuits like power and money, by Deepak Thapa (kp 30/06/2022)

Torture at the hands of authorities continues with little action : The Criminal Code that came into force in 2018 has criminalised torture but the cases are seldom investigated and no perpetrators have been brought to book so far., by Binod Ghimire (kp 29/06/2022), Power sans responsibility : Rather than a sense of security, the presence of the police strikes fear in people’s hearts (kp 30/06/2022)

Advancing Alternative Force Easier Said Than Done, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 28/06/2022), Independent movement in Nepali politics : New wine or old wine in new bottle?, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 28/06/2022)

What should Nepal learn from the SPP debacle? The SPP issue exposed the dishonesty of the Nepali leadership, both in power and in opposition. The purported SPP draft agreement and several letters associated with it further raised concerns, by Shristi Kafle (nlt 27/06/2022)

Experts say SPP exposed Nepal’s civilian and military diplomacy failure : It’s a fiasco of epic proportions, they say, which could widen trust deficit with neighbours and the United States, by Anil Giri (kp 19/06/2022), The State Partnership Programme : Heading for yet another déjà vu?, by Jiba Rqaj Pokharel (ht 20/06/2022)

Understanding Democratic Socialism, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 19/06/2022)

On Presidential Democracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn 16/06/2022)

Parties Must Prioritise Good Governance, by Namrata Sharma (kp 15/06/2022)

Cost of coalition politics : It is evident that the coalition of parties neither stands on a moral nor ideological foundation, by Bhoj Raj Poudel (kp 13/06/2022)

Foreign policy of Nepal : Learning from past, present situation and vision for future. Nepal has to grow out of the ‘a yam between two stones’ mindset and the self-defeating notions of an insignificant, impoverished, and peripheral state, by Surya Subedi (kp 10/06/2022)

Will communist forces come together before the federal polls? As some of the communist leaders are making public statements about the need for reviving the communist alliance for the federal parliament elections, experts say the prospect is too distant at the moment, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt 08/06/2022) [Why? All these parties are under the authoritarian and anti-democratic control of long failed ageing males with whom Nepal has no future!]

Deepening federal democracy : The experience of the last five years shows that federalism has empowered local units, by Achyut Wagle (kp 07/06/2022)

Will Parliament get more independent lawmakers, after local election results? Encouraged by local poll verdict, independent candidates are eying federal elections, by Binod Ghimire (kp 07/06/2022), The Rise Of The Independents, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 07/06/2022)

Battle of narratives : Political parties, basking in their complacency, didn't bother to check the rear-view mirror, preferring to just look ahead, by Avasna Pandey (kp 06/06/2022)

Term limits for higher office: Focus on legacy, by Sumit Pathak (ht 06/06/2022)

Polluted politics seeking a way out, by Devesh Jha (kh 05/06/2022)

Risky Tentacles Of Social Science Game, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/06/2022)

Changing political spectrum : Rejection of the ‘traditional elite’ was clearly on the minds of the Kathmandu electorate, by Deepak Thapa (kp 02/06/2022)

The tests that await independents : Nepal needs to free itself from the shackles of dogmatic leaders in their 60s and 70s, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 01/06/2022)

Embrace Ethical Leadership, by Tulasi Acharya (rn 01/06/2022)

Electoral Democracy and Clientelism in South Asia, by Matrika Poudyal (kp 30/05/2022)

Electoral Shifts In Local Governance, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 28/05/2022)

Is it time to put a two-term limit for executive and legislative posts? Some observers say there is a need to review provisions to make way for generational change and allow new faces to lead, by Binod Ghimire (kp 27/05/2022)

Despair amid hope : The Nepali state must assure its citizens the country does not just belong to upper caste men, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 27/05/2022)

Erosion of republican resilience : A republic works only when its citizens are committed to making it work, by CK Lal (kp 25/05/2022)

Tough Jobs Await Local Leaders, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 25/05/2022)

Post politics in Nepal : Disillusioned or not with the parties, a large number of people turn out to cast their votes, by Abhi Subedi (kp 22/05/2022), Local Polls: Outcome And Message, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 22/05/2022), Local polls are over. It’s time for voting reforms : Nepal had five years to plan for better elections and a better election process. But there have been no reforms, similar patterns are being repeated, by Shreya Subedi (nlt 23/05/2022)

Overcoming Public Policy Dilemma, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/05/2022)

Building Public Faith to Build Our Democracy, by Milan Jung Katuwal (rep 20/05/2022)

Civic Engagement At Local Level, by Mukti Rijal (rn 19/05/2022)

Balen Shah's popularity: Nepal seeks a new national party, by Sumit Pathak (ht 19/05/2022)

Impressions from the election past : The big takeaway is that nothing mattered in the end except the promise of change, by Deepak Thapa (kp 19/05/2022)

The pace of federalism : Federalism is a new exercise in Nepal, and it is not unusual for challenges to appear., by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 12/05/2022)

Nepal’s lawmaking process lacks consultation : Four years of federal parliament have been disappointing for participatory lawmaking, by Binod Ghimire (kp 11/05/2022) [KP Oli in particular, but also the Deuba-led government, have repeatedly tried to eliminate the popularly elected parliament. It is completely incomprehensible why these politicians want to run again in parliamentary elections!]

The oligarchy celebrates local polls : The fundamental appeal of municipal polls lies in their ideological vacuity, by CK Lal (kp 11/05/2022)

Women in politics: Get them interested from high school , by Simone Galimberti (ht 09/05/2022) [Without a radical disciplining of the male party leaders, enforcing harsh punishments and at the same time comprehensively changing the laws, it is unlikely that much will change!]

The list of wrongdoings by the Deuba government goes long but Kathmandu is fairly quiet : Don't be fooled. Not much has changed since Deuba replaced Oli, except that Deuba could get the much-debated MCC Compact ratified, by Mahabir Paudyal (nlt 07/05/2022)

Electoral syndicate against women : From the first election, one thing that hasn't changed is the politics of hegemonic masculinity, by Chandra Bhadra and Sucheta Pyakuryal (kp 05/05/2022)

As the election date is approaching, game of lies and deceit in Nepal  : The political parties have started distributing freebies to attract voters and secure their seats. Taxpayers are going to have to bear the costs. The government’s capital budget is going to take a huge toll, by Anjila Shrestha (nlt 02/05/2022)

Political heartbreaks and change : A single person’s rise in politics can change the destiny of a whole people, especially in times of crisis, by Avasna Pandey (kp 01/05/2022)

Women leaders from across the political spectrum say they feel constrained : Their representation in local elections has been trimmed but they cannot speak up. Female politicians say the fight will continue though, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp 30/04/2022)

Political Empowerment Of Citizens, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 30/04/2022)

Whose election is it anyway? Kin and clan networks will once again play a formidable role in determining victory margins, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 29/04/2022)

Coalition Politics – Feat or Anarchism?, by Devesh Jha (kh 29/04/2022)

Alliance politics impacts female candidacy in local level elections : Close to 41 percent women had won in 2017, but fewer will be elected this time, with nomination number itself down, by Binod Ghimire (kp 28/04/2022)

Arguing for depoliticization of local level elections, by Sarita Giri (kh 28/04/2022)

Parties’ freebies and doles blow hole in state coffers, economists say : During the election season, political forces make announcements of free goods and services which could do more harm than good and destroy the system, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 27/04/2022)

Party nomination for local poll  : Marked by dissent and disappointment, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 27/04/2022)

Centralised decisions to pick local poll candidates raise questions galore : Deuba warns Congress rebels to back off. Oli tells UML mutineers to resist impulses, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 17/04/2022) [The Political Party Act needs fundamental democratic revision: the power of party leaders must be drastically curtailed; all parties must be forced to comply with the constitution and laws and to be socially inclusive at all levels of the parties and in the nomination of election candidates, under threat of deprivation of party status; expulsion or otherwise "punishment" of party members for expressing an opinion different from that of the party leaders must be made almost impossible. In the context of local elections, all parties are acting anti-democratically and unconstitutionally!]

The idea of ‘alternative politics’ is failing in Nepal. What went wrong?, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt 26/04/2022)

How disinformation poses security threat and what Nepal should do : Failure to prevent disinformation and misinformation on time could lead to a serious national security crisis in the long run, by Narayan Adhikari (nlt 26/04/2022)

Democracy or kakistocracy? Democratic values undermined, institutions heavily politicized, meritocracy completely neglected, rampant corruption and nepotism unabated. Nepal, many believe, is heading toward a democratic kakistocracy (nlt 24/04/2022), On a slippery slope : After sliding into particracy, Nepal's democracy is degenerating into kleptocracy (kp 25/04/2022), All deals are local : Electoral alliances will essentially make the voting process a formality in many places, by Anurag Acharya (kp 25/04/2022)

Alliance for local polls raises spectre of the notorious ‘all-party mechanisms’ : The so-called all-party committees were a tool for the parties to share the spoils, and experts fear a repeat of the practice that will degenerate into kleptocracy, by Binod Ghimire (kp 23/04/2022)

From Parochial To Reflective Citizen, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/04/2022)

A Tumultuous Destiny, by K. Uprety (sp 22/04/2022)

Putting Hometown First : The local leadership should be selected based on whether the elected leaders can develop their village or town and how patriotic they are, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 22/04/2022)

How think tanks and social innovation can help in better policymaking : A new crop of think tanks is emerging. The government can step up and work with them with some help from the donors if needed, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 19/04/2022)

In search of subnational policies : A large number of policies are going to remain the same across all provinces and our development aspirations, for the time being, will be determined more by federal policies and institutions than by provincial institutions and policies, by Yatindra KC (nlt 18/04/2022)

Election alliances of Nepali parties: sense or nonsense in local elections?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 17/04/2022)

Governance Of Economic Life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 16/04/2022)

Nepal's political system: Does it need to change for the better?, by Mim Bahadur Pariyar (ht 15/04/2022)

Debunking the Low Capital Expenditure Practice : What Engineers Say!, by Pradip Kumar Kafle (rep 15/04/2022)

Unhappy countries of South Asia : The commonality of unhappy countries is as clearly recognisable as that of the happy ones, by CK Lal (kp 13/04/2022)

Women’s Participation in Elections in Nepal, by Shreeju Niroula (rep 12/04/2022), Let Women Lead Local Levels, by Namrata Sharma (rn 13/04/2022)

Sledgehammer to central bank autonomy : The passage of the Nepal Rastra Bank Act was seen as a safeguard against political interference, by Achyut Wagle (kp 12/04/2022)

Opponent bashing in politics: An appalling civic felony but not in Nepal, by Pushpa R Joshi (ht 12/04/2022)

Five years of local governance: What went wrong? Several instances show that the local governments have grossly failed to abide by the constitutional spirit. Corruption is what they have excelled at, by Jivesh Jha (nlt 08/04/2022)

Political influence & judiciary of Nepal, by Yogendra Prasad Lamichhhane (kh 07/04/2022)

Policy conflict in Nepal : Up until the 1970s, there was a misconception that once policy is made, it is implemented, by Chandra Ghimire (kp 07/04/2022)

China’s boomerang policy and MCC in Nepal, by Saurav Raj Pant (kh 06/04/2022) [Nepal is a pawn in the global power struggle between China and the USA. Like China, the latter has problems with democracy and human rights, internationally as well as at home. No other country has waged so many wars far from its own borders, sometimes justified with lies, and supported dictators when it served its own interests. They have not yet overcome racist thinking and actions in their own country. China basically bad and the USA basically good does not help Nepal. The country must try to use the global conflict between the two major powers for its own benefit with diplomatic skill.], Will Maoists, Socialists stand to lose without allying with NC?, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh)

Alliance politics may trim women’s representation in local governments : As coalition partners plan to fight May 13 polls in alliance, observers wonder if the inclusion idea is at stake, by Binod Ghimire (kp 04/04/2022)

Flag-waving duplicity : Nationalism and national interest are not natural bedfellows, although politicians tend to conflate the two, by Avasna Pandey (kp 03/04/2022)

Enhancing Efficacy Of Governance, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/04/2022)

A case against nostalgia : The past would seem better if one belonged to the upper castes or were associated with royalty, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 01/04/2022)

Left Unity Proposal : A Fanciful Move, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 27/03/2022) [This anti-inclusive gathering of egomaniacal, power-hungry and yet incompetent top politicians will never find unity, much to the detriment of Nepal!]

Building Civic Capacity Of People, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/03/2022)

Political parties reiterate commitment to give voting rights to Nepalis abroad (rep 21/03/2022) [This statement by the political parties is simply a lie. The SC's prescription has been there for years. Neither the Oli nor the Deuba government, nor the parties involved in them, have done anything to implement it. The right to vote belongs to all Nepali citizens, including the helpers and security personnel deployed on election day, including the many people who are denied citizenship papers by the state for gender-discriminatory reasons!], No voting rights for Nepalis abroad, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 21/03/2022), Disenfranchised – millions of Nepalis have no voting rights : Despite the outsized impact that migrant workers have on Nepal, they are still unable to vote in elections as Nepal has no provisions for absentee voting, by Marissa Taylor (rec 21/03/2022)

When does the term of current House expire? No one actually knows : Constitution sets five-year term but does not say when date starts. Experts differ, some saying polling day, others insisting date when Parliament first met as the beginning, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 20/03/2022) [Nepal is a parliamentary democracy. In such a democracy, parliament should not be dissolved, but should remain constant. It makes sense for a parliamentary term to last from the day of the first sitting of a parliament until the first sitting of the next elected parliament. Unfortunately, the Nepali parliament is often seen as an obstacle by the executive and is therefore misused to enforce its policies.], Rule for local officials to resign to contest May polls courts controversy : Election Commission says move aimed at creating a level playing field. Opponents call it an unwarranted move, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 20/03/2022) [What has been said about the federal parliament also applies to the term of office at provincial and local level.]

New Poll Alignments In Making?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 20/03/2022)

Good governance is vital. How can Nepal achieve it?, by Yogendra Prasad Lamichhane (nlt 18/03/2022)

Local government by the people, for the people, of the people : Local elections in May give Nepalis a chance to vote in capable leaders based on performance, by Ramesh Kumar (nt 18/03/2022)

Ways to commit to democracy : Nepal needs an essential internal effort to drive reforms that are well overdue, by Blair Glencorse and Narayan Adhikari (kp 17/03/2022)

Breaking Indoctrination Culture, by Tulasi Acharya (rn 17/03/2022)

Designed for systemic dysfunction : No constitution can work if an ethnonational elite is unwilling to give up its privileges, by CK Lal (kp 16/03/2022)

Local Level Election : Issues of Political Representation, by Rajendra Bahadur Singh (rep 14/03/2022)

Times of non-alignment are over, it is good for Nepal : Nepal voted against Russian aggression in Ukraine at the UN General Assembly. It could herald a new era of truly independent foreign policy for Nepal, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 12/03/2022)

Social Discipline In Time Of Transition, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 12/03/2022)

Nepal’s impeachment template: justice or a political ploy? The power of impeachment is an extraordinary power enshrined in the Constitution to reaffirm the democratic idea that no one is above the law. In Nepal, however, this power is exploited whimsically, by Robin Sharma (rec 11/03/2022)

Know when to talk : The MCC row may be over, but the Nepali media and intellectuals need to reflect on their role, by Anurag Acharya (kp 07/03/2022)

Building An Egalitarian Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 05/03/2022)

A dysfunctional House is betrayal of democracy, electorate, observers say : Parliament has failed to function for the last six months due to the protests by opposition UML against the Speaker, by Binod Ghimire (kp) [KP Oli has made it clear for years that it is against parliamentary democracy!]

Interpretative declaration: Makes no change in compact, by Durga Prasad Bhurtel (ht 04/03/2022)

Individual Brilliance, Collective Failure!, by Pradip Kumar Kafle (rep 02/03/2022)

Geopolitical sandwich : A robust foreign policy is only possible against a backdrop of sound economic fundamentals (kp 28/02/2022)

Growing pains or down a rabbit hole? Kathmandu should demonstrate credible commitment to transfer power to the provinces, by Gambhir Bhatta and Sameer Khatiwada (kp 28/02/2022) [None of the high-caste male top politicians are really interested in federalism because it means relinquishing control of power.  The commitment to federalism in the constitution they created only served to ensnare the masses who saw in federalism the chance for better inclusion of the country's population groups and regions.],

How youths can do politics differently  : If you are a youth with a passion for politics, do not feel discouraged by the current status of power play within the political parties. Find your own way to become relevant, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 27/02/2022)

Seven decades of democracy : There are some people who are imbued with the qualities of good political leadership, by Abhi Subedi (kp 27/02/2022)

Value Premises Of Democratic Regime, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/02/2022)

Civil Society’s Role In Governance, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 25/02/2022)

Ruling coalition likely to collapse due to differences over MCC ratification (kh 24/02/2022), Is Nepal being pushed to the geopolitical trap?  Nepal can fall into the trap if we drag China and the US into the issues that Nepal ought to be able to deal with on its own and if China and the US begin to allow their bilateral matters with Nepal to be enmeshed in their rivalry, by Mahabir Paudyal (nlt 24/02/2022)

Gone Wrong, In System Or In Actors?, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 23/02/2022)

Politically pardoned : The president’s power to pardon criminals needs reform as it has been misused numerous times by governments for political ends, by Shreya Joshi and Prakriti Acharya (rec 21/02/2022)

Let us salute migrant workers : They do not command the respect they deserve in government policy or people’s minds, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 21/02/2022)

“If you’re joining politics today, you’re diving into dirty, muddy waters”: Sarin Ghimire. The up-and-coming Nepali Congress leader on why he joined politics, what he seeks to achieve, and his idea of a healthy democracy (nlt 20/02/2022)

Nepali politicians are big on promises but short on delivery :Observers see disconnect between politicians and people, as leaders barely heed citizens’ basic concerns, by Anup Ojha (kp 20/02/2022) [There is absolutely nothing to add to this! This whole generation of politicians should finally be sent into retirement!]

Between domestic politics and diplomacy : It is interesting how political leaders and scholars have interpreted the MCC document differently, by Purna B Silwal (kp 20/02/2022)

Impeachment Against CJ Rana Can It Revitalise Judiciary?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 20/02/2022)

Nepal’s democracy revolutions, and achievements and failures : As the country celebrates democracy, observers see some gains, some hollow promises, by Binod Ghimire (kp 19/02/2022)

Incarnation Of Free Spirit, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 19/02/2022)

A house of cards : Nepali politics is a circus for the making and breaking of governments for petty reasons (kp 18/02/2022)

The ideological wasteland of the Nepali communists : It has been extraordinary to witness the prevarication, doublespeak and large-scale mobilisation against the MCC, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 18/02/2022)

Politics and expletives : Politics in Nepal has been attracting people from those quarters devoid of any form of modesty (kp 17/02/2022)

How the House restored twice became totally dysfunctional : Politicians, both from ruling and opposition parties, have trampled on the sovereignty of the hallowed parliament, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 13/02/2022), [The incompetent and anti-democratic so-called top politicians should be disposed of in the dustbin of history as soon as possible! None of them wants democracy, rule of law, inclusion, real secularism and federalism!]

Buttressing Social Welfare State, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 12/02/2022)

Why policies fail in Nepal : Lack of research on policy implementation makes it difficult to pinpoint the causes, by Chandra Ghimire (kp 11/02/2022)

MCC, BRI and The Game Theory: Nepal’s Quest for Equilibrium, by Pradip Kumar Kafle (rep 09/02/2022)

Is Nepal Going Nordic Way?, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 09/02/2022)

Representation at the local level : Effect of political parties’ mergers and breakups are certain to be reflected in the outcome of the impending local elections, by Pratik Ghimire (ae 03/02/2022)

Politics of smokescreen: How the MCC debacle exposes a crisis of credibility in Nepali politics : The debate on the MCC grant shows a collective failure of Nepal’s political leaders. The dishonest rigmarole has exposed the dubious character of politicians, politicians' mistrust in our own institutions, and priority on petty interests over development, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt 07/02/2022)

Devolution of sycophancy : With federalism giving rise to new power centres, ‘chakari’ culture has taken newer forms, by Avasna Pandey (kp 06/02/2022)

Concluding The Transitional Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 05/02/2022)

Partisan interests once again govern politics, by Robin Sharma (rec 04/02/2022)

Political economy of patrimonialism : Deuba has failed in making an honest attempt to disentangle the interwoven knots of structural corruption, by CK Lal (kp 02/02/2022)

Call for amending the Local Election Act: Do we need a constitution at all?, by Birendra P Mishra (ht 02/02/2022) [A disturbing article by this author, whom I otherwise hold in high esteem. Even the initial assertion that no other constitution in the world provides for someone to become head of government who is not also chairman of the governing party has no basis in fact. Just one counterexample: In Germany, Angela Merkel was most recently chancellor for many years, but not party chairman. Her successor Olaf Scholz is not chairman of his party either. But what is most confusing is the final demand that politicians abolish the constitution, which I hope is meant ironically. The constitution contains even more serious contradictions and inadequacies than the ambiguities about electoral law. Subordinate laws may not contradict the constitution, but should help eliminate ambiguities.]

Ethos of disillusionment : A state of general laziness is taking over the culture of awakening and resistance, by Abhi Subedi (kp 30/01/2022)

Instinct Of National Self-Preservation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 29/01/2022)

Opportunity or victim of geo-politics : Nepal’s geo-politics has both opportunities and risks depending on the capability of our leaders, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 28/01/2022) [Since Nepal has no capable leaders, or they are prevented by the incompetent ones, the focus is likely to remain on risk.]

Can Nepal’s Latest Citizen-Led Street Protests Shake Things Up?, by Amish Raj Mulmi (Carnegieendowment 27/01/2022)

Not bad, not bad at all : Local governments fulfil many of the expected functions yet they continue to be undermined, by Deepak Thapa (kp 27/01/2022)

Intraparty Democracy at Stake in Nepal, by Arpan Gelal (rep 27/01/2022)

Nepal's coalition government: How long will it last?, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 27/01/2022)

Nurture Good Politics In Nepal, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 22/01/2022)

Democracy in political parties : Why do the same leaders continue?, by Krishna Man Pradhan (ht 20/01/2022)

Internally democratic : Nepal’s political parties are required to ensure inclusive, decentralized democratic processes in their internal functioning but they remain highly centralized, by Sambridh Ghimire (rec 19/01/2022) [Today's male party leaders are neither willing nor able to do this! They see themselves as the only rightful and godlike owners of Nepal!]

Redrawing the map : Territorial issues between countries are as challenging to resolve as claims over land ownership between squabbling siblings, by CK Lal (kp 19/01/2022)

FDI in first five months of current FY increases by 49.6 percent; Govt’s capital expenditure stands at 13.44 percent (kh 16/01/2022)

Public Space Makes Authority Responsible, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 15/01/2022)

Country in crisis: Need for responsible Opposition, government, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 12/01/2022)

Enhancing the Dialogue Efficiency of Political Parties in Nepal, by Dev Raj Dahal (tn 11/01/2022)

That iconic portrait of Prithvi Narayan Shah, by Pranaya Shamsher JB Rana (rec 11/01/2022)

Nepal’s democracy, political parties and internal politics, by Raghab Sharma (kh 11/01/2022), Cronyism in Nepali politics : The government instead of acting as a neutral player seems instead to be a puppet in the hands of a few individuals (kp 11/01/2022), Divisive politics : The disillusionment campaign begins in an election year with millions of first-time voter, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 11/01/2022)

Prithivi Jayanti and National Unity Day: Unity in Diversity, by Shankar Man Singh (rep 11/01/2022)

Need for openness in governance : The age of democratic accountability in Nepal also needs to emphasise citizen engagement, by Taranath Dahal (kp 09/01/2022)

Perils Of Pre-Political Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 08/01/2022)

Nepal’s federal provinces: Missed opportunities, by Thira Lal Bhusal (ae 06/01/2022)

he fire of Hindutva upsurge : The combustible mixture of religion and politics is likely to widen the gulf between different communities, by CK Lal (kp 06/01/2022)

Is Landlockedness a Boon or a Curse for Nepal? Changing the Grand Narrative, by Pradip Kumar Kafle (rep 06/01/2022)

Despite current calm, standoff in Supreme Court portends larger complications : Constitutional Bench is unable to sit, Judicial Council is ineffective and Judicial Service Commission hasn’t met, delaying judges’ appointments, promotions and transfers, by Binod Ghimire (kp 06/01/2022) [Since the beginning of KP Oli's authoritarian and anti-democratic actions, Nepal has increasingly been showing signs of a failing state!]

Nepal's federalism: Time for a review : The first elected local governments under the federal constitution promulgated in 2015 are near completion of their five-year tenure, by Achyut Wagle (kp 04/01/2022)

Deconstructing Political Hierarchy, by Madhav Prasad Aryal (rn 03/01/2022)

Maoists pledged to uplift marginalised. And they further marginalised them : Dalits in party are questioning if they are going to get the promised space, as they are left out of committees now, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 03/01/2022)

Maoist Path Of Revolution : Who Will Bell The Cat?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 02/01/2022)

Wake up from this dreamy world : Ours is a country where personal interests always take precedence over national interests, by Tim Gurung (kp 02/01/2022)

Civic Face Of Constitutional Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 01/01/2022)

A year of political ups and downs and surprises : Political one-upmanship and power struggles dominated the greater part of 2021, by Anil Giri (kp 31/12/2021), A forgettable year : Leaders have turned politics into a rat race, whose endpoint is Baluwatar (kp 31/12/2021), Uncertain political stability : The multiparty experiences in the post-Panchayat era were not up to the minimum standards, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 31/12/2021), The return of political instability : Differences over policy among the coalition partners do not help increase confidence among investors, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 31/12/2021)

Talking marathons : A succession of gasbags trying to hoodwink their fellow partymen and the nation in turn, by Deepak Thapa (kp 30/12/2021)

Enforce Party Law For Democratisation, by Mukti Rijal (rn 30/12/2021)

Weaknesses, Issues, Problems and Challenges of Nepalese political leadership, by Ram Kumar Dahal (tn 28/12/2021)

Shifting Development Culture, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 25/12/2021)

The revolution has stalled : The Maoist Centre is at a loss for what to do next. As it goes to ‘national conference’, it seeks to reinvent itself. But can it?, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 25/12/2021)

Social engineering: In the electoral context of Nepal, by Anish Katwal (ht 24/12/2021)

Politics Of Material Advantage, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 23/12/2021)

Foxes pretending to be lions : It's distressing to see that Premier Deuba has almost no fight left in him anymore, by CK Lal (kp 22/12/2021)

Work As Per People’s Aspirations, by Namrata Sharma (rn 22/12/2021)

Peace from Bottom Up, by Dev Raj Dahal (tn 20/12/2021)

Overcoming Politics Of Winner’s Curse, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 18/12/2021)

In Defense of Democratic Institutions, by Ambika Prasad Joshi (rep 16/12/2021)

Parties: Orphans Of Ideology, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 15/12/2021)

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal: An Assessment of the Rule of Law, by Than Bahadur Chhetri (tn 15/12/2021)

The spectre of unknown enemies : Political parties have been harping that the hard-earned achievements are at risk from ‘internal and external forces’, by Binod Ghimire (kp 14/12/2021)

Cronyism in Nepali politics : We have seen the lives of people who became close to politicians transform dramatically, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 14/12/2021)

Social Innovation for Nepal, by Rajesh Poudel (rep 13/12/2021)

The Guts Of Public Inquiry, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 11/12/202)

Parties offering high offices to pacify leadership aspirants subverts cause : Observers say Nepal should start appointing non-partisan individuals as the country’s President and Vice President to protect the impartiality of the top positions, by Binod Ghimire (kp 11/12/2021)

The Nepali state in the Himalaya : The food shortage in Limi Valley has highlighted Nepal’s weak state presence in the Himalayan borderlands, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 10/12/2021)

Hey Bhagwan : Politicising religion in Nepal has the potential to create major social and religious conflicts, by Naresh Koirala (kp 09/12/2021)

Rightward drift of Nepali politics : The demise of political ideology and progressive idealism was slow and painful, by CK Lal (kp 08/12/2021)

Political Metaphor and the Turbulence Ahead, by Madhav Prasad Dahal (kh 08/12/2021)

NCP Split And Missed Opportunity, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 08/12/2021)

Stop Politics In Apolitical Institutions, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 06/12/2021)

Former President’s concern over no good change in political system (kh 04/12/2021)

Nepalis’ Infinite Pursuit Of Freedom, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/12/2021)

eclining democratic practices : Whether it is party politics or national politics, democratic norms seem to be waning, by Kushal Pokharel (kp 02/12/2021)

Ensuring government service delivery : The money we earn goes to the government as taxes and is spent without accountability, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 30/11/2021)

Why is democracy failing to deliver?, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (rep 27/11/2021)

Culture As Construct Of National Identity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/11/2021)

Cultivating Democratic Culture, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 24/11/2021)

Haven for dictatorial gerontocracy : Political parties would not bother holding the convention had the constitution not forced them, by Achyut Wagle (kp 23/11/2021)

Let The Subaltern Speak, by Tulasi Acharya (rn 22/11/2021)

Nepal, Catch-22 and history : Those entrusted to uphold the constitution have forsaken the principles of the present system, by Abhi Subedi (kp 21/11/2021)

Democratic Recession in Nepal, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 20/11/2021)

General Conventions: Old parties, old faces, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 18/11/2021)

Challenges Of Good Governance, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 18/11/2021)

Piecemeal Changes Won’t Reform Judiciary, by Mukti Rijal (rn 18/11/2021)

Leaders, Lackeys And Lapdogs, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 17/11/2021)

Waning Constitutional Welfare State, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/11/2021)

Between fact and fiction : Examples of flawed historical interpretations abound in our everyday affairs, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 12/11/2021)

A Story of Good Slogans, Bad Performance, by Kamal Raj Dhungel (rep 12/11/2021)

Political parties brought the change people pushed for but who will sustain it? The achievements are at stake as political actors engage in power games without commitment to the system, by Binod Ghimire (kp 11/11/2021)

Liquidity crunch and low capital expenditure : The government must find ways to substantially increase capital expenditure, by Achyut Wagle (kp 09/11/2021)

Parties In Existential Crisis, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 03/11/2021)

Check Misuse Of Power And Authority, by Namrata Sharma (rn 03/11/2021)

Democracy in Nepal: The Long Game, by Rajeev Kunwar (kh 02/11/2021)

As key institutions fail to perform, regressive agenda at play : The more democratic institutions weaken, the powerful the right wing forces become, experts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 01/11/2021)

Realigning justice with the judiciary : The current controversy surrounding the chief justice reflects a broader problem with the judiciary, which is in urgent need of reform, by Prakritee Yonzon (rec 31/10/2021)

Mediators Of Democracy’s Contradictions, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 30/10/2021)

In defence of alternative narratives : We have a huge mass unaware of our history and how it continues to shape present-day interactions, by Deepak Thapa (kp 28/10/2021)

Nepal’s judiciary is plagued by systemic problems : Current crisis in Supreme Court has been in the making for years and is a result of bad precedents, political meddling and flawed appointment process, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 27/10/2021)

Waning Power Of Political Catchwords, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 27/10/2021)

What happens when you formulate laws but do not implement them? In Nepal, we have scores of laws which have never been implemented. This has had a deleterious effect in good governance and rule of law, by Jivesh Jha (nlt 26/10/2021)

The rise and fall of ‘rebel leader’ Prachanda : The leader of a political party that once claimed to be the messiah of the proletariat is now reduced to a symbol of opportunism and malpractices, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt 24/10/2021)

Leveraging The Strategic Geography, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/10/2021)

What is preventing youths from coming into politics? What can be done? The youths of political parties should unite, continue their movement inside their party and fight for their equal representation in leadership and positions, by Nirmal Kandel (nlt 22/10/2021)

Finding a ray of hope in Nepal’s gloomy politics : In many respects, what is tarnishing Nepali democracy at the national level is a generational problem with leaders too old to really imagine a different way of doing politics, by Simone Galimberti (nlt 21/10/2021)

Chinese Occupation of Nepalese Minds!, by Saroj Mishra (kp 12/10/2021)

Market failure in festival economy : The state’s planning needs to look for vibrancy in the economy beyond the festival glitter, by Achyut Wagle (kp 12/10/2021)

Due Diligence Of Civil Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 09/10/2021)

Tragedy of the Commons, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 09/10/2021)

Freedom Is Not Absolute, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 08/10/2021)

Towards multi-modal connectivity : With geopolitics rapidly changing, Nepal needs to make multi-modal connectivity a reality, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 05/10/2021)

Early Polls Go Against SC Verdicts, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 03/10/2021)

As Non-Aligned Movement marks 60 years, many are questioning its relevance : Experts say new alliances are emerging and the world is heading to become multi-polar, so Nepal needs to tread cautiously while disengaging itself from strategic alliances, by Anil Giri (kp 02/10/2021), Beyond System Of Interstate Relations, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/10/2021)

Overcoming Democratic Deficit, by Mukti Rijal (rn 30/09/2021)

Communist curse on Nepal’s development : Nepali communists need to transform themselves and prove that they are not anti-development, by Achyut Wagle (kp 28/09/2021)

Arduous Journey Towards Socialism, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (rn 28/09/2021)

Fix Term Age Limits For Politicians, by Namrata Sharma (rn 22/09/2021)

No regard for rule of law as Nepali state runs on ad hocism : Ordinances are allowed by constitution but governments are issuing them as per their wish, not paying attention  to their timely approval, leading to legal vacuum, by Binod Ghimire (kp 20/09/2021) [Both Oli and Deuba are guilty of this, but ultimately so is the president, whose main task is to prevent this!]

Six years since promulgation, problems remain with the constitution : Madhesis, Tharus, Muslims, and women are still unable to take ownership of the statute due to the document’s failure to encompass their aspirations, by Prasansha Rimal (rec 19/09/2021) [This was the intention of the high-caste male party leaders who had given this constitution to their MPs for an unopposed vote in blatant violation of the interim constitution!]

Breaking The Sluggish Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 18/09/2021)

Country’s three key state organs are in disarray : The executive is hobbling, legislature is facing an impasse, and the judiciary is caught in tangles, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 16/09/2021)

Six years of ethnonational upsurge : Khas-Arya supremacists consider the Divya Upadesh to be the manual of nationalism, by CK Lal (kp 15/09/2021)

Which Socialism They Mean, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 15/09/2021)

The perils of toxic rhetoric : Politicians are crossing ethical lines by employing toxic language to demean and attack their opponents, and it seems that the public approves, by Jagadish Paudel (rec 15/09/02021)

Behind the anti-MCC protests : Will Nepal remain in the world’s democratic club or be a decoy agent for strategic powers?, by Achyut Wagle (kp 14/09/2021)

A teacher’s tale : Leaders squabble over the age of the members, but not about their status as students, by Abhi Subedi (kp 12/09/2021)

Dreaming of a Government of Technocrats, by Simone Galimberti (rep 12/09/2021)

Democracy Needs Enlightened Citizens, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 11/09/2021)

Elitism and change : Only the most abused forms of democracy are in practice in much of South Asia, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 08/09/2021)

Why parliamentary transparency matters : Parliamentary record-keeping in our case has been somewhat superficial, by Shraddha Pokharel (kp 07/09/2021)

Lamenting The Party Split, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 05/09/2021)

Overcoming Crisis Of Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/09/2021)

Lack of political culture has bred mistrust among parties, observers say : Unable to trust the Maoists, Deuba has started approaching the main opposition, CPN-UML, mainly for the endorsement of the bill on the MCC grant. The level of  distrust among the state organs too is  deepening, by Binod Ghimire (kp 03/09/2021)

Federalism: Is It a White Elephant?, by Rajendra Koirala (rep 03/09/2021) [The problem is not federalism as such, but its opposition by the self-centred, anti-democratic male highcaste politicians. It sounds like 1960 when King Mahendra claimed that Nepal was not made for democracy!]

What fuels political instability in Nepal?, by Pratik Ghimire (ae 02/09/2021)

Nepal’s ‘socialist’ parties : Ordinary people rarely care about complicated political philosophies, say analysts, stressing that politicians should focus on delivery, not jargon, by Binod Ghimire (kp 02/09/2021)

Curate Politics Thru Election System, by Mukti Rijal (rn 02/9/2021)

A case of political déjà vu : Unfortunately, for the people of Nepal, we are entrapped in a maze of instability, by Sambridh Ghimire (kp 01/09/2021)

Recent UML political phenomena: Merger, forced termination, division, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 01/09/2021)

Right to reject: To vote or not to vote?, by Anoushka Pant (ht 30/08/2021)

In Nepal’s politics and governance, old faces rule the roost : Top leaders’ penchant for power and young generation’s failure to challenge the seniors have made leadership handover a distant dream, by Binod Ghimire (kp 29/08/2021) [And they are overwhelmingly male Tagadharis, especially Bahuns, although the latter represent only a very small minority of six percent of the population! Is this the socially equal and inclusive Nepal that the same politicians promised in 2006 and again in 2008?]

Divisive Politics Breeds Instability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 28/08/2021)

‘Stability’, Nepal’s political parties said. And then they ruined the idea : Three and a half years after vote under new charter, the country is back to square one, and as polls are just around the corner, the spectre of the old vicious cycle looms large, by Anil Giri (kp 27/08/2021)

Political Cases Swamp Supreme Court, by Mukti Rijal (rn 26/08/2021)

Critique Of Non-Political Activism, by Bhupa P. Dhamala (rn 25/08/2021)

Congress In Driving Seat, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 24/08/2021)

In UML split, Maoist Centre sees chance at regaining its relevance : As Madhav Nepal moves to register new party, the former rebel party, under threat of being wiped out of political scene, appears to be major beneficiary besides Congress, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 23/08/2021), How splits in parties may affect provincial politics, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 23/08/2021)

Socialist centre in Nepal : A realistic vision or an ambitious idea? Some politicians, including Baburam Bhattarai, a former Maoist leader, have been making a pitch for bringing like-minded forces to build a new model of socialism, by Anil Giri (kp 23/08/2021)

How Hindu state idea is trying to gain ground in Nepal : Analysts say it is not easy to undo the achievements  guaranteed by the constitution, but threats remain, by Anil Giri (kp 22/08/2021)

Balancing Human Nature, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/08/2021)

Alliance politics set to make a comeback as two parties split : Stability, a common refrain of Nepali politicians, goes up in the smoke as they squabble over power, partisan interests, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 21/08/2021)

Rabindra Mishra: Nepal’s Trump. Like Trump, Mishra seeks to harness the grievances of Nepal’s privileged class whose traditional sources of authority are being challenged by the new republican, federal, decentralized, and secular structure, by Bishal Thapa (ae 19/08/2021)

Most parties fare poorly on internal democracy : Parties have been postponing their conventions under various pretexts. Observers say this must end, by Binod Ghimire (kp 19/08/2021)

Do not take the economy for granted : The government seems to be in no hurry to address the common man’s quest for survival, by Achyut Wagle (kp 17/08/2021)

Reimagining and owning politics : Why is politics—a value-neutral word–a taboo in Nepal?, by Sushav Niraula (kp 17/08/2021))

Regular teaching and learning in Upper Dolpa (kh 15/08/2021)

Continuous Learning Key To Statesmanship, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 14/08/2021)

Nepal’s Endless Democratic Transition, by Chandra D Bhatta (rn 13/08/2021), They fail, we fall : Not even the rise of the Hindu right, monarchists, or the call to scrap federalism and secularism has united Nepal’s politicians (nt 13/08/2021)

Nepal’s rightwing fallacy: The question is, which part of the current political system is unique to Nepal? (ae 12/08/2021) [fUnique to the multiethnic and multicultural society of Nepal or unique to the small elite of male Bahuns and Chhetris?]

The networking of politics: families, funds, and favoritism, by Rajib Neupane (rec 08/08/2021)

Fostering Representative Links Of Citizens, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 07/08/2021)

One step forward, two steps back : Recent court ruling to revisit reservation and affirmative actions for those discriminated against by the state is regressive and defeats the purpose, observers say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 05/08/2021)

The broken drum of meritocracy : Loyalists of the old order seem to be trying to sabotage the agenda of the 2008 pronouncement, by CK Lal (kp 04/08/2021)

Ideals of the rule of law : The laws of the nation must bear the fundamental ideals of justice, by Sambridh Ghimire (kp 02/08/2021)

Foster Intraparty Unity, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 01/08/2021) [This will not be possible without democratising the internal party structures and processes, criminalising the authoritarian machinations at the party leaderships and finally making the parties socially inclusive, as prescribed by the constitution and the Political Parties Act!]

Prospect Of Democratic Stability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 31/07/2021)

Rabindra Mishra: Wrong right turn : He has betrayed the idea of alternative politics and hence lost the moral authority to lead the movement, by Dinkar Nepal (ae 29/07/2021)

Our history offers grim hope : Government after  government has failed to address the grievances of the insurgency period, by Mohna Ansari (kp 28/07/2021)

Alternative politics continues to be a chimera in Nepal : Analysts say conservatism and regressive ideas still prevail with no parties or leaders, despite promises, able to inject hopes in a society that yearns for a change, by Binod Ghimire (kp 28/07/2021)

Back to the future: Dream of a utopian Nepal, by Ashok Kumar Khand (ht 27/07/2021)

Too quick a fall : The exit of a ‘communist’ government has left the critics of Nepali communism vindicated, by Jiwan Kshetry (kp 26/07/2021)

Nepal’s Search For Political Stability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 24/07/2021)

Round and round goes the wheel : Why is Nepal stuck in a loop of musical chairs between the same old men?, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 23/07/2021)

Discredited parliament : We blame politicians and political parties, but in one form or another, we end up concluding that this system is hopeless, by Bishal Thapa (ae 27/07/2021)

The Accidental Prime Minister, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 22/07/2021), Will Deuba be a changed man in his fifth outing? There seems to be little hope that Deuba would be any better than Oli in terms of governance, by Deepak Thapa (kp 22/07/2021)

The curse of tinpot heroes : Our self-important politicos falsely believe they have made huge sacrifices for the country, by CK Lal (kp 21/07/2021)

SC Prompts Oli’s Downfall, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 20/07/2021) [It was Oli himself who prompted his own downfall!]

Embracing The Essence Of Democracy, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 19/07/2021)

Legacy of KP Oli: Dismantling rule of law, by Sumit Pathak (rep 18/07/2021)

The Anatomy Of Authoritarianism, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 17/07/2021)

In KP Oli’s ouster, there are lessons for others—what not to do when in power : A fall from grace for the leader who squandered a historic opportunity and strong mandate to govern, implement the constitution and safeguard democracy, observers say, by Anil Giri and Tika R Pradhan (kp 15/07/2021)

End Comedy Of Political Errors, by Namrata Sharma (rn 14/07/2021)

Reinstatement of Parliament: Arguments and counterarguments, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 12/07/2021)

Ideas For Systemic Conflict Transformation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 10/07/2021)

Good and bad nationalism, by Surendra Singh Rawal (rep 10/07/2021)

The deep dive : Specter of secularism, by Pranaya Rana (rec 09/07/2021)

Codifying the breaking of wind : The Nepali state’s desire to control all aspects of life, including our orifices, is omnipresent, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 09/07/2021)

Mistrusting the MPs, by Bishal Thapa (ae 08/07/2021)

Critical Citizenry Vital For Democracy, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 07/07/2021)

Supremacy of the constitution : To preserve democratic values and norms, the reinstatement of the House is inevitable, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 06/07/2021)

SC Verdict To Seal UML Fate?, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 06/07/2021) [All parties must change fundamentally if Nepal is to have a future. Nepal's political parties are not democratic, socially non-inclusive and in the hands of patriarchal machos with a greater or lesser proximity to Hindu political thinking!]

Diagnosing Nepal’s Postmodern Politics, by Liladhar Upadhyaya (rn 29/06/2021)

Dalit rights: No respite at the top. Those in power are allowed to get away with perpetuating atrocities against Dalits, by Deepak Thapa (kp 28/06/2021)

Judiciary in federalism of Nepal: Universally agreed principles ignored, by Shyam Prasad Mainali (ht 28/06/2021)

Are We Heading Towards Socialism?, by Mukunda Raj Kattel (rn 28/06/2021)

Judiciary, Executive On Collision Course, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 27/06/2021)

Saffronisation of the body politic : Oli wants to be the republican inheritor of Hindu rule, by mingling royalist yellow with Marxist-Leninist red, by CK Lal (kp 23/06/2021)

Are the academics deserted? Politics and dreams of power became the sweeping influences in academia, by Abhi Subedi (kp 20/06/2021)

Is Nepal still a democratic state?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 19/06/2021

Essence Of Native Civil Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 19/06/2021)

Party Democratisation Should Top The Agenda, by Mukti Rijal (rn 17/06/2021)

The way to environmental degradation : The decision to extract sand, stones and soil for export to reduce the deficit is unwise, by Shyam Mainali (kp 17/06/2021)

The Space Creator : Ujwal didn’t want a professional political party like the ones which have been in power for the last thirty years in Nepal, where the only way someone could serve had to go through decades spent on the different rungs of party membership, by Simón Dhungana (rep 16/06/2021)

Leadership Crisis Plagues The Nation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 12/06/2021), Quo Vadis? Given the state of affairs since  December 20, 2020 - the date of the first dissolution of the House of Representatives - the lack of constitutional norms and political morality and the character of leadership to bypass everything that becomes inconvenient for power grab, where is the leadership taking the country?, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep 13/06/2021)

Saving Nepal’s flawed constitution : Only a truly non-partisan a-political civilian movement can bring about this shift to institutional stability and help reinforce our crumbling constitution, by Bishal Thapa (ae 10/06/2021)

Nepal's caretaker government : A total embarrassment, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 09/06/2021)

Entirely over to the judiciary : As politicians go beserk for power, there is no alternative to nuanced judicial activism, by Achyut Wagle (kp 08/06/2021)

For Oli, power—not governance—is priority, as country fights virus wave : Thakur-Mahato faction joins government, inviting questions for themselves of being complicit with someone who they once opposed for his loathing for the Madhes, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 05/06/2021) [Another serious breach of the constitution by KP Oli: He now only heads a caretaker government. Such a government is supposed to remain in office until the election of a new prime minister, but according to Article 77 (3) of the constitution it may not be changed!]

Crafting Democratic Political Order, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 05/06/2021)

A yam between two Indias : Nepal does not just need to balance India and China now, it has to keep out of India’s polarised politics (nt 04/06/2021)

Who Nepal’s political parties represent anyway : None seem to be concerned about the people hit by  the virus, as they deal with crises of their own, paying little attention to their electorate, by Anil Giri (kp 03/06/2021)

Relentless Ripples In Political Pond, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 02/06/2021)

Nepal’s Failed Governance and Unemployment Problem : The government is least concerned about the chaos in the country created by the unemployment problem. Instead, the Oli government’s every move shows that Oli is only worried about saving his chair, by Prakash Pokhrel (rep 02/06/2021)

House Dissolution : Blow to political future of Nepal, by Geeta Kochhar (ht 01/06/2021)

The country be damned  : No one seems to be able to stop Oli’s whimsical actions, even if it ends up destroying the country, by Deepak Thapa (kp 31/05/2021)

Untangling The Tangled Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 29/05/2021)

Political Expediency Overrules Ethics, by Mukti Rijal (rn 27/05/2021)

Controversies, conspiracies and  the constitutional crisis : With more holes in it than a strainer, the convoluted constitution was fated to fail, by CK Lal (kp 26/05/2021)

Dissolution at midnight : Yet another travesty of the constitution, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 26/05/2021)

Faltering Intraparty Democracy : The deepening crisis of intraparty democracy brushes off the achievement of democratic values and legal standards and creates a feeding ground for brutal and egregious dictators. We are, in a true sense, living under a dictatorship, by Nilam Sangroula (rep 25/05/2021)

Severe flaws in the governance system : The mantra of politics, it is increasingly being realised, does not appear to be the spirit of freedom and equality, by Abhi Subedi (kp 23/05/2021)

Politics Takes Dramatic Turn, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 23/05/2021)

Is Nepal headed toward early elections?, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh 21/05/2021)

Public Policies Fail To Deliver Results, by Mukti Rijal (rn 20/05/2021)

Afno manche, all over again in Nepal : If any of you wants a government/bureaucratic job in the next two years, profess your loyalty to the UML, then join a clique, then prove your loyalty to your leader, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (ae 19/05/2021)

Morality and policy and the means (upaya) of Hindu politics, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 18/05/2021)

Nepali politics: Testing waters of democracy, by Geeta Kochhar (ht 17/05/2021)

Do we have a government?, by Kamal Subedi (rep 16/05/2021)

Military and the State: Domesticating the Geopolitics, by Rajendra Sharma (kh 15/05/2021)

Losing trust in the republic : As citizens scramble for oxygen and a hospital bed, our state has disappeared, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 14/05/2021) [It is not the republic, the top politicians have failed. The monarchy was no better. The party-political oligarchs behave like the monarchy once did, without conscience, without morals, oriented only towards their own power interests!]

A tale of two Nepals : As the country reported 8,842 new Covid-19 cases and 214 deaths, Nepali politicians had but one number in mind—136, the figure that could secure them power; Oli reappointed prime minister, by Tika R Pradhan and Anil Giri (kp 14/05/2021) [There must be a way to get rid of these failed and totally irresponsible politicians! Unfortunately, even possible elections are hardly hopeful, as only these self-declared masters of Nepal decide on the selection of candidates and will never change their undemocratic party structures!]

Noxious politics hits the nadir : We need a wholly new approach to regain the sanctity, independence and efficacy of our institutions, by Achyut Wagle (kp 11/05/2021), Public policy implementation : Ways to upending barriers, by Madhav Shrestha (ht 11/05/2021) [No prime minister after 1990 could build on such a stable majority government as Oli, but his delivery was the worst Nepal has seen since!], Regaining Lost Credibility, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 11/05/2021)

Political Choices And Challenges, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 08/05/2021)

Things to do before the budget : Institutional structures at the federal level should be reduced by at least a quarter, by Khim Lal Devkota (kp 06/05/2021)

Restoring balance : The relationship between the people and political parties is reaching a breaking point, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 05/05/2021)

Dawn of a new era: Resort politics : Parties are keeping their fickle politicians in resorts to shield them from temptation, by Sambridh Ghimire (kp 03/05/2021)

Kathmandu Valley’s daily wage earners worry about survival : For many daily-wage earners and squatters living in Kathmandu, they have nowhere to go to escape the brunt of the pandemic, by Anup Ojha (kp 30/04/2021) [The problem repeats itself from the first lockdown, as the Oli government is not at all interested in these people and once again believes it can solve all problems with a lockdown!], Modern-day Neros : Our political leadership’s abdication of responsibility borders on criminality, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 30/04/2021) [Today's party leaders will go down in history as the great destroyers of the country!],
Nepal: A victim of party politics and power games, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (rep 30/04/2021)

Consequences Of Power-Centered Politics, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 28/04/2021)

Fickle Comrades Bicker Over NCP Day, by Ritu Raj Subedi (kp 25/04/2021)

Arrested democratic transformation in Nepal : International civil society intervention could make a difference, by Bihari Krishna Shrestha (kh 23/04/2021)

Politics In A State Of Flux, by Dhruba Hari Adhikari (rn 23/04/2021)

Swearing by political principles and acting just the opposite : Nepali politicians are losing their moral compass, they themselves say to criticise others. Analysts say such a lack of political ethics among leaders is a threat to democracy, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 21/04/2021)

Good Governance: Myth Or Reality?, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 19/04/2021)

Democracy and political parties in crisis, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 18/04/2021) [See also shortened Nepali text]

Political Shifts And Public Intellectuals, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 17/04/2021)

Political Space for Youths : The political space for youths is going to contract further in South Asia including Nepal until and unless the senior leaders voluntarily give the youths the chance to lead, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep 17/04/2021)

Social Justice, Good Governance, and Development, by Khil Raj Regmi (kh 15/04/2021)

Political lull in Nepal : All the major parties to be blamed, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 14/04/2021)

Erosion of poetry in Nepali politics : The most alarming aspect of politicians’ use of language is the production of lies, by Abhi Subedi (kp 11/04/2021)

Particracy Undermines Democracy, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 11/04/2021)

Dialogue As Tool To Solve Conflict, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 10/04/2021)

Politics and institution building : Political tactics and  short-term gains trump institution-building for frontline politicians, by Pramod Mishra (kp 08/04/2021)

Election in crisis : Why we need to talk about, by Apurva Singh (ht 08/04/2021)

The Vice Of Factionalism, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 05/04/2021)

Left Movement In Downward Spiral?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 04/04/2021)

Why Youths Should Join Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 03/04/2021)

Why On The Thirteenth Day? As birds of the same feather flock together, and as there are neither permanent friends nor foes in politics, it is likely that the politicians will come to a political deal that suits them rather than what is best for the country, by Hemang Dixit (sp 02/04/2021)

Whatever happened to equity and inclusion? That one group should progress so disproportionately talks about the failure of the state-society compact, by Deepak Thapa (kp 01/04/2021)

The Political Imbroglio, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 01/04/2021)

Disregard of constitutional norms : Manifestation of hubris syndrome, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 01/04/2021)

Judiciary in the spotlight as political process is halted : Nepali politicians’ inertia and failure to find solutions to the deadlock politically could give room to non-political actors, which is not good for democracy, analysts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 31/03/2021)

Challenges Of Political Leadership, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/03/2021)

Nepali politics is becoming devoid of principles, ethics and ideologies : Beneath the veneer of their high-sounding claims of fighting for the system and democratic norms and values lies politicians’ insatiable desire to attain power and control, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 23/03/2021)

Beating The Politics Of Attrition, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/03/2021)

Language chauvinism : The recent arrests in Balaju show the need for greater understanding of language diversity, by Deepak Thapa (kp 18/03/2021)

Integration, disintegration of parties : Lack of ideological debate responsible, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 18/03/2021) [Even more significant is the lack of democratic party structures and the personal claims to power of the top politicians, even if they have already failed several times!]

House is reinstated, but neither government nor opposition has faith in it : The government hasn’t given Parliament any business, and the opposition too hasn’t used it to hold officials to account, by Binod Ghimire (kp 17/0372021) [When will people realise that they have neither democracy nor a future with this generation of failed politicians?]

Making our democracy work : The thing to do is rein in political corruption and depoliticise public institutions, by Naresh Koirala (kp 15/03/2021)

Elusive Democratic Stability : The domination of personality conflict in Nepali party politics demonstrates the return of old politics of authoritarianism that devalues participatory impulses and the spirit of democracy in their inner life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/03/2021)

Lost in transition : Political beliefs and actions are driven by whims rather than carefully judged thinking, by Atul K Thakur (kp 09/03/2021)

Making Sense Of Political Culture, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 06/03/2021)

They put excessive focus on stability. But they failed  to achieve it : Nepal’s lawmakers and framers of the constitution wrote strong provisions to end instability, but instead of helping politics move ahead, the laws have made it hobble, by Binod Ghimire (kp 04/03/2021)

The president and the prime minister : Bidya Devi Bhandari and KP Oli have ridden roughshod over accepted political norms, by Deepak Thapa (kp 04/03/2021)

Linguistic discrimination and conflict : As long as there is unfairness, the goal of an inclusive and prosperous Nepal is impossible, by Sangmo Yonjan-Tamang (kp 03/03/2021)

The court verdict is a temporary respite : The pyrrhic victory of democracy has restored judicial supremacy in place of Parliament’s sovereignty, by CK Lal (kp 03/03/2021)

Overcoming The Trust Deficit, by Namrata Sharma (rn 03/03/2021)

Political flux and geopolitical manoeuvres : Despite the Supreme Court decision, the murky political waters of Nepal will not quieten anytime soon, by Achyut Wagle (kp 02/03/2021)

Olitics-politics and ethics : Prime Minister Oli is very much the part of the problem. Therefore, cannot be part of the solution, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 28/02/2021)

Triumph Of Constitutionalism, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 28/02/2021)

Civic Activism Of Civil Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/02/2021)

Who owns the constitution anyway : As those elected to protect the charter assaulted it and those with reservations emerged as the vanguard, analysts call for work towards its wider ownership and acceptability, by Binod Ghimire (kp 27/02/2021)) [In any case, the constitution was not created as the interim constitution had prescribed. It is the work of the traditional male elite from the so-called high Hindu castes and continues to safeguard their interests in particular!]

Citizens’ manifesto : The Citizens’ Movement has called for freedom from political regression and justice for the marginalised, by Pramod Mishra (kp 25/02/2021)

Ensure Fair Distribution Of Responsibility, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/02/2021)

Nepal’s democracy challenges : Analysts say the major impediment to democratic process in the country is a lack  of political culture among leaders and their failure to put people first, by Anil Giri (kp 19/02/2021)

Intra-Party Feud Causes Instability, by Bhupa P. Dhamala (rn 19/02/2021)

Is parliament dissolution constitutional? Prime Minister Oli has not been able to prove how exactly the House of the Representatives did not cooperate with him in carrying out his duties, by Neha Sharma (rep 18/02/2021)

Temptations of saffron secularity and hybrid democracy : The political call for a Hindu Rashtra poses a mortal threat to the very idea of an inclusive Nepal, by CK Lal (kp 17/02/2021)

A constitutional crisis in the offing : Without some sort of settlement, Nepal cannot be rescued from the present imbroglio, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 17/02/2021) [All those responsible for this must ultimately be held legally accountable!]

Space and political theatre : Politics in Nepal has employed open spaces for performance and power, by Abhi Subedi (kp 14/02/2021)

The legacy of the decade-long ‘people’s war’ : Former fighters don’t deny the gains of the sacrifices but wonder whether the political achievements have indeed brought socio-economic transformation in the country, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 13/02/2021)

Revolution and counter-revolution : Why have the Maoists  run out of steam, and  their vision become nearly void?, by Hisila Yami (kp 12/01/2021)

Is KP Oli staying on, or will the SC verdict be his final farewell?, by Ashok Dahal (ae 12/01/2021)

Oli’s follies : Deceit and thuggery have gone to such an extent that in one moment PM says one thing and in the next moment does opposite of what he just said, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 12/02/2021)

Youth revolt: the battle for democracy  and transparency; For the freedom-loving, educated in Nepal, Oli and company represent regression and hypocrisy, by Pramod Mishra (kp 11/02/2021)

Pliant Cadres Fail Democracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn 11/02/2021)

Lack of strategic thinking : The constitutional mess in Nepal could lead to political and security dilemmas, by Binoj Basnyat (kp 10/02/2021)

ओलीको श्रीपेच–सपना र मार्क्सवादी हिन्दुत्व : जनता र मुलुकका प्राथमिकताहरूतिर पिठ्युँ फर्काएर सोच्ने प्रत्येक अधिनायकवादी शासकको सबभन्दा स्वाभाविक आकांक्षा नै श्रीपेच लगाउने हो [Oli's Crown of a King dream and Marxist Hindutva : The most natural aspiration of every authoritarian ruler who turns his back on the priorities of the people and the country is to wear a crown], by Achyut Wagle (ka 08/02/2021)

Polarised Politics Jeopardises Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 06/02/021)

Healing political hopelessness in Nepal : Healing the mass pessimism requires political forces to adopt policies that provide sustainable solutions to everyday problems of people, by Ambika P Joshi (rep 05/02/2021) [Please do not take anything positive from the current political leaders!]

A state of permanent revolution : Democracy today is not threatened by those who oppose a government, but by the government itself, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 05/02/2021)

Comedy of errors of communist rule : The very party chief who boasted so much about having two-thirds majority dissolved the parliament and called for next elections, again, to secure the two-thirds majority, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 03/02/2021)

Misplaced trust in a sovereign : The youngsters have little knowledge and experience of the tyrannical monarchy days, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 03/02/2021)

Addressing amnesia in Nepal : In Nepal, political parties are plunging headlong into a culture of post-truth, by Abhi Subedi (kp 31/01/2021)

Threat to Nepal’s hard-fought  democratic ideals : The civil society movement not only must insist on  punishing Oli, but also push for a new political culture, by Pramod Mishra (kp 28/01/2021)

Can the Hindu movement become an alternative political force? : The appeal of monarchy and Hindu forces can backfire, as they disavow principles of inclusion and democracy, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 27/01/2021)

Prime Minister Oli is undermining the constitution: Rule of law and democracy at stake, by Karl-Heinz Krämer. (Nepal Observer 25/01/2021)

Our troubled democracy : Unless the bleeding of democracy stops, the resto-ration of the House alone is not going to save it, by Naresh Koirala (kp 24/01/2021)

When will Dalit lives matter? Despite voices being raised in the Capital and across the country against the injustices inflicted on Dalit people, their plight remains the same. The Post takes a look at the events that took shape last year and why they were not enough, by Srizu Bajracharya (kp 23/01/2021)

The Alchemy Of A New Class, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/01/2021)

Messing up the system : When a government elected with an overwhelming majority dissolves the House due to the failure and inability to manage intra party wrangling and discord, it could become a bane for democracy, by Rajaram Bartaula (rep 22/01/2021)

Who gets to write our history? The nationalist narrative conveniently sets aside other histories that don’t see Nepal as a great nation, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 22/01/2021)

Failure of Nepali communism : The most understated reason for the failure of Nepali communism is their new penchant for central planning and development without the capability to deliver on them, by Bishal Thapa (ae 22/01/2021)

Oli’s legacy of shame : KP Oli put Nepal’s young democracy to the test, and the political class helped him do it, by Deepak Thapa (kp 21/01/2021)

Politics, Polls And Power, by Mukti Rijal (rn 21/01/2021)

Inoculating the masses against  demagogic populism : The challenge for  Nepali society is to work  for a relatively peaceful transition, by CK Lal (kp 20/01/2021) [The best way would be to replace the entire patriarchal old Tagadhari leadership of all political parties with a younger, open-minded and socially inclusive generation!]

Has Oli captured the state? Whether the Constitutional Bench upholds House  dissolution or not, Oli has his tentacles all over, by Achyut Wagle (kp 19/01/2021)

Clash of dreams in politics : There are silent communities in Nepal whose dreams are ignored in the hegemonic structure of power, by Abhi Subedi (kp 17/01/2021)

Building Resilience At Critical Moment, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 16/01/2021)

Are we poised for Jana Andolan III? The bigger the political void and uncertainty, the greater the chances for a people’s movement, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 15/01/2021)

Why national unification day and Prithvi Narayan Shah should not be celebrated, by Binayak Sundas (rep 14/01/2021)

Parliament dissolution is constitutionally wrong, politically illegitimate : If a majority government does not wish to run the government only sensible way out is to resign and pave the way for others to form the government, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 13/01/2021)

Three strikes on democracy : If President Bhandari had downplayed her party affiliation, revisited the list of her duties as a President and sought counsel, instead of rushing to satisfy Oli, she could have reached a different conclusion, by Mukesh Baral (rep 12/01/2021)

No permanent friends, only permanent interests : How does Oli’s dissolution of Parliament affect our neighbours and other powers like the US?, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 08/01/2021)

Torments of an ideological vacuum : Doctrinal vacuity could have survived political scrutiny had Oli been able to deliver development, by CK Lal (kp 06/01/2021)

Sorrows of democracy : Trumpism and Oli-garchy may keep on raising their heads time and again, but it is the people who make history by their collective action, and who continue to carve new forms of democracy, by Mahesh K Maskey (rep 06/01/2021)

Just transition : Policymakers seem unaware that their decisions  are capable of causing  indescribable suffering, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp 04/01/2021)

Nepal : Politically Volatile, by S. Binodkumar Singh (SAIR 04/01/2021)

Reckoning Stability Of Regime, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/01/2021)

Terrifying, tumultuous and tragic (kh 31/12/2020)

Time to rewrite the constitution : It is time to move beyond the idea of political stability to the idea of constitutional stability, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 30/12/2020) [The 2015 Constitution is the work of those politicians who are abusing and destroying it today. The CA, which was not even really socially inclusive in the end, was misused contrary to the interim constitution only for nodding off!], Nepal’s new path : A real transformation is possible in Nepal, and this will be a true nationalist act, by Atul K Thakur (kp 30/12/2020), House dissolution: Political instability feared, by Uttam Maharjan (ht 30/12/2020), What next in Nepal? If the Supreme Court reinstates the House, state of emergency will be declared. Oli then may join hands with pro-monarchy forces which have been demanding constitutional monarchy and a Hindu state, by Suraj K Shrestha (rep 30/12/2020) [Oli is a Hindu fanatic either!]

Who crossed the Rubicon?, by Surendra Singh Rawal (rep 28/12/2020)

आश्चर्य, कांग्रेसले दीपावली किन गरेन ! नेकपामा काँक्राचिरे ठाडो विभाजन भएका बेला नेपाली कांग्रेस, जनता समाजवादी वा आफूलाई वैकल्पिक शक्तिका रूपमा स्थापित गर्न कसरत गरिरहेका राजनीतिक दलहरूका लागि अहिले निर्वाचन घोषणा हुनु राजनीतिक चिट्ठा पर्नुसरह हो [Wonder why Congress did not celebrate Diwali! For the Nepali Congress, the Janata Samajwadi Party or the political parties that are trying to establish themselves as an alternative force at a time when there is a sharp division in the NCP, the announcement of the election is like a political lottery.], by Achyut Wagle (ka 28/12/2020)

अन्तहीन संकटतर्फको प्रस्थान : देशलाई समुन्नत तुल्याउन आडम्बरी राष्ट्रवाद, नक्कली नायकत्व, तानाशाही नीति र जातीय आग्रहबाट मुक्त भएर व्यावहारिक, व्यावसायिक, यथार्थवादी, समावेशी राजनीति आवश्यक हुन्छ । [Departure towards endless crisis : In order to make the country prosperous, practical, professional, realistic, inclusive politics free from ostentatious nationalism, fake leadership, dictatorial policy and ethnic demands is necessary.], by Mohna Ansari (ka 27/12/2020)

Expand Civic Space For Participation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/12/2020)

Prime Minister Oli is pushing the country to precipice. Is there a way to stop him? It is necessary for all of us who want this constitution to function and who care about this country to shout out that the Prime Minister is wrong, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 25/12/2020)

Five years of relentless ‘Oli-fication’ : The worry is that the societal and political changes have become almost irreversible, by CK Lal (kp 23/12/2020)

Call For Curbing Unbridled Careerism, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 19/12/2020)

Restoration Of Faith In Politics, by Nyas Yadav (rn) 19/12/2020

The duel within the Nepal Communist Party : In Nepal’s political culture, leaders never retire because politics has paid them well, by Naresh Koirala (kp) [This is true for other parties, especially the NC, as well! Politicians like Deuba, Oli and Dahal can fail miserably several times as Prime Ministers, they still remain entrenched at the top of their parties!]

The Downsides Of A Mass Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 12/12/2020)

Saga Of Leadership Transition In Nepal, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 12/12/2020)

Ghost of the crown : The risks associated  with a return to the past  far outweigh its touted,  fictitious benefits, by Achyut Wagle (kp 08/12/2020)

Fighting Political Frustration, by Ishwar Dev Khanal (kh 05/12/2020)

Attacking the system, one step at a time : Oli administration’s actions are against constitutional  provisions and pose a threat to democratic  principles and norms, observers say, by Anil Giri (kp 04/12/2020)

Fourteen years of CPA: What did Nepal achieve? The issues that plagued pre-war Nepal still find resonance in contemporary times. It is important to work with civil society and victims to exert pressure on political elites to ensure full implementation of CPA, by Raunak Mainali and Prakash Bhattarai (ht 03/12/2020)

The why, how  and who of the  anti-federalism, pro-king rallies : The rallies, though small, are an expression of frustration with both the government and the opposition for their  failures, and should be taken as a warning, observers say, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 01/12/2020)

Dynastic Politics Undermines Democracy, by Deepak Raj Joshi (rn 30/11/2020)

Political quake in the offing : Collision of Indian, Chinese political tectonic plates, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 30/11/2020)

Ruling party feud has far-reaching repercussions : If the meddling and  backstabbing go unchecked, democracy and federalism may be at stake, by Achyut Wagle (kp 24/11/2020)

कांग्रेस र कम्युनिस्ट आत्महत्याको बाटोमा : नेकपाको लोभको झगडालाई जतिसुकै सैद्धान्तिक आवरण दिए पनि त्यसको मूलमा सांस्कृतिक र नैतिक विचलनको चिन्ता छैन [Congress and communists on the path of suicide : No matter how much ideological cover is given to the struggle of the CPN (Maoist) for greed, there is no concern of cultural and moral deviation at its root], by Puranjan Acharya (np 22/11/2020)

दलीय सहमतिमा भ्रष्टाचार ! सत्तामा रहनेहरू नागरिक असन्तुष्टि दबाएर राज्यसंयन्त्र आफ्नो नियन्त्रणमा राख्ने गैरलोकतान्त्रिक अभ्यासमा अभ्यस्त हुँदैछन् [Corruption in party consensus! Those in power are becoming accustomed to the undemocratic practice of controlling the state apparatus by suppressing civil dissatisfaction], by Shyam Prasad Mainali (ap 22/11/2020)

Why is the bureaucracy so inept? The pace of decentralisation is slow, and the administrative culture is not performance-oriented, by Shankar Man Singh (kp 20/11/2020)

अनुत्तरदायी लोकतन्त्र, बिन्दास नेता : वार्षिक करिब ९ खर्ब विप्रेषण नभित्रिने हो भने नेपालको अवस्था कस्तो हुन्थ्यो, कल्पना गर्नसम्म सकिँदैन । यो बुझेका छट्टु नेताहरूले उद्योगधन्दा खोल्न होइन कि, आक्रोशमा आउन सक्ने असंख्य युवालाई विदेश पठाएर स्वदेशमा लुटको साम्राज्य कायम गरिरहेका छन् [Unaccountable democracy, cool leader : It would not be possible to imagine what the situation would be like in Nepal if about 900 billion remittances were not received annually. Realizing this, the Chhattisgarh leaders are not trying to start a business, but they are sending a large number of youths abroad to establish an empire of plunder in the country.], by Buddhi Prasad Sharma (ka 20/11/2020)

देशले खोजेको दल : धर्म, संघीयता र गणतन्त्रको नाममा नागरिकको भावनामा खेलेर रोटी सेकाउने दल अबको पुस्ताले खोजेको दल हुँदै होइन [The team sought by the country : The party that bakes bread in the name of religion, federalism and republic is not the party that the present generation is looking for], by Milan Pande (np 20/11/2020)

Effective Governance To Overcome Challenges, by Mukti Rijal (rn 19/11/2020)

असान्दर्भिक बन्दै राजनीतिक दलहरू : दलभन्दा नेताले प्राथमिकता पाउनु दलीय औचित्य कमजोर हुनु हो, जुन लोकतन्त्रका लागि सह्य होइन [Political parties becoming irrelevant : To give priority to a leader over a party is to weaken the party's legitimacy, which is not tolerable for democracy], by Ram Gurung (ka 19/11/2020)

नेकपा कम्पनी प्रालि : राजनीति त्याग र सेवाको सम्मिश्रण हो, सेयर हिस्सा देखाएर नाफा माग्दै क्याल्कुलेटर चलाउने पेसा होइन [CPN Company Pvt : Politics is a combination of sacrifice and service, not a job of calculating profits by showing a share], by Akhand Bhandari (ap 18/11/2020)

संसद् बन्द कहिलेसम्म ? कोभिड संक्रमण उच्च रहेका अमेरिका र भारतमा हालै निर्वाचन सम्पन्न भएका छन्, यहाँ भने कोभिडलाई नै कारण बनाएर साढे चार महिनादेखि संसद् बन्द गरिएको छ । जनप्रतिनिधिमूलक संस्थालाई लामो समयसम्म निष्प्रभावी बनाइएकामा सरोकारवालाहरुले प्रश्न उठाउन थालेका छन् [Parliament closed till when? Elections have recently been held in the United States and India, where the Covid infection is high, but here Parliament has been closed for four and a half months due to Covid. Stakeholders have started questioning the ineffectiveness of the people's representative body for a long time], by Rishiram Paudyal (ka 18/11/2020)

Will Nepal rise? It's important to rise. But where is the possibility? Who is the possibility? Where are the forces with vision and humility?, by Anjali Subedi (rep 18/11/2020), When will Nepal rise? It's important to rise. But where is the possibility? Who is the possibility? Where are the forces with vision and humility?, by Anjali Subedi (rep 19/11/2020)

Will generational change in party leaderships be for the better? Experts aren’t optimistic.Politicians have made a career of politics rather than having the intention to serve the people and therefore it is the value system in politics that needs to change, they say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 14/11/2020)

Overcoming The Cultural Cringe Essential, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 14/11/2020)

Khula Manch was once a symbol of struggle against authoritarian rule. The days are long gone, it seems : Kathmandu Metropolitan City has ordered free food distribution be removed from Khula Manch. This, many say, is against democratic principles, values the space once stood for, by Srizu Bajracharya (kp 13/11/2020) [What could better symbolise the state of democracy in oligarchic Nepal?]

Good riddance : Four years of the Trump administration has done enough damage, but the Nepali Trump ploughs on, by Deepak Thapa (kp 12/11/2020)

शासकमाथि नागरिक नियन्त्रण :  नेपाली राजनीतिज्ञको नैतिक धरातल निकै कमजोर छ, पराजित भइसकेपछि पनि चोरबाटोबाट सांसद, प्रधानमन्त्री हुने परिपाटी बसेको छ [Civil control over the ruler : The moral ground of Nepali politicians is very weak.] , by Tara Prasad Oli (np 12/11/2020)

देशमा चम्केको गुटतन्त्र : गुटबन्दीको धन्दामा कमी आउन पहिले त पार्टीमा निहित स्वार्थ भएका नेताहरूका बीच समझदारी हुनुपर्छ । त्यस्तो समझदारी सहज ढंगले आउँदैन [Factionalism shining in the country : Before the factionalism subsides, there must be an understanding between the leaders with vested interests in the party. Such an understanding does not come easily] , by Kishor Nepal (ka 12/11/2020)

गणतन्त्रका मुफासा [Mufasa of the republic] , by Kosh Prasad Neupane (nag 12/11/2020)

जातीय मुक्तिका अप्ठ्यारा मार्क्सवादी बाटा [The Marxist path to ethnic liberation], by Mekh Raj Udaya (nag 12/11/2020)

सुशासनको लागि प्रश्न [Questions for good governance], by Bishwa Kuinkel(gp 08/11/2020)

Cost Of Personality Cult, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 07/121/2020)

संविधान कुल्चेर समृद्धिका खोक्रा नारा : सरकार स्वतन्त्र न्यायालयको अस्तित्व र यसले गरेका फैसलाहरूलाई पूर्णतः बेवास्ता गरेर अगाडि बढ्न उद्यत छ । विधिको शासनमाथि गरिएको यो निकै योजनाबद्ध प्रहार हो, जसले मुलुकको समृद्धिका सम्भावनामाथि प्रत्यक्ष चोट पुर्‍याउँछ, by Achyut Wagle (ka 02/11/2020)

Strengthening constitutionalism strengthens democracy, analysts say : Experts stress wider discourse on constitutionalism amid incidents in which those  tasked with implementing the constitution have been brazenly trampling upon it, by Binod Ghimire (kp 01/11/2020)

In constitutional breach, none of the 13 constitutional commissions has full quota of office bearers : The National Human Rights Commission was the only one which had all five positions filled but the team’s six-year tenure ended two weeks ago. This suits the KP Sharma Oli government just fine, experts say, by Binod Ghimire (kp 31/10/2020) [Oli and his colleagues see themselves as the lords of the country, who are above the constitution and laws; this applies to the top politicians of all parties! The NC's top politicians are no better. There is only one democratic solution for the voters and that is 2022, if by then there are politicians and parties committed to democracy and the rule of law!]

Fellow Nepalis, fear the government, fear as much for the country, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 31/10/2020)

Need Of Promoting Political Culture, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 31/10/2020)

Somehow, federalism rightly flagged up : There is no convincing reason for the government to take so many irrational decisions, by Achyut Wagle (kp 30/10/2020)

संसदीय व्यवस्था, जनवादी केन्द्रीयता र सामूहिक नेतृत्व : केन्द्रीकृत वा जनवादी केन्द्रीयता वा सामूहिक नेतृत्वबाट राजनीतिक दलहरू सञ्चालन हुँदासम्म लोकतन्त्रले गति लिन सक्दैन । संविधानले दिएको व्यवस्था भनेको संसदीय प्रणाली हो, यससँग बेमेल अभ्यासहरूलाई क्रमश: छोड्दै जानु नै युक्तिसंगत बाटो हो, by Krishna Hachhethu (ka 30/10/2020)

Politics Without Frontiers, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 24/10/2020)

Kulman Ghising, Bonnie Henry and Bamdev Gautam : Nepal’s biggest challenge is not poverty. It is the impunity with which politicians operate, by Naresh Koirala (kp 18/10/2020)

Democracy Needs Civic Competence, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 17/10/2020)

Implementing Federalism In True Spirit, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 17/10/2020)

Nepal’s war on multiple fronts : Saviour needed, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 4/10/2020)

Does Nepal await another popular revolt? There seems to be a dearth of organised public anger against the federal government’s failures, by Achyut Wagle (kp 13/10/2020) [As under the undemocratic royal system, power is in the hands of a small male elite of high-caste Hindus, characterised by a high degree of incompetence and corruption. Inclusion, the rule of law and human rights are foreign words. The only difference: under the monarchy, male Chhetris were predominant; today, authoritarian male Bahuns dominate almost exclusively!]

Modes of resistance in Nepal : Dr KC raises his voice to fight for something the political leaders themselves should have attempted to sort out, by Abhi Subedi (kp 11/10/2020)

Informal Polity Impairs Modern Institutions, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 10/10/2020)

Ruling party internal conflict is taking a toll on governance : The two chairmen have been holding talks while the party has been holding Secretariat  meetings regularly, but with no concrete decision, there is confusion all around, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 09/10/2020) [Power struggles, nepotism and corruption of incompetent and aloof male Bahun politicians are ruining the Nepalese state in times of pandemic!]

The response to the pandemic will further isolate Nepal : A problem—be it an earthquake or a pandemic—is only recognised when it hits the capital, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 06/10/2020)

A Moment For Social Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 03/10/2020)

Nepal’s unfinished revolution, by Bishal Thapa (ae 02/10/2020)

Our broken politics : A leopard never changes its spots, and our political leaders have shown a similar inability to change, by Deepak Thapa (kp 01/10/2020)

Jumping on the Hindutva bandwagon : Nepali Congress has  nothing to offer the electorate save  its history, by CK Lal (kp 30/09/2020)

Consolidating Constitutional Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/09/2020)

Way out of the quagmire : Young reformists must now join either party, depending on their ideologies, and push for change from within, by Naresh Koirala (kp 23/09/2020)

One mistake of Nepali democracy: Oversized parliament : It is sad that despite all the political upheavals and fiery speeches delivered to the public, no serious case has been made to trim the size of parliament and the government, by Sukhdev Shah (rep 23/09/2020)

Democratic and Egalitarian Discourse, by Ganga Bahadur Thapa (kh 20/09/2020)

Beating Predicament Of Weak Governance, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 19/09/2020)

Enhancing The Art Of Government, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 05/09/2020)

What could go wrong in Nepal in the next two years?, by Ujwal Thapa (rep 04/09/2020)

How to spot a genius : Nepotism and favouritism have been the bane of Nepali polity for centuries. It is not going away any time soon, by Deepak Thapa (kp 03/09/2020)

Riches of youth in politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 29/08/2020)

Pathology of an ultranationalist regime: Populism is enough to ensure stability in a country that takes pride in being an insecure nation-state, by CK Lal (kp 19/08/2020)

Economic woes may lead to a political disaster, by Nischal Nath Pandey (rep 19/08/2020)

The cost of the ruling party feud: This dispute is destructive because of its disconnect from the pressing issues of national interest, by Achyut Wagle (kp 18/08/2020), Conflict in ruling party hits governance: Ministers busy resolving internal conflicts, officials don’t want to take risks, experts say, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 19/08/2020) [In view of the enormous problems Nepal is facing, the ruthless power struggles of the political elite must be classified as a criminal offense. All those involved have disqualified themselves from any political activity for the rest of their lives! This is reinforced by the fact that persons like PM Oli are not up to their difficult tasks, neither professionally nor in terms of health!]

The topics of discussion in Nepal: It seems that petty politics has once again overtaken urgent matters—such as the handling of the pandemic, by Abhi Subedi (kp 16/08/2020)

The Difficulty Of Forging A Compromise, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 08/08/2020)

Distractions of their own making: What Prime Minister KP Oli and his challenger, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, seem to have forgotten is the sorry state Nepal is in, caught between a killer pandemic and a disastrous monsoon, by Deepak Thapa (kp 06/08/2020) [Both do not have to prove their incompetence any further. They should resign from all offices immediately and so should a number of other so-called top politicians!]

When enough is never enough: The success of an ethical appeal requires that the moral principles of the respondent be equally proper, by CK Lal (kp 05/08/2020)

Political drama in Nepal: The political spectacle concerning the ruling party that is currently overwhelming public discourse has all the components of a theatre play, by Abhi Subedi (kp 02/08/2020)

The revolution yet to come, by Dinkar Nepal (ae 31/07/2020)

An inside account of Nepal: It is all about power, who did what and ended up getting what in reciprocation, by Atul K. Thakur (kp 29/07/2020)

New standard for extraction, construction materials issued (ht 29/07/2020)

Time To Promote Deliberative Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 25/07/2020)

Is religion still an effective political mobilization tool in Nepal?, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (ae 24/07/2020)

Marx’s nightmare: The mode of governance in most communist countries is hardly distinguishable from fascism, by Naresh Koirala (kp 23/07/2020)

After delayed and poor harvest, yarsagumba collectors will now have to face depletion concerns: First came the ban in harvesting the fungus due to pandemic fears and now the government has taken note of the IUCN concern of conservation needs for the Himalayan ‘viagra’., by Chandan Kumar Mandal and Basanta Pratap Singh (kp 19/07/2020)

Need Of Restoring Trust In Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 18/07/2020)

Who's afraid of dialogue? Humility and critical thinking help individuals and nations alike to engage in a mutually beneficial experience of truth-seeking with the other, by Dinesh Kafle (kp 13/07/2020)

In Nepali politics, you can never trust your friends: The one common factor through Nepal’s history has been that alliances never last, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 10/07/2020)

How KP Oli failed the nation: The goon-like politics which he promoted throughout his political life is perhaps his greatest weakness, by Achyut Wagle (kp 07/07/2020)

What defines a Nepali citizen? Nepal needs to understand the realities of the 21st century. It needs to move forward, not backward, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 30/06/2020)

The Comeback Of The State, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/06/2020)

Is Oli lying or clueless? Anyone who has heard the prime minister's speeches knows he always attempts to qualify his words with a veneer of what he thinks is science, by Deepak Thapa (kp 25/06/2020)

The art of protesting: Nepal has witnessed several imaginative, unorthodox and evocative rebellions, by Deepesh Paudel (kp 25/06/2020)

Feigned innocence of the ‘White Shirts’: There is little need to raise eyebrows at the Nepal Communist Party holding a virtual workshop with the Chinese Communist Party, by CK Lal (kp 24/06/2020)

State plunder during a pandemic: A systemic annihilation of the entire anti-corruption system will have far graver consequences than a single instance of corruption, by Achyut Wagle (kp 23/06/2020)

Borders between Brothers’ – India, Nepal and the China Factor, by Subrata Mitra, Jivanta Schoettli and Markus Pauli (kh 22/06/2020)

Mainstream Nationalism vs. Regional Nationalism, by Ashis Adhikari (rep 20/06/2020))

Performance Of Political Life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/06/2020)

No justice, no peace: Young people are coming out for the very first time to protest against injustices. These newly minted activists may change the world profoundly, by Pramod Mishra (kp 18/06/2020)

Paradox of republic: How many more governments do we need to change in order to realize that the fault line goes far and beyond the convenient scapegoats?, by Sarans Pandey (rep 18/06/2020)

Call for change: Through peaceful and smart protests around the country, the youth have demanded a structural transformation. It should be perceived as a warning bell by all of society, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 16/06/2020)

Justice Done To Statues, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km 16/06/2020)

Three youth protests in a week. Observers say government needs to take note: Politically unaffiliated youths taking to the streets is not a regular occurrence in Nepali history, say analysts, as most protests are led by political parties, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 15/06/2020)

The Costs Of Governance, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/06/2020)

Nationalism has overshadowed governance: A clear disconnect between Nepal’s immediate priorities and the national budget has been exposed, by Achyut Wagle (kp 09/06/2020)

The Power And Peril Of Intellectuals, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 06/06/2020)

Dimensions Of Legal-Rational Legitimacy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 30/05/2020)

The way forward in South Asia: Bhutan, Maldives and Nepal could face an excruciating foreign exchange crunch, by Mahendra P. Lama (kp 27/05/2020)

Limit & Leverage Of Transnational Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/05/2020)

When strategies don’t work, they backfire, by Prakash Acharya (ht 23/05/2020)

Solidifying National Integrity: Nepal’s Urgent Need!, by Durga D Poudel (tn 19/05/2020)

Beyond The Culture Of Modernity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 15/05/2020)

Plans after the pandemic: Nepalis knew all along that the economy, based largely on remittance, is unsustainable. But we never realised that it would meet such a chaotic fate, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp 15/05/2020)

Nationalism, migration and the impending job crisis: Communist parties have always disliked the idea of out-migration yet have done little to help Nepalis stay back, by Deepak Thapa (kp 14/05/2020)

When leaders go rogue: What remains of Oli is a megalomaniac besieged by his own comrades, by Avasna Pandey (kp 07/05/2020)

Riddles of electoral democracy: Is there any rational to participate in voting? Why are we voting? For whom are we voting? Isn’t it time to look for an improved system of securing representation even when that happens through voting?, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep 05/05/2020)

Oli’s reckless adventurism: Almost without exception, the prime minister has long staked a position that went against social and political liberalism, by Deepak Thapa (kp 04/05/2020)

Where government efforts have faltered, the people have come to the rescue: In the absence of governmental efforts, many individuals and communities across the country are working to ensure that relief reaches the most vulnerable, by Aditi Aryal (kp 04/05/2020) [The top politicians in government and political parties are only interested in their power struggles. They know neither their duties nor the rules of democracy, not to mention human rights and respect for the constitution and laws!]

The Wisdom Of Statesperson, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/05/2020)

Abdication of governance: Power in a democracy has been perceived as a tool to empower the many, but in practice, it has benefitted only a few, by Siddhartha Thapa (kp 30/04/2020)

Everybody wants to be an autocrat: The politicisation of crime is a relatively common affair in clientelism, by CK Lal (kp 29/04/2020)

Oli's hara-kiri, in kamikaze style: The prime minister’s manoeuvres have taken the spotlights away from the government’s handling of the novel coronavirus, by Achyut Wagle (kp 28/04/2020)

Has Covid-19 exposed the stark inequality between Nepal's haves and have-nots? Social distancing, the primary weapon to prevent the pandemic from spreading, is a privilege, by Sushrey Nepal (kp 28/04/2020)

Our Democracy is under attack, by Akshya Aryal (ht 24/04/2020)

On ending this lockdown: The end of Covid-19 is not imminent. Meanwhile, life cannot be put on hold without plans for a way out, by Manesh Shrestha (kp 23/04/2020)

Bringing Back The Community Spirit, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 18/04/2020)

Covid-19, climate change and the future: The years ahead will be shaped by the choices we make in the coming weeks and months, by Madhukar Upadhya (kp 17/04/2020)

Ke garne attitude kills people: Nepal is unprepared not just for a COVID-19 outbreak, but also for pre-existing diseases and disasters, by Laxmi Basnet (nt 17/04/2020)

Nepal must hope for the best, prepare for the worst: So far relatively unscathed from the coronavirus pandemic, the country cannot afford to be complacent, by Buddha Basnyat and Sudeep Adhikari (nt 17/04/2020)

We live in a false time: Our government is not only dysfunctional by design but also increasingly deceptive, by Sabin Ninglekhu (kp 16/04/2020)

The ‘Oli-garchy’ gets a booster dose: There was some hope, before the pandemic, that good sense will somehow emerge in the ruling dispensation, by CK Lal (kp15/04/2020)

Need Of Virtuous Leadership, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/04/2020)

Shifting Paradigm Of Public Order, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 28/03/2020)

A wake up call: The coronavirus outbreak has laid bare the incapacity of the leaders to make their population feel secure, by Amod Pyakurel (kp 27/03/2020)

Governing lawfully in crisis: Let us be mindful that politics of the pandemic can potentially undo the peace dividend that Nepal has just begun to realize, by Ian Payne and George Varughese (rep 26/03/2020

Standing At A Transformative Moment, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/03/2020)

Prognosis of democratic governance: Nepal has all the characteristics of bad governance despite the successful exercises of holding elections when needed, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 16/03/2020)

Parliament functioning more like extension of government, rather than sovereign entity, experts sayThey argue the legislative, responsible for discussing issues of public interest and holding the Cabinet to account, has been overshadowed by the executive, by Anil Giri (kp 16/03/2020), Law-making process: Far from participatory, by Mukti Rijal (ht 19/03/2020)

Covid-19 raises questions about the future of the Nepali state: Nepal will have to debate and talk about our ideas about the nation-state, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 16/03/2020)

Power sharing by the Opposition: Violation of parliamentary norms, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 13/03/2020)

Almost all major parties have two or more chairs, and that is not necessarily a good thing: While some say collective leadership was instituted to ensure democratic values, others believe it was more of a bid to manage the egos of senior party leaders, by Anil Giri (kp 09/03/2020) [This is a consequence of factionalism in all political parties. None of the parties in Nepal is a self-contained entity, and has not been for a very long time! Power struggles between different party leaders, predominantly male Bahuns, are a typical feature. It is not about ideology or even the welfare of the nation, but primarily about the power of political leaders and their access to the state's coffers!]

Communist manifestation: Should we redefine communist principles and politics or is our communist movement doomed to failure?, by Mohan Guragain (kp 07/03/2020)

Piety and poison: the insidious spread of Hindutva: Those flirting with the idea of a Hindu state need to look at how quickly India has changed, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 06/03/2020)

Scandals expose conflict over patronage: If Nepal is to develop, we must ensure a transition to the rule of law in the economy as well, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 02/03/2020)

Delusion of governance: Main reason why Oli-led government has failed on basic things is because it is basically composed of a group of people who are obsessed with personal aggrandizement, by Ajit Rai (rep 01/03/2020)

Two years on, the government’s promises of prosperity seem like a joke: Democratic norms are being trampled on, governance is weak and the economy is in a shambles, by Achyut Wagle (kp 18/02/2020), How to judge Oli government? The longest serving and a stable government post-2008 has failed where it should have succeeded and succeeded where it should have failed, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 18/02/2020)

Fear the threat: If the state fails to control corruption, ensure accountability and provide basic needs such as food, shelter, clothes, education, health and employment, threat of insurgency will always loom, by Suresh Sharma (rep 16/02/2020)

Recent graft charges and subsequent debate indicate erosion of political culture: Ruling and opposition parties squabble over anti-corruption watchdog’s decision, but none is talking about ways to root out corruption, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 10/02/2020)

Rebuilding the golden window: As global giants differ in their outlook of connectivity, countries like Nepal will play a role in bridging competing powers, by Bruno Maçães (kp 07/02/2020)

An elegy to liberal democracy: The rise of anti-liberalism in the West and Nepal is fundamentally different, by Achyut Wagle (kp 04/02/2020)

Perils of communist state: Almost seven decades after the red curtain had descended across the world, Nepal is still a communist haven. So is the communist prologue fading or has it just begun in Nepal?, by Biraj Bahadur Bista (rep 04/02/2020)

How social and political divisions are driving the process of democratic erosion: Cleavages can generate a visceral emotional response; they override people’s concern for democracy and human rights, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 03/02/2020)

Decline Of Public Institutions, by Mukti Rijal (rn 30/01/2020)

Political Institutionalisation Matters, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 28/01/2020)

Sapkota becomes Speaker amid concerns from conflict victims and rights watchdogs: The House elected the former Maoist leader unopposed, hours after a court hearing on a writ against him was stalled, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 27/01/2020) [R.I.P. democracy, human rights and rule of law!]

New names for old places reflect the changing times, but not everyone is happy: Old place names were born out of tradition, culture and heritage, which new names ignore, say locals, by Shashwat Pant (kp 23/01/2020) [This tradition was introduced under the authoritarian royal panchayat system with its policy of "one nation, one language, one culture, one religion", which is still continued today by the minority of male high-caste party politicians who treat Nepal like their property! The cut of today's provinces and the problems around their naming are exactly related to this.]

Nationalists unite: Oli’s ramblings could very well have come from Trump’s mouth: Self-aggrandisation and cracking down on enemies—Trump and Oli share not the best of traits, by Deepak Thapa (kp 23/01/2020)

Palanquin bearers of the Supremo: In every conflict of interest between humane concerns and jingoism couched as nationalism, the latter always wins, by CK Lal (kp 22/01/2020)

Failure of govt and opposition: It’s dysfunctional democracy, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 22/01/2020)

Restoring democracy back to the default: Prime Minister Oli opened too many battlefronts, now he may be succumbing to his own ambitions, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 20/01/2020)

Is the party over? Elected representatives have now replaced hereditary monarchs in offering patronage and largesse. It is difficult to say whether ‘people’ are upset with current political culture or are exhibiting some form of ‘abnormality’ in their responses to it, by Pranab Kharel (rep 15/01/2020)

In the criticism against the Oli administration, Nepali youth are eerily silent: Many young people fear the might of the current government as it is the strongest in decades while others have their own interests to protect, say youth activists, by Binod Ghimire (kp 14/01/2020)

Losing our conscience, one country at a time: In a time of politics without principle, the only defining ideology is nationalism, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 10/01/2020)

The decade of lumpen: The person of the decade has to be Prime Minister KP Oli, whereas the person to watch closely in the upcoming one is President Bidya Devi Bhandari, by CK Lal (kp 08/01/2020)

The elected undemocracy: Parliament has become a mere rubber stamp for all government bills that get sanctioned without any debate, by Achyut Wagle (kp 07/01/2020)

Morality, Politics And Power, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 07/01/2020)

The sugarcane episode is part of a much bigger trend—the decline of democracy: Policies, disguised as legitimate efforts to serve the public interest, are designed to serve financial interests, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 06/01/2020)

Will 2020 let Nepalis see better days? The present administration should realise the government can't retain its power without taking people along, by Mohan Guragain (kp 04/01/2020)

Tendency to undermine Parliament detrimental to democracy, analysts say: As party leaders feud over Speaker, there’re concerns about the crucial bill session bearing the brunt, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 29/12/2019)

Farfetched socialist dreams: Crucial problems such as land management and integration of labour wage and market price have to be resolved, by Ram Gurung (kp 29/12/2019)

Yet another year of despair: It is said that the determination for collective struggle comes from the deep despair of the dispossessed, by CK Lal (kp 25/12/209))

Battleground Nepal: China's Belt and Road Initiative vs the US MCC Compact: The country has to walk a tightrope between global powers, but the US-funded Compact is too important to reject, by Achyut Wagle (kp 24/12/2019)

Democracy under siege: India's Citizenship Amendment Act reinforces and celebrates the idea of religious persecution and discrimination. Nepali polity’s penchant for emulating BJP’s India is terrifying, by Swagat Raj Pandey (kp 23/12/2019)

How they failed Nepal: All we had to do was to protect a country that our ancestors had created by making great sacrifices but this is where we failed, by Devendra Gautam (rep 15/12/2019)

Democratic socialism is what we need: In this age of sweeping transformation and intense polarization, social democrats stand as the lamppost for the greatest possible reconciliation between liberty and equality, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep 12/12/2019)

Female deputy speakers of various provinces complain of being given rights, but no responsibilit: The task of the deputy speaker is to run the house in the speaker’s absence but the position doesn’t allow one to take decisions independently, by Pratiksha Kafle (kp 11/12/2019)

Continued political interference is weakening crucial constitutional bodies: Though such commissions are envisioned as independent agencies, parties have not allowed them to function independently, experts say, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 08/12/2019)

Lessons from Sri Lanka: Provision of postal vote is something Nepal can immediately learn from Sri Lanka. In Nepal, thousands of security personnel and election staff cannot vote during the elections, by Krishna M. Pradhan (rep 04/12/2019)

Curbing corruption: Faulty election system of First Past the Post is one of the main reasons responsible for motivating political corruption, by Kul Ratna Bhurtel (rep 02/12/2019)

Politicians say the darndest things: Words without action mean nothing. But our leaders don’t seem to believe so, by Deepak Thapa (kp 28/11/2019)

The power of the throne: The ruling party continues to play games of power, even as the status quo is maintained and the opposition is crippled, by CK Lal (kp 27/11/2019)

Rights groups’ statement shows the world is watching Nepal’s transitional justice process, experts say: The statement from four prominent human rights organisations is stronger than ones issued in the past, indicating the international community may be gradually losing faith in Nepal’s system, by Binod Ghimire (kp 27/11/2019) [see joint statement by ICJ, AI, HRW and TRIAL]

Spring Of Frictions In Political Parties, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/11/2019)

Prime Minister has used a cabinet reshuffle to mask his government’s incompetence: But without solving internal party anomalies, the current government is unlikely to make Nepal prosperous and Nepalis happy, by Achyut Wagle (kp 26/11/2019)

Reimagining the peace pact: Some aspects of the 2006 Comprehensive Peace Agreement need to be revived and updated, by Mohna Ansari (kp 21/11/2019)

Arguing For Executive Presidency, by Mukti Rijal (rn 21/11/2019)

Prosperity sharing is necessary to attain equitable growth: Growth-oriented policies, combined with redistributive public measures, can ensure Nepal achieving wealth, by Ram Sharan Mahat (kp 21/11/2019)

Integrity deficit in parties: Weakening value-based politics, by Mukti Rijal (ht 19/11/2019)

Accountability For Governance, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 19/11/2019)

State Of Think Tanks In Nepal, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 16/11/2019)

What privilege looks like in Nepal: Liberalism seems to die a quiet death when it comes to addressing its own failures, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 15/11/2019)

Stand united for Nepal : Let us use all our avenues and diplomatic acumen to resolve the issue with our southern neighbor through a peaceful, well-thought-out process, by Devendra Gautam (rep 14/11/2019), Safeguarding our territory: Nepal may seek British mediation if India does not agree that Limpiadhura is the source of Mahakali River. As last resort, Nepal may also need to knock International Court of Justice, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (rep 14/11/2019), Kalapani: Then and now (rep 14/11/2019)

The curious case of Non-resident Nepalis and politics: The NRNs collectively share a great interest in politics back home with an aim to hobnob with the politicians, by Deepak Thapa (kp 14/11/2019)

For Nepal to thrive, federalism must work: History should have taught us by now that a top-down, Kathmandu-centric approach to development will not work, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (kp 14/11/2019)

The fragility of secularism and the future of democracy: Perhaps there is a reason democracy inevitably degenerates into majoritarianism in almost all religious polities, by CK Lal (kp 13/11/2019)

Parties often prioritise women candidates to cash in on sympathy votes: The fielding of a number of candidates in the upcoming by-elections fits a tendency to award election tickets to women after the demise of their husbands, by Binod Ghimire (kp 12/11/2019)

Brahmins and Chhetris continue to dominate entry into civil service: Despite reservation policies for marginalised groups, Brahmins and Chhetris have not just maintained their dominance but have increased their presence in civil service, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 12/11/2019)

Intergenerational Justice, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 12/11/2019)

Nepal is ignoring a necessary international arbitration, at its own risk: The Ncell case is at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, but the government is doing nothing, by Rajesh Bastola (kp 11/11/2019) [This is another example of the absolute incompetence and ignorance of Nepalese politicians and administrators!]

The problems Nepal faces in implementing federalism: To successfully complete the transition, the country has to focus on economic policy and border security, by Saurav Raj Pant (kp 10/11/2019)

Aiming for a better future, by prioritising the young: Nepal has no idea how to prepare its children for the future. But it needs to learn before it is too late, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 05/11/2019)

Politics has become a haven for crime and corruption: Political parties have not only protected the criminality of their cadres, but they also have provided shelter to notorious criminals, by Achyut Wagle (kp 31/10/2019)

The true worth of a picture : Who will speak for this country and boost its image internationally? Who will stand for accountability, transparency and democracy?, by Devendra Gautam (rep 26/10/2019)

Janajati, Madhesi forces seek to revive identity-based movement: The KP Sharma Oli administration has undermined the rights and privileges of marginalised communities, leaders say, by Anil Giri (kp 21/10/2019)

Lack of consistency in pursuing its foreign policy has cost Nepal dear: Competition may be forcing powerful countries to facilitate undemocratic and corrupt tendencies in the country, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 21/10/2019)

A riddle, wrapped in a mystery: What ideological identity the Nepal Communist Party subscribes to remains unclear, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 14/10/2019)

Revolution in digital age: There will first be a few revolutionaries, who are joined by hundreds of thousands then supported by millions. It happens without a central leadership and starts on the Internet, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 01/10/2019)

Water, Security And Peace, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 01/10/2019)

We need a culture of dialogues in Nepal: A remnant of the feudal past, people are always willing to dole out speeches but never willing to listen, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 24/09/2019)

The de-democratisation of Nepal: The Prime Minister's speech on Constitution Day highlighted several challenges to Nepal's democratic transition, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp23/09/2019)

Lack of meaningful political discourse is helping neither parties nor democracy: Leaders should engage more in issue-based discussions and informed debates, analysts say, by Tika R. Pradhan (kp 15/09/2019)

The oppressed have become the oppressors: Envy of the power that feudal lords held was the real motive that fueled our freedom fighting generation, by Naresh Koirala (kp 04/09/2019)

The declining confidence in public institutions: Leaders making promises that they cannot keep is a significant reason for the increased mistrust, by Parshu Ram Bhattarai (kp 02/09/2019)

Students should be open to learning, not parrot party beliefs unquestioned: Politicians, in filling universities with party adherents, have helped erode the strength of free thought that would have come only with the right education, by Abhi Subedi (kp 01/09/2019)

Fragment of the future: If Nepal is to avoid the dystopian future and revive its economy, it will have to revisit Democratic Socialism prescribed by BP Koirala, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 29/08/2019)

Party-Based Democracy In A Muddle, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/08/2019)

Crafting State Priorities, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/08/2019)

Time for reconciliation: Oli must now learn to partner with the well-wishers of democracy with whom he's wasted time, fighting, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 12/08/2019)

Evoking responsibility to bridge the youth-government trust deficit: Youths will have a sense of ownership towards nation-building only when they are directly involved in policymaking, by Pukar Malla (kp 12/08/2019)

Sociological short-sightedness of alternative politics: Instead of embracing social complexity, our alternative politics is steadily becoming an enterprise aimed at reducing it, by Nimesh Dhungana (kp 11/08/2019)

Political parties and their decay: The leaders’ commitment to the process and values of democracy is increasingly becoming suspect, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 05/08/2019)

Do we need nationalism or patriotism? When people feel they must choose between them, nationalism customarily proves more potent, by Bina Jha (kp 04/08/2019)

Tackling Intra-Party Conflict, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 30/07/2019)

The Avarice Of Power, by Mukti Rijal (rn 18/07/2019)

Politics of marginalization: Diversity is strength only if the state promotes a policy of equality and justice. Inequalities, oppression and marginalization lead to instability and conflict, by Tejendra Pherali (rep 10/07/2019)

Changing storytellers: Nepali people are tired of self-declared great storytellers of mainstream political parties and actors who are already past their prime, by Babu Ram Neupane (rep 08/07/2019)

The reasons why rebel groups persist: The consensus is that the big fish among the corrupt persons should be called to account mercilessly, by P. Kharel (kp 04/07/2019)

Back to square one? An ineffective and inefficient bureaucracy was one of the reasons which contributed to the downfall of the monarchy in Nepal, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (kp 03/07/2019)

Decline of constitutionalism: Ensure separation of powers, by Yagyadi Acharya (ht 02/07/2019)

Leadership Imperatives, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/07/2019)

Burden of republic: We have functional governments from local to federal levels. But a number of operational fissures have started to appear on the surface over utilization of resources and powers, by Krishna KC (rep 30/06/2019)

Loss of legitimacy: The Oli government suffers from a crisis of credibility, with its tall electoral promises now faded away, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 28/06/2019)

Nepalis got a raw deal: The country has fallen into a black hole of bad governance, corruption, nepotism and totalitarianism, by Bhoj Raj Poudel (kp 28/06/2019)

Nationalism may be fine, but protectionism isn’t: In the name of attaining self-sufficiency, several industries have been haphazardly protected with subsidies and tariffs, by Paban Raj Pandey (kp 21/06/2019)

Killing the constitution: The more Prime Minister Oli wastes time dishing out slogans and false promises, the more he will be pushing the country to the brink, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 19/06/2019)

Challenge to democracies: Elected autocracy on the rise, by Mukti Rijal (ht 18/06/2019)

Dialogue is the only way: Netra Bikram Chand’s party is a raging fire which, if left uncontrolled, can burn everything to ashes, by Mangal Bahadur Thapa (kp 07/06/2019)

Respect institutional norms: State institutions are being grossly politicised and made pliant and loyal to individual leadership, by Dinesh Bhattarai (kp 05/06/2019)

The creed that failed: Nepal’s communists are engaged to an ideological slogan but married to a capitalist pattern, by P Kharel (kp 04/06/2019)

Rule Of Law Or Rule Of Justice?, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 04/06/2019)

Back to Bhardari Sabhas: No public consultations are held, and people have to obey whatever rules are made, by Prakash Acharya (kp 03/06/2019)

Rulers, religion, and the republic: Nepal’s new rulers have just taken over the roles and duties of the former monarchs, by Khem R Shreesh (kp 02/06/2019)

An anaemic republic: Democracy failed to take root because society is poisoned with the toxicity of ethnonationalism, by CK Lal (kp 29/05/2019)

Renewed recourse to recentralisation: Unless the centre devolves power, federalism cannot be exercised in its true sense, by Achyut Wagle (kp 28/05/2019)

Oli is weakening key institutions and it’s not good for democracy, observers say: Experts express concern over government’s attempts to muzzle the media and control democratic and constitutional bodies, by Anil Giri and Binod Ghimire (kp 23/05/2019)

Asian civilisation: There are several questions and apprehensions about the emerging Asian Century, by Mahendra P. Lama (kp 22/05/2019)

The importance of dialectics, by Tejendra Pherali (kp 22/05/2019)

Governance Transformation, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/05/2019)

Social roots of authoritarianism: We blame the prime minister’s ‘authoritarian’ tendencies for constricting the  space of civil society, but we need to do some introspection, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 20/05/2019)

Figment of third force: The viability of an alternative force is contingent on its commitment to democracy, by Achyut Wagle (kp 14/05/2019)

Jog your memory: Historical amnesia has hit Nepali politics and politicians alike, by Abhi Subedi (kp 12/05/2019)

The scourge of cults: Personality cults are dangerous. And even more so for democracies, by Naresh Koirala (kp 12/05/2019)

Communism and Nepal: The opinion that Nepal will turn into a one-party communist state is preposterous, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 10/05/2019)

Government issues new order of precedence with amendment (ht 09/05/2019)

Erosion of reason: Why cannot Nepali intellectual community give a clear opinion on pressing political issues? What has led to this intellectual slackening?, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 05/05/2019)

Democracy and the Rule of Law in Federal Nepal, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (Nepal Observer 57, 04/05/2019)

Shades of single-party rule: The Prime Minister’s Office seeks to keep a firm grip on the entire state machinery, by Kushal Pokharel (kp 02/05/2019)

Blindness of insight: The amalgamation of Oli-path and Aditya-path will be the undoing of secularism in Nepal, by Dinesh Kafle (kp 26/04/2019)

Nepal’s pseudo-federalism: Leaders and bureaucrats do not want to give up the power they have been holding, by Kunja Rai (kp 25/04/2019)

Prosperity from below: Policy makers and politicians are reluctant to recognize, expand and lead the country toward prosperity in a socially and ecologically sustainable manner, by Khem Lal Bishwakarma (rep 18/04/2019)

Gearing towards a Hindu republic: Perceived lack of good governance from the secular republic means the conversation is moving back to notions of a Hindu state, by Achyut Wagle (kp 16/04/2019)

Stability of Political Life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 16/04/2019)

Democracy within ruling and opposition parties is waning, lawmakers say: NCP leaders say their chairman rarely listens to anyone, while Nepali Congress lawmakers say the party president functions in a unilateral style, by Binod Ghimire (kp 10/04/2019), A democratic nightmare: A sure way of killing democratic culture is by jettisoning collective decision-making (kp 11/04/2019)

Waning public faith: Faith in the system can only be restored if leaders connect with the people at a profound emotional level, by Kushal Pokharel (kp 09/04/2019)

Statehood, Nationhood & Peoplehood, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 09/04/2019)

Tools of impunity and political control: The politicisation of the judiciary has led to the erosion of the public’s trust in it, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 08/04/2019)

Voting for change: An integrated electoral system will not only limit electioneering costs but also make the representatives responsible to their voters, by Birendra P Mishra (kp 07/04/2019)

Political chaos: Tensions currently engulfing Nepali politics could be a distraction created by the NCP to cover its shortcomings, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 05/04/2019)

Burden of two-thirds majority: None of the majority governments since 1958 has survived full term mainly because of intra-party feuds and personal rivalry among leaders of ruling party. What will happen to Oli government?, by Thira L Bhusal (rep 02/04/2019)

Duties Of Citizen And State, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/04/2019)

Genealogy of xenophobia: In a country burdened by ethno-nationalism, self-destructive jingoism and hubristic self-importance, the politics of prosperity is merely a façade to decorate existing power structure, by CK Lal (rep 01/04/2019)

Reimagining leadership: Transitional justice process has not come to a meaningful end because conflict victims were not placed at the center, by Charan Prasai (rep 01/04/2019)

Rebels without a cause: No one seems to understand what exactly Biplab wants, not even Biplab himself, by Deepak Thapa (kp 21/03/2019)

Hasty deal with Raut: Both contracting parties have interpreted the agreement as per their convenience, by Kushal Pokharel (kp 19/03/2019)

Secessionism is dead: The overwhelming rage against referendum that was not even mentioned in the deal with CK Raut is the strongest evidence of how the whole country stands united against secession, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 17/03/2019) [Many of these protesters at the same time demand for a referendum on a return to the Hindu state, what is in the same way divisive against the background of Nepal's multiethnic, multireligious, multicultural and multilingual society! Stop both demands!]

Democracy will thrive: There is a long way to go before Nepal becomes a meaningful democracy but the future of democracy is bright in Nepal, by Surya P Subedi (rep 24/02/2019)

No politics and good voters: Case for local development, by Prem Sharma (ht 21/02/2018)

Political roadblocks: Hurdles to prosperity are far more difficult to clear than seasonal economic distresses, by Achyut Wagle (kp 19/02/2019)

Fantasy of prosperity: Constraints of social disharmony, contested constitution and institutions plagued by centuries of nepotism and favoritism will not allow Nepal to be Singapore or Switzerland anytime soon, by CK Lal (rep 18/02/2019)

Public Policy Shifts, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 12/02/2019)

Dashed hopes: Owing to the Oli administration’s inability to lead by action, its credibility is waning, by Kushal Pokharel (kp 10/02/2019)

Why parties split: One major reason why political parties are unable to lead the change is because they are not yet ready to transfer power to people, by Meena Bhatta (rep 07/02/2019)

Structural blindness: The foundation of modern Nepal lies in the caste system of governance, by Subhash Nepali (kp 05/02/2019)

Alleyway to Beijing: Centralization of all authority in Baluwatar continues unchallenged. Federalism is slowly being turned into a farce. Fundamental freedoms are being curtailed in insidious ways, by CK Lal (rep 04/02/2019)

Confessions of a socialist: We march on steadily toward a socialist nation that offers a brighter and better future than anything we have seen before, by Bishal Thapa (rep 29/01/2019)

Reimagining leadership: Right leadership ensures inclusivity in actions, inspires colleagues to think out of the box and cooperates during times of crisis, by Anusa Thapa (rep 28/01/2019)

Stuck on repeat: In Nepal, the cycle of history seems unchanged; the wheel just does not seem to break, by Amish Mulmi (kp 25/01/2019)

Repressive Oli Administration, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km 25/01/2019)

League of nationalists: Oli’s rhetorical tendency to spew erroneous ‘truths’ is a common practice among nationalists, by Deepak Thapa (kp 24/01/2019)

Social Protection in South Asia, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 22/01/2019)

Hope and despair: If things don’t get straightened out soon, Nepal may enter uncharted territory, by Pramod Mishra (kp 17/01/2019)

Symptoms of decay: Political parties, parliamentarians and government ministers feature as the most distrustful institutions in almost all surveys, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 13/01/2019)

Engendering change: Reluctance to accept women leadership is a culturalised behaviour (kp 10/01/2019)

Institutions nd Leadership, by Mukti Rijal (rn 10/01/2019)

Opposition is rising: Government should heed the issues raised by the opposition party and work to fulfil the promises made to the people and the country, by Shankar Tiwari (rep 09/01/2019)

Lead anew: The creation of new organisations of historically marginalised groups can lead to transformative change, by Subhash Nepali (kp 08/01/2019)

Give fairness a chance: Conflict is caused by inequality, so inclusive development is needed to sustain peace, by Prakash Paudel (kp 07/01/2019)

Revelation by reflection: Nepal needs incremental changes from the bottom to change; the top down approach has not worked, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 01/01/2019)

Who is in charge? Nation-building has never been our national policy, by Andrea Upadhya (kp 01/01/2019)

Wanted: Governance: The Nepali government must be held culpable for infrastructural challenges, by Nicholas Kolesky (kp 30/12/2018)

Transformation in Leadership, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 29/12/2018)

From monarchy to republic: Good governance is one of the key requisites for the economic success of a country, by Amrit Bhandari (kp 28/12/2018)

Reassessing Panchayat: The political culture of Nepali state is deeply imbued in the shadows of its Panchayati past. Panchayat has had overwhelming presence in Nepali psyche, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep 27/12/2018)

What ails Nepal? As a traveler, I’ve seen different countries and societies. While traveling I try to understand how different societies and governments function. During my stay in Nepal, I realized that government here does not work for Nepalis, by Nicholas Kolesky (rep 27/12/2018)

Beyond elective dictatorship: Abusing arithmetic comfort can lead to tyranny, by Achyut Wagle (kp 25/12/2018)

Summit all down: The aftermath of the Asia Pacific Summit has accentuated the government’s hypocrisies, by Madhab P. Khanal (kp 25/12/2018)

Looking back to look forward: For Nepal, understanding the past is crucial to understanding our own role in the present, by Amish Mulmi (kp 14/12/2018)

People and the ballot box: Should governments fail to deliver, the people will band together to defeat ruling regimes, by Avasna Pandey (kp 14/12/2018)

Need of Executive Presidency, by Mukti Rijal (rn 13/12/2018)

Shifting Democratic Values, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 11/12/2018)

The Intellectuals And Challenges, by Prem Khatry (rn 11/12/2018)

The reluctant federalist: Excessive centralisation of power has become a fait accompli of the present federal Nepal, by Krishna Hachhethu (kp 07/12/2018)

Pokhara’s shrinking lakes, by Yuvaraj Shrestha (nt 08/12/2018)

Aid is failing Nepal: The delivery mechanisms for development aid are financing the monopoly of the state and crowding out change agents, by Bishal Thapa (rep 04/12/2018)

Failing leader: The poster boy of national progress and prosperity is losing his sheen, with his freshly-hung pictures looking down mockingly, by Devendra Gautam (rep 04/12/2018)

Fearful leader to tearful father: The resounding power of pain must inspire everyone to reconcile with the past, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (kp 02/12/2018)

Sustaining democracy: Regardless of great changes, if mentality, mindset, practices and behavior of our leaders remain the same our democracy will be in trouble, by Bhojraj Pokharel (rep 18/11/2018)

Rhetoric and gobbledygook: Doublespeak is an art that has to be perfected by politicians, by Deepak Thapa (kp 15/11/2018)

Dents in macro stability: Rapid economic deceleration is reflective of governmental oversights; Gradually withering interests of  potential foreign inventors and  development partners in Nepal pose a real risk in financial resource  management in the long-run, by Achyut Wagle (kp 13/11/2018)

The Verve of Solidarity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/11/2018)

Some festive musings: There are instances of Nepali leaders signing controversial deal for petty political gains and successive generations of Nepalis paying a heavy price in return, by Devendra Gautam (rep 11/11/2018)

Challenges to Modern Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 06/11/2018)

Principia fallacia: The PM’s extreme hubris and incessant penchant for principles of fallacies is failing the nation, by Achyut Wagle (kp 30/10/2018)

Surveillance state and minorities: The state oppresses; but at the same time, it is expected to protect and uphold rights, by Sangita Thebe Limbu (kp 26/10/2018) [The oppressive state elite is also recruited from a minority: male Bahuns (6%) resp. male Tagadharis (14%). To describe other population groups as minorities is presumptuous!]

Politics of power: Nepal’s political parties, despite doing a lot for political change, have not been able to develop much-needed political culture, by Meena Bhatta (rep 23/10/2018)

Citizen-centric Peace Building, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/10/2018)

Myth of stability: Oli’s popularity is showing a downward trend due to callous handling of state affairs, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 22/10/2018)

Without a Nepal: The State of Nepal is failing even before it has got a chance to get off the ground, it is crumbling under the weight of expectations and aspirations it has itself unleashed, by Bishal Thapa (rep 16/10/2018)

Age and agility in student politics: Political parties should stop calling their youth politicians’ wing the students’ wing, by Abhi Subedi (kp 14/10/2018)

The power of parties: Democracy is moving from the notion of ‘we the people’ to ‘who are the people', by Chandra D Bhatta (kp 12/10/2018)

Saving federalism: The government of KP Sharma Oli needs to defeat CK Raut by strengthening federalism and inclusive nationalism, by Rohit Karki (rep 07/10/2018)

Civil Society & Political Parties, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 25/09/2018)

Living With Fear And Uncertainty, by Prem Khatry (rn 25/09/2018)

Dry tears: The reason Chieftain Oli triumphed over all main players was simple: He wanted to be Prime Minister and was willing to do whatever it took to achieve that goal, by CK Lal (rep 24/092018)

Is Federalism Falling Into ‘Debt Trap’?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 23/09/2018)

No country for new leaders: Obama became the US president 13 years after Deuba became Nepal’s prime minister in 1995. When Jhalanath Khanal became UML’s general secretary, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un was not even born, by Thira L Bhusal (rep 20/09/2018)

The Participatory Governance, by Mukti Rijal (rn 13/09/2018)

The autumn thunder: It’s too early to declare the divisive statute dead, but its dysfunction was visible from the day of its promulgation, by CK Lal (rep 10/09/2018)

The common disquiet: If political parties fail to address the common disquiet of people, an unanticipated threat might evolve anytime, by Suresh Sharma (rep 09/09/2018)

The dream sellers: There is nothing wrong with the dreams and the dreamers. Only problem is when dreams turn into nightmares, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 09/09/2018)

Heed People’s Plight, by D.M. Thapa (rn 08/09/2018)

When the government fails: Oli has failed to deliver on governance front. He seems weak despite being powerful and helpless despite having two-thirds majority support in the parliament, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 06/09/2018)

Fiscal federalism flux: Current state of confusion is rooted in several grave clefts created during state-restructuring process, by Achyut Wagle (kp 05/09/2018)

Back to the creed: Why is the government that stormed to power on the plank of political stability and development catering to anti-democratic pathologies of the past?, by Manjeet Mishra (rep 05/09/2018)

We are in a state of crisis: Legal experts (rep 27/08/2018)

Learn from Imran Khan: Why cannot career politicians of Nepal Communist Party, who face much less challenge than Pakistani leader, make pledges for drastic change?, by Chiranjibi Paudyal (rep 27/08/2018)

Unequal society: Many tend to think that our social structure will break down if women are empowered politically and infidelity will increase, by David Kainee (rep 26/08/2018)

On nationalism and populism: Nationalism is the highest priority for Nepal but our rulers and political actors are using and abusing it as the political weapon to get into and remain in power, by Geja Sharma Wagle (rep 26/08/2018)

More men seeking divorce (ht 24/08/2018)

Credibility quotient: Domestic investor confidence has hit rock bottom as shown in the falling stock index, by Achyut Wagle (kp 21/08/2018)

The Essence Of Freedom, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 21/08/2018)

Capitalism for communists: Nepal’s elusive economic transformation will come by opening the economy to encourage new enterprises that can afford to take risks and suffer failures, by Bishal Thapa (rep 21/08/2018)

Nepal’s Local Governance: A Unique Model, by Sarmila Bagale (rn 20/08/2018)

Parliamentary communists: There is no trace of communism except for the sickle and hammer on the party’s flag, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 20/08/2018)

The two-thirds show: By selling unfathomable big dreams, the government may be able to fool starving people for a while, not always, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 19/08/2018)

Strengthening think tanks: Independent analysis and critical evaluation can prove cardinal in influencing policy making, by Indra Adhikari (kp 12/08/2018)

Fed up with politics: In order to make democracy work, it is necessary to establish a democratic culture, by Chandra D. Bhatta (kp 08/08/2018)

The dangers within: Real threats to the government of K P Oli, if they emerge, will emerge from within his own party , by Bikash Sangraula (rep 08/08/2018)

Five months of inaction: Prime Minister and his ministers should fulfill their given responsibility instead of talking big and wasting time in petty issues, by David Kainee (rep 07/08/2018)

Nepal’s Geopolitical Mileage, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 07/08/2018)

Warning on the wall: Generations of the 60s and the 70s grew up blaming Girija Prasad Koirala for mishandling democracy. This generation will grow up blaming Oli for doing nothing, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 02/08/2018)

Why Nepal is still in transition: Despite empowering the downtrodden, Maoist movement in essence facilitated larger section of society to get co-opted in conservative politics, by Sumit Sharma Sameer (rep 30/07/2018)

Trembling in trepidation: No matter how powerful a government, it can’t withstand stethoscopes pointed at its head from multiple directions, by CK Lal (rep 30/07/2018)

Toward open governance: Nepal has institutions in place to embark on open government system. We only need to use them creatively, by Narayan Adhikari (rep 30/07/2018)

Have no fear: Laws to protect victims and witnesses are essential to ensure a fair judicial process, by Anurag Devkota (kp 27/07/2018)

The privilege to choose: It’s increasingly clear that our liberal standards come with the freedom to choose our protests, by Amish Mulmi (kp 27/07/2018), Powerful people, weak government: Nepal has failed to create institutions to counter the power wielded by select elites, by Udaya R Wagle (kp 27/07/2018)

Absolute power numbs absolutely: Nepal’s Communist government is behaving like a bunch of unhinged, insensitive hypocrites, by Damakant Jaydhi (nt 27/07/2018)

Hybrid identities: Higher degree of liberalism regarding inter-ethnic marriages nowadays is reflective of a social change, by Deepak Thapa (kp 26/07/2018)

What is wrong with Oli? An executive is best judged by the number and quality of his advisors. Prime Minister Oli is literally besieged by a number of hungry cadres, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 23/07/2018), Orchestrations and ostentations: The inherent temptation to enforce absolute rule is the result of an ideological crisis, by Achyut Wagle (kp 24/07/2018), Democracy in action: Taxing the people without giving any services has become the dharma of the state, by Chandra D. Bhatta (kp 24/07/2018), Repressive state: It was GP Koirala who adopted repressive steps against opponents back in the 1990s. Prime Minister Oli is doing just that at the moment, by Umesh K Bhattarai (rep 25/07/2018)

Governance in the age of social media: The gov’t has to take people’s concerns and aspirations seriously. When there is an exchange of views, democracy thrives through debate and self-correction, by Mohan Guragain (kp 21/07/2018)

Prosperity at Stake, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 21/07/2018)

Uneven representation: Minorities have been relegated to the sidelines in the federal and state legislatures, by Amar Kant Jha (kp 20/07/2018)

What it takes to lose: Despite being backed by a strong majority, Oli runs the risk of being a disappointing ruler (kp 19/07/2018) [He already is disappointing, just as during his first term as PM and just as most of his predecessors! Nepal is in need of a new generation of really charismatic leaders!!], Plea for inclusive meritocracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn 19/07/2018), The reign of error: The govt should use its majority to do good, not undermine academic autonomy, by Pramod Mishra (kp 19/07/2018)

Bad days ahead: Govt has the mandate to rule for five years. But chances of it squandering them are pretty high, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 18/07/2018)

Messy Nepal: There is confusion, chaos and frustration amid a period of supposedly stable politics, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 17/07/2018)

Public order in democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 17/07/2018)

Liquid nationalism: Oli launched the nationalist agenda during the election and it spread on social media, by Saurav Raj Pant (kp 15/07/2018)

Peremptory ways: In Nepal, conflict is increasingly being managed through the hegemonic control of public discourse, by Deepak Thapa (kp 12/08/2018)

Endangering democracy, by Mukesh Baral (rep 12/07/2018)

Congress must rise: What Congress leaders would have us believe as authoritarianism is actually hubris, arrogance and total disregard to public concerns which every party has displayed while in power, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 11/07/2018)

Prelude to dictatorship: The opposition and the media do not see how the rule of law has been trampled upon, by Achyut Wagle (kp 10/07/2018)

Institutional Stability Matters, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 10/07/2018)

Anti-democratic Character, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 08/07/2018)

The missing factor: Policy makers’ lack of knowledge in causality analysis results in poor public policies, by Ram Prasad Mainali (kp 04/07/2018)

Shadow of Informal Politics, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 03/07/2018)

qWhen nothing happens: Global trend is only part of the story behind the reemergence of Oliological phenomenon in Nepali politics. There are local factors behind the continuing allure of authoritarianism in the country, by CK Lal (rep 02/07/2018)

Comrades come together: Nepalis are nervous whether recent politics will bring stability and prosperity or not, by Suresh C. Chalise (kp 01/07/2018)

Vision for prosperity: Economic prosperity with social justice is possible only if there is a stable and visionary government with a progressive stance and dynamic governance, by Baburam Bhattarai (rep 01/07/2018)

Strong leaders, weak democracies: Authoritarianism does not need a separate governing system; it can function equally well in a democracy, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 29/06/2018)

Political Dialogue Efficiency, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/06/2018)

Collection of details for National ID card begins, by Giriraj Baskota (rep 23/06/2018)

Nationalism: An alternative view; Nationalism should build confidence of citizens in their political leaders, by Naresh Koirala (kp 20/06/2018)

Nepal’s political paradox: Nepali communists have come to power through elections. Instead of democracy killing communism, communism here has thrived under democracy, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 07/06/2018)

Politics of protest: We are seeking for individualistic solutions to institutional problems, precisely where it is convenient to look but impossible to find, by Veeshan Rayamajhee (rep 06/06/2018)

Disregard for democracy: Communists have congenital contempt for democratic pluralism. Identity politics they introduced is fueling fears, divisions, and anger in Nepali society, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep 31/05/2018)

Caring for Good Life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/05/2018)

Cost of clownism: For someone at the helm of affairs of the country, careless flippancy is not an option, by Achyut Wagle (kp 29/05/2018)

Know thy laws: What’s in laws and bills proposed by the government? Do they help in safeguarding right to freedom of expression or do they seek to curtail those rights?, by Taranath Dahal (rep 23/05/2018)

Integrity of Rule Of Law, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 22/05/2018)

With reservation: Reservation in Nepal is taking a wrong turn compared to other countries which have practiced it. This should be corrected, by Pratap Sharma (rep 20/05/2018)

Ethics of Political Life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 15/05/2018)

Road to prosperity: Why is Nepal adamant on adopting western-style development that has already resulted in colonialism and two world wars?, by Sandesh Ghimire (kp 13/05/2018)

Jokelore in Nepali politics: Politicians have been using satire as an effective tool to gain power, but in doing so they risk not being taken seriously in the long run, by Abhi Subedi (kp 13/05/2018)

Revival of Marxism, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 06/05/2018)

Fostering Civic Nationalism, by Dev Raj Dahal (rep 01/05/2018)

Can Oli become Mahendra? Prime Minister Oli has the opportunities to do what Mahendra did in the 60s but he needs to be able to derive strategic benefits out of India-China rivalry, by Rohit Karki (rep 30/04/2018)

Republic of Nepal: Contents and Discontents, by Mukti Rijal (rn 26/04/2018)

Repair or despair:The next great need is strong reform of the public sector, if the country is to move forward on the road to prosperity, by Anurag Devkota (kp 24/04/2018)

Quest for identity: Nepal has only one decade of reservation policy but voices of resistance has started to be heard, mainly from dominant community, by Nishnu Think (rep 22/04/2018)

Govt gets rap for barring rallies at Maitighar (kp 21/04/2018)

Whither Federalism?, by Dipak Gyawali (sp 20/04/2018)

That is so unfair: Women fought shoulder to shoulder with men for freedom, and then they got left behind, by Asmita Verma (kp 15/04/2018)

Politics of narcissism: Narcissistic leaders focus on themselves and their self-interests, even at the expense of the citizens. They are arrogant, authoritarian, and hostile to anyone they view as a threat, by Pratap Sharma (rep 15/04/2018)

Stormy last year: Despite the historical elections and the new constitution beginning to function, the transition into the new year has not been encouraging, by Abhi Subedi (kp 18/04/2018)

New political nexus: The old Nepali focal point was Varanasi, the new one is spread across Washington, Brussels and London, by Saurav Raj Pant (kp 13/04/2018)

Sovereign credit rating: Why is it important for Nepal?, by Joseph Silvanus (ht 13/04/2018)

Iron will: Ruling parties have the power to send out a message of zero tolerance against gender- and caste-based discrimination, by Deepak Thapa (kp 05/04/2018)

Running on empty pockets: Provincial governments are raring to go, but Singha Durbar holds the purse strings, by Binay Kr. Mishra (kp 04/04/2018)

Paradox of nationalism: Those who advocate populist nationalism in every opportunity may be a more severe threat to our nation, by Barun Ghimire (kp 02/04/2018), Paint-on-the road” nationalism: Nationalistic paranoia about the intent and behaviour of internationals and nationals will not help Nepal move forward, by Seira Tamang (kp 04/04/2018)

Touching a raw nerve: If we want to brag about being a democracy, we should have the courage to go through this process of review by the EU EOM, by Pramod Mishra (kp 29/03/2018)

Politics of Social Movements, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/03/2018)

Times change, mindsets don’t: For how many more years will the people need to wait to see an inclusive Nepal?, by Raj Pariyar (kp 23/03/2018)

Politics in a man’s world: Given the requirement to follow the principle of inclusion in the PR part of the election, who you are becomes crucial, by Deepak Thapa (kp 22/03/2018)

Pitfalls of power: No matter how strong, Oli government must follow constitution, rule of law and democratic processes, which together shape a just and stable society, by Meena Bhatta (rep 22/03/2018)

Regal broach: With alternate forces lurking, the only way to assure political stability is to turn federalism into a success story, by Achyut Wagle (kp 21/03/2018)

Track 2 diplomacy: Nepal should not let its international relations be handled by incompetent diplomats, by Saurav Raj Pant (kp 20/03/2018)

Constructing National Identity, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/03/2018)

Promising the moon: The election pledge to raise the per capita income to $5,000 in 10 years is fanciful, by Tula Raj Basyal (kp 16/03/2018)

Active Citizenship in Democracy, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/03/2018)

Tragedy and farce: Nepal needs a new political force that will rise up and make the country more inclusive instead of selling itself short, by Kaushal Ghimire (kp 13/03/2018) [see also History repeats, as a farce (rep 13/03/2018)]

Reshaping the landscape: A new bureaucratic order can help the new political order by internalising the nation’s transformation, by Asmita Verma (kp 13/03/2018)

An authoritarian template: With a two-third majority, Chief Ministers on their knees in every state and constitutional protection, Singh Durbar is ready for Oli soliloquy. Go grab a garland, here cometh another strongman, by CK Lal (rep 12/03/2018)

Loktantrik leadership: Leaders must learn to engage in self-criticism instead of blaming their counterparts, by Chandra Upadhyay (kp 09/03/2018)

Constitutional Bodies in Democracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn 08/03/2018)

All eyes on left alliance: Development is difficult to imagine without separating politics, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (kp 28/02/2018)

Kicking away the ladder: The elite have forgotten the inclusion agenda now that the peace process is complete, by Subhash Nepali (kp 27/02/2018) [Without justice for the victims of conflict, the peace process is still incomplete!]

Rusting of resistance: Madhesh has lost another round to the PEON, but struggle for dignity, equality, autonomy and identity is invariably a long one, by CK Lal (rep 26/02/2018)

Third wave in Nepal: UML today stands at a similar pedestal as NC after the historic political changes of 1990 or the Maoists after 2006, by Shambhu Ram Simkhada (rep 26/02/2018)

Nation-building in Old State, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/02/2018)

Political evolution: Wind of change is blowing, by Anusa Thapa (ht 20/02/2018)

A global focus: Nepal’s geo-strategic position makes it the fulcrum in the balance of regional and global politics, by Asmita Verma (kp 18/02/2018)

Way forward for Nepal: Why could not Nepal achieve any respectable economic development despite seating on a vast hydro-power energy store in the world starved by clean energy?, by Kedar Neupane (rep 14/02/2018)

Power of Civic Education, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 13/02/2018)

The malfunctioning state: Monarchs boasted of divine mandate. Elected oligarchs talk about electoral mandate, once elected people’s representatives lose no time in assuming persona of petty potentates, by CK Lal (rep 12/02/2018)

Prachanda Taking Another Stride?, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn 12/02/2018), Whither political stability? As Nepalis hope to bear the fruits of the much awaited political stability, it is important to understand what this idea entails, by Chandra D. Bhatta (kp 12/02/2018)

New order of precedence in force (kp 04/02/2018)

Leaving behind the age of unreason: Dahal’s warning against the cognoscente represents an entire strain of anti-intellectualism in the Nepali dominant imagination, by Pramod Mishra (kp 01/02/2018)

How to boost growth: In a federal system, provinces compete to attract capital by providing better services, by Gunakar Bhatta (kp 31/01/2018)

Will it fly? The first objective of communist alliance was to defeat Nepali Congress in provincial and national elections. Will Maoist and UML succeed in unification as well?, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 31/01/2018)

Nepalis deserve better: In recent years, public pressure has mounted globally for more honest and accountable governments, and Nepal is no different, by Binoj Basnyat (kp 26/01/2018)

Left Ideological Vacuity, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn 26/01/2018)

Towards prosperity for all: Only sustained inclusive growth will deliver what the country has been waiting decades for, by Deepak Thapa (kp 25/01/2018)

Just a minute, Your Honour: Are Dr Govinda KC’s statements an attack against the chief justice or the judiciary?, by Prakritee Yonzon (kp 25/01/2018)

Indigenous Peace Discourse, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 23/01/2018)

Disappointing Post-election Period, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 20/01/2018)

Birth of the left alliance: Analysing the recent history of Nepali politics  in the frame of Freytag’s Pyramid, by Thaneswor Chalise (kp 19/01/2018)

Calling for press freedom: Nepal is still a long way from complete press freedom, and all stakeholders need to speak against violations, by Bhanu Bhakta Acharya (kp 17/01/2018)

Elite decadence: When democracy becomes a licence for loot and plunder with weak checks and balances, it is a recipe for “democratic anarchy", by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp 16/01/2018)

No time for politics: With the elections over, the government should liven up and jump-start development, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (kp 18/01/2018)

Addressing challenges: Nepalis hope that a stable government will result in coherent and consistent policies, by Chandan Sapkota (kp 15/01/2018)

The selective vanity: With pride in things that it had no role in building and prejudice against Madhesis, Janjatis and Dalits, constitutionally-created ‘Khas-Aryas’ prefer to wallow in cesspool of its own excretion, by CK Lal (rep 15/01/2018)

Trilateral cooperation: Rather than looking for equidistance, Nepal should try and achieve more proximity with both its neighbours, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 12/01/2018)

Federalism here we come: Wading into uncharted waters, we might see new ways  of ensuring good governance, by Bhoj Raj Poudel (kp 12/01/2018)

It’s not Snake oil: Nepal is not known for applying social science in policy-making, and we are much the poorer for that, by Deepak Thapa (kp 11/01/2018)

Capitalism of capitals: Unnecessary politicking and muscle flexing in picking provincial capitals must stop if federalism is to be successful, by Achyut Wagle (kp 09/01/2018)

The end of ideology: Left forces have to move forward with a vision for development and commitment towards good governance, by Atul K. Thakur (kp 09/01/2018)

That’s public money: Political leaders should stop abusing the  financial system by spending as they please, by Durga D. Poudel (kp 09/01/2018)

Face the inevitable: If Prime Minister Deuba schemes to prolong his stay in power, it will agitate people and they might come forward for the third movement, by Aditya Man Shrestha (rep 09/01/2018)

Two persons, two eras: KP Oli has been given a chance to make a real difference, something that was stripped away from BP Koirala in 1960, by Deepak KC (kp 05/01/2018)

Common cause: Only time will tell if Janajatis and Madhesis will align themselves to fight for the rights of the marginalised, by Pramod Mishra (kp 04/01/2018)

Towards prosperity: Time to come out of cocoon, by Pradip Khatiwada (ht 04/02/2018)

Shift to Poly-Centric Governance, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 02/01/2018)

Managing migration: Taking advantage of open border, India pushed Bhutanese Nepalis into Nepal, which was itself in dire need of international support to promote democracy, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (rep 02/01/2018)

Post-truth sovereignty: The question that will continue to vex most observers in 2018 is still the same: What makes Nepal tick despite all its absurdities?, by CK Lal (rep 01/01/2018)

Prosperity over politics: If Nepal wants to reach middle-income status, it must include women in positions of power and influence, especially in business and politics, by Alaina B. Teplitz (rep 28/12/2017)

onditions for Political Stability, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 26/12/2017)

Left or right? UML is critical of Western ‘hegemony’ but is then funded by money coming from Western countries, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep 24/12/2017)

It’s not over: When Nepal should be moving ahead with all its people on board, the marginalised are still struggling, by Pramod Mishra (kp 21/12/2017)

Evaluating NC’s ‘loss’: Judging by the popular votes this time for Nepali Congress, communist victory appears nothing more than an outcome of political match-fixing, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 20/12/2017)

The missing millions: A comparison of census and Election Commission data shows hordes of lost voters, by Sanjay Sharma (kp 19/12/2017)

Getting small things right: Change will only come to the Nepali political landscape if society betters itself first, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 19/12/2017)

Eat now, vote later: Something is seriously wrong if candidates are elected based on their ability to spend, by Prawash Gautam (kp 17/12/2017)

New era, false dawn: From a partyless autocracy to these first steps into a brave new world of a federal republic, this country has indeed come a long way, by Mohan Guragain (kp 16/12/2017)

We have won: These elections took place under the constitution that was projected as ‘regressive’ and with nothing for women, Madhesis and Janajatis, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 11/12/2017), Words to action: The elections are just a first step in achieving a larger goal of strengthening accountability and democracy in Nepal, by Valerie Julliand (rep 11/12/2017)

The politics of human rights: Govt must enact laws for protecting and promoting human rights if Constitution is to be implemented, by Mohna Ansari (kp 10/12/2017)

A New Chapter In The History Begins, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 08/12/2017)

Fasten seat belts: Brace yourselves for a ride into uncharted constitutional territory, by Kanak Mani Dixit (nt 08/12/2017)

Keeping old hopes alive: Established parties have created a mess, but a solution exists within Nepali society and its young democracy, by Pramod Mishra (kp 07/12/2017)

Make way! Whenever the status quo does not deliver, a new crop of leadership emerges that should assume the helm, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 05/12/2017)

Whither Madhes movement?, by Govinda Bhattarai (rep 05/12/2017)

I have a manifesto: Our country has great potential, but to harness this potential, it needs statesmanlike leaders who are devoted more to ‘lokniti’ than ‘rajniti’, by Niranjan Narsingh Khatri (rep 05/12/2017)

Elections, parties and alliances: Observations from abroad, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (Social Science Baha Lecture Series XCIV, 27/11/2017)

Power centre: Electing the Parliament and state assemblies does not necessarily ensure the kind of decentralisation that Nepalis have long needed, by Om Astha Rai (nt 24/11/2017), The centre tries to hold: Diehard functionaries of a previously centralised, unitary state are fighting tooth and nail to preserve the status quo, by George Varughese (nt 24/11/2017)

Democratic deficit: Nepal’s politics is rendered precariously fluid by petty interests of a handful of influential party leaders, by Achyut Wagle (kp 22/11/2017)

Responsible conduct: One can only imagine the kind of conflicts of interest that abound in Nepal’s corridors of power, by Deepak Thapa (kp 16/11/2017)

Money, muscle and politics: Corrupt politicians should be voted out of office, but this does not happen in Nepal, by Bigyan Prasai (kp 14/11/2017)

As it stands: Nepal has to proceed in a manner that protects political and national security while enhancing the lives of citizens, by Binoj Basnyat (kp 07/11/2017)

The post-truth socialism: Nepali communists’ longing for ‘socialism with market freedom’ is completely anachronistic, by Achyut Wagle (kp 06/11/2017)

How will we vote? Upcoming elections could be a referendum over inclusion of identity versus exclusion of nationality and nationalism, by Pramod Mishra (kp 26/10/2017)

If parties allow human rights problems to fester, new issues will crop up, interview with Mohna Ansari (kp 23/10/2017)

The neocon specter: Premier Deuba seems to be unable to accept that the real challenge to democracy is not communism but proto-fascism of Panchayat variety, by CK Lal (rep 23/10/2017)

Presidential system, no-no, by Bishal Thapa (rep 17/10/2017)

Permutation combination: The leftist alliance has raised fears that Nepal may be hurtling towards communism, by Bikash Gupta and Gaurav Thapa (kp 13/10/2017), New Frontier Of Consciousness, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn 13/10/2017), Old wine, old bottle, by Gunjan Upadhyay (rep 13/10/2017), Bedfellows: As things stand, the left alliance has an edge over the democratic grouping. But it is far from certain if these blocs will survive intra-party and intra-alliances rifts before polls, by Om Astha Rai (nt 13/10/2017), Implications of Left Alliance, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 14/10/2017), Left Alliance On A Bumpy Road!, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 15(10/2017), Dynamics and geo-politics: Despite not being well thought out at its conception, the Leftist alliance can be used to create real political change, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp 17/10/2017), Unity of a kind: Though history serves as no sure guide to how the UML-Maoist relationship will evolve, the surest bet is on a falling-out sooner than later, by Deepak Thapa (kp 19/10/2017), Fragile alliance: The ballyhooed coalition may be China’s way of paying India back in its own coin, by Birendra P. Mishra (kp 20/10/2017)

Political parties unite: Healthy competition between the alliances could give the economy a further boost, by Sajal Mani Dhital (kp 11/10/2017), Alliances For Political Stability, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 12/10/2017), How Will Left Coalition Fare?, by Mukti Rijal (rn 12/10/2017), Breaking through the veil: The people need to show that they are not fooled by lofty election manifestos of leftist or Democratic alliances, by Pramod Mishra (kp 12/10/2017)

Unhealthy alliances: Nepali democracy cannot sustain two-party system if newly formed alliances don’t keep their cadres happy, by Achyut Wagle (kp 09/10/2017)

An alliance with game-changing potential: The local polls once again shifted the ballance of power to the left (rep 08/10/2017)

A 2-party state: The main political actors have not changed: they are still mostly conservative, ‘higher’ caste men, by Om Astha Rai (nt 06/10/2017), Nepal Turning To Two-Party System?, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 06/10/2017)

What led to the broad left electoral alliance and what next?, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp 05/10/2017)

Stuck in the past: The concept of development has become a ‘social organizing force’ in the Nepali socio-political context, by Deepak Thapa (kp 05/10/2017)

Looking outwards: Only a non-partisan and consistent domestic policy will allow Nepal to escape external influence, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 04/10/2017)

Make way for us: Democracy will only work when citizens assert their right to join in local governance, by Simone Galimberti (kp 04/10/2017)

The democratic treatment: Sooner or later, the commitment of Madhesi intellectuals to achieve equality will be translated into political action; The path that Upendra Yadav and Ashok Rai’s party has shown by forming Janajati-Madhesi alliances and transcending differences in caste, ethnicity and region is the political version of what Madhesi intellectuals have begun to articulate, by Pramod Mishra (kp 28/09/2017)

Dearth of honesty: The state can be stable, democratic and progressive only if we follow the rule of law, by Sushila Karki (kp 19/09/2017)

Political stimulants: In Nepal, money has suddenly become political Viagra that makes people active and agile, by Abhi Subedi (kp 17/09/2017)

Democracy Slips Into Elective Despotism, by Mukti Rijal (rn 14/09/2017)

Fallacy of federal façade: Nepalis seem oblivious to the fact that federalism by its very concept is a shared rule, by Achyut Wagle (kp 13/09/2017)

Seize the moment: Joining Open Government Partnership will be a sign of seriousness of the current administration in building trust with local communities, by Nathaniel Heller (rep 13/09/2017)

The amendment farce: Madhesis feel let down by their parties as they have painted themselves into a corner, by Randhir Chaudhary (kp 12/09/2017)

Democracy as a way of life: Schools have the potential to give citizens the power of self-direction. by Tom Robertson (kp 11/09/2017)

Stability begins at home: Petty partisan politics over foreign policy for short-term electoral gains will leave the door open for outside interference, by Sarin Ghimire (kp 08/09/2017)

State of perfidy: Corruption has seeped into every pore of our polity, by Deepak Thapa (kp 07/09/2017)

Against Mafiatantra: We need another non-violent revolution to establish rule of law and make corrupt politicians accountable for their dirty actions, by Jagannath Lamichhane (rep 05/09/2017)

Republican Structure As Desired By People, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 31/08/2017)

So-called Nationalists In Name Only, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 30/08/2017)

Political pantomimes: Constitutional proscription on cabinet size will be problematic if coalition governments are to be the norm in Nepal, by Deepak Thapa (kp 24/08/2017)

Altars of change: Excessive focus on violent methods of social change in Nepal often eclipses parallel non-violent methods, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep 22/08/2017)

Nepali millennial dreams: We should be guided by noble thoughts and good political principles for the fulfilment of millennial dreams, by Abhi Subedi (kp 20/08/2017)

Young, gifted and held back: A platform must be created to harness youth-based skills in order to transform the state, by Brabim Kumar (kp 13/08/2017)

Voice of the people: The UML promotes one type of nationalism in Nepal, but will all their cadres follow?, by Deepak Thapa (kp 10/08/2017)

Undeclared borders: The centre has created a cut-off point defined by physical boundaries and devised mechanisms that perpetuate difference, by Kalpana Jha (kp 08/08/2017)

Whither past deals? Ignoring Madhesi grievances will not make them go away; they have to be addressed, by Randhir Chaudhary (kp 04/08/2017)

Federalism in jeopardy, by Iain Payne and Binayak Basnyat (nt 04/08/2017)

Looking beyond the horizon: Politicians are more focused on maintaining power than on principles of justice and structural equality, by Pramod Mishra (kp 03/08/2017)

Unfinished businessLocal officials have been elected, now their authority must be spelt out through laws, by Anurag Devkota (kp 03/07/2017)

Four regime types: Nepal’s path to full democracy could be protracted unless the current crop of corrupt, feckless and feudal leaders are ousted, by Naresh Koirala (kp 02/08/2017)

Smaller Parties: Balancer Or Spoiler?, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 30/07/2017)

Case for deliberative polls: It is now time to place informed public opinion  at the forefront of our democratic culture, by Namit Wagley (kp 28/07/2017)

Setting boundaries: Nepal must freeze for next 50 years the number of seats in House of Representatives, National Assembly and Provincial Assembly, by Govind Subedi (rep 26/07/2017)

Who Represents Who?, by Gaurav Ojha (rn 22/07/2017)

Influencing the influencers: Nepal wants and needs a credible political alternative to the existing parties, by Dinkar Nepal (nt 21/07/2017)

Pathology Of Governance, by Mukti Rijal (rn 20/07/2017)

The holy trinity: The leaders of the three biggest parties in the country right now have firmly consolidated their powers and are virtually unopposed, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep 20/07/2017)

Geopolitics back to the foreNepal has invested little time in studying geopolitical shifts and their implications for us; the past, Kathmandu chose to deal only with capitals and never gave much thought to  borders and boundaries. Now, it needs to give more consideration to the nation’s frontiers, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 18/07/2017)

Complex forms of injustice: We continue to victimise others when we have the upper hand, by Prashant Sharma (kp 16/07/2017)

Revamping The Political Culture, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 15/07/2017)

Unique Local Governance Model: Nepal does not fit in any of Nico’s criteria set out in his report on a dialogue on comparative local governance system in federations that was published in 2005, by Surya Dhungel (sp 07/07/2017)

Purposely provocative: For leaders in Nepal, India and the US, fanning hate seems to be a universal strategy, by Damakant Jayshi (nt 07/07/2017)

The long road: The dominance of major parties might bring some political stability, but it has its pitfalls (kp 06/07/2017)

Politics of hubris: We have a number of politicians who think election is all about money and muscle, and this ails Nepali politics, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 05/07/2017)

The Oliogocal train: Political economy of Oliology is oligopolistic, part of proto-fascist movement that combines xenophobia, chauvinism, communalism and ethno-nationalism, by CK Lal (rep 03/07/2017)

Gorkhaland And Madhes Movements, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 01/07/2017)

Political symbolism: We will have more symbols to understand and live with in the changing times, by Abhi Subedi (kp 25/06/2017)

Post-2006 dualism: Our institutions have been held hostage by the very nobles, or thulabada, who spearheaded the People’s Movement in 2006, by Sushav Niraula (rep 25/06/2017)

Unnatural encounters: Karki and Comey, as leaders of independent judicial institutions, showed immense courage in the face of huge political pressure, by Ajapa Sharma (kp 21/06/2017)

Quiet riot brewing: The achievements of the Jana Andolan II do not benefit the youth and every day over 1,500 leave in search of better opportunities abroad, by Bimal Pratap Shah (rep 21/06/2017)

Who is lying? Democracy and federalism can be sustained only in an environment of political trust and transparency; If the govt often feels betrayed by the RJP-N, or the RJP-N finds that the govt ‘misleads’ the public, why can’t they agree to negotiate issues of public importance in the presence of the media, the civil society or the public in general?, by Achyut Wagle (kp 19/06/2017)

Crumbling leadership: A formidable challenge, by Rahul Shah (ht 19/06/2017)

Local politics, national habits: If only a small fraction of those elected manage to shine, local elections will have been a success, by Deepak Thapa (kp 15/06/2017)

Holier than thou: The best thing Bibeksheel Nepali and Sajha Party can do for Nepal is to disengage from politics and offer the country civilian leadership, by Bishal Thapa (rep 13/06/2017)

Democratic deficit: Politicians of Nepal, which has seen 26 government changes in 27 years, must consider themselves lucky, by Meena Bhatta (rep 13/06/2017)

Voice for equality: Nepal’s Female Labor Force Participation Rate is 80 percent. But women have a long way to go achieve gender equality, by Ayushma Basnyat (rep 13/06/2017)

Rivalry in high places: Discussing the politicisation of the judiciary and judicialisation of politics in Nepal, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp 09/06/2017)

A systemic problem: Ruined roads have become representative of the Nepali condition as a whole, by Pramod Mishra (kp 08/06/2017)

Question of credibility: The Election Commission acting like an extended wing of the government does not bode well for democracy, by Achyut Wagle (kp 06/06/2017)

Today’s Nepal: Peripheral ambiance, by Suresh Chalise (ht 05/06/2017)

Impossible is nothing: Contrary to general impression, public policies in Nepal can be surprisingly effective, by Deepak Thapa (kp 01/06/2017)

Accommodative Leadership Makes Difference, by Mukti Rijal (rn 01/06/2017)

Curse of trilemma: Nepal’s trilemma is reflected in the concentration of all powers in our three major political parties, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 31/05/2017)

The agenda setters: There are four major forces that established the course of Nepal’s political history , by Lok Raj Baral (kp 29/05/2017)

Prachanda’s Exemplary Resignation: For Political Integrity, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn 29/05/2017)

Masses on the move: Nepal may join many external initiatives, but without stability and empowerment, it will continue to flounder, by Pramod Mishra (kp 28/05/2017)

Celebrating Tenth Republic Day, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 29/05/2017)

After the elections: Political and bureaucratic actors need to hurry with preps for transition to federalism, by Sachchi Ghimire Karki (kp 25/05/2017)

Elusive decentralisation: Instead of turning Kathmandu into a mega city, we should develop cities elsewhere, by Prashanta Khanal (kp 25/05/2017)

While this local election might not quite be Nepal’s version of a social media-fuelled uprising, it shows Nepali politics is transitioning into the digital age, even if begrudgingly, by Sanjeev Giri (kp 20/05/2017)

Unleashing Nepal: As the constitution grants local bodies autonomy of governance and oversight, it has the potential to unleash an unprecedented wave of development at the grassroots level, by Mohan Guragain (kp 20/05/2017)

Dark clouds over Asia: Disputes, distrust and an arms race threaten to disrupt economic growth in the region, by Suresh C. Chalise (kp 19/05/2017)

Schools of schisms: The thought seems to be that if difference is unaddressed, it will cease to exist and to shape people’s experiences. That is not so, by Abha Lal (rep 18/05/2017)

What’s new about new politics? Success of new parties depends on the extent to which different communities of interest trust and cooperate with them, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 17/05/2017)

The Politics Of Impeachment, by Meena Bhatta (rn 16/05/2017)

A Century Of Communism In Practice, by P. Kharel (rn 15/05/2017)

The impeachment anarchy: Two high-profile officials responsible for fighting corruption have been labelled with being paagal and bhrasta, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 15/05/2017)

Return to direct democracy: A truly democratic society is a community deeply engaged in local decision-making, by Simone Galimberti (kp 14/05/2017)

Silence period in voting: Local governments should be of, by and for the people, not for the elitist metropolitan dreamers, by Abhi Subedi (kp 14/05/2017)

The lost cause: Democracy gives people the right to choose their leaders. But no system, not even a democratic one, is better than those leading it, by Abhinawa Devkota (kp 13/05/2017)

The Fountainhead (of all crises): Nepal’s top political leaders are not just part of the problem, they are the problem, by Dinkar Nepal (nt 12/05/2017)

Does democracy deliver development? The jury is still out over which comes first: economic growth or an open society, by Sangita Thebe-Limbu (nt 12/05/2017), From subjects to citizens: Reconnecting Nepalis with a democratic political process, by George Varughese (nt 12/05/2017)

Baggage vs experience: Can the new parties strike a chord with the voters and shake up Nepali politics?, by Pramod Mishra (kp 11/05/2017)

I am the state: It is a matter of surprise that there are some people who think they own the country, by Achyut Wagle (kp 08/05/2017), Impeachment motion has exposed vulnerability of constitutional provision, interview with Bipin Adhikari (kp), Signs of thaw in Parliament’s frosty relations with judiciary (kp 08/05/2017)

Law on political financing: You pay your money; Many anomalies in our political parties can be explained by lack of transparency and accountability in their sourcing and use of funds, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 04/05/2017)

The election blunder: National integration is more important than elections to satisfy the ‘ego’ of certain persons linked to implementing the constitution in its current form, by Hari Bansh Jha (rep 01/05/2017)

End the conflict: Political parties have been debating amnesty while making no effort to strengthen the existing justice system, by Ram Kumar Bhandari (kp 28/04/2017)

Who represents the Madhes? Parties that speak and work with people rather than for them can eventually win their hearts and minds, by Pramod Mishra (kp 27/04/2017)

Oli’s follies: His words and actions have been unfair to some groups of Nepalis, including the Christians, by Ramesh Khatry (kp 27/04/2017)

Much ado about nothing: The only positive spin to the whole debacle was that it showed the govt was responsive to adverse public opinion, by Deepak Thapa (kp 20/04/2017)

For a new partnership: Nepal needs a complete transformation of politics if it is to deliver peace and prosperity, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 19/04/2017)

Another way: Nepal’s political elites are engaging in a ‘survival game’ instead of upholding the spirit of electoral politics, by Niranjan Koirala and Atul K. Thakur (kp 18/04/2017)

Hopes for 2074: Nepal stands at the crossroads of becoming Korea; we need to choose whether it’s North or South, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 11/04/2017)

Congress conundrum: Despite Deuba’s potential to be an icon of integrity, his image is gradually turning to that of a ruthless politician, by Achyut Wagle (kp 11/04/2017)

Modernise the military: The country has undergone fundamental changes, and the Army should keep in step, by Binod Basnyat (kp 11/04/2017)

Mixing religion and politics: Some Nepali politicians and parties have been emboldened by the election result in India, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp 29/03/2017)

Good political culture: Political parties’ failure to adjust their ideologies, principles and actions could put the country at risk, by Jaya Jung Mahat (kp 29/03/2017)

Cleaning the drainage: Nepal’s development bottleneck is largely due to the behavioural problems plaguing our leaders, bureaucrats and general citizens, by Bhoj Raj Poudel (kp 24/03/2017)

Local Poll Manifestoes: Enhancing Social Accountability, by Mukti Rijal (rn 23/03/2017)

Lies, damn lies and statistical lies: When elections do not reflect the will of the people, they could become a problem in themselves, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 19/03/2017)

Politicisation is necessary: This will ensure a more democratic and transparent governance process and practice, by Jeevan Baniya (kp 17/03/2017)

Question of threshold: A stabilising factor, by Pranav Bhattarai (ht 17/03/2017)

Prestige at stake: Laws need to be made to ensure that competent people are appointed as ambassadors, by Anurag Devkota (kp 17/03/2017)

A better alternative force: It is a challenge for the new parties to reduce the perception that politics is a dirty game and to rekindle hope, by Manavi Poudel (kp 16/03/2017)

Hurtling towards disaster: Politics and discourse seem to have collapsed at multiple levels, rendering even simple solutions impossibly complex, by Pramod Mishra (kp 16/03/2017)

Unchanged power structure: Country’s political problems will be ignored by the ‘aristocratic ruling class’ until its own position is optimised, by Achyut Wagle (kp 13/03/2017)

In dark times: The struggles between defenders of Khas-Arya dominance and hegemony and proponents of ethnic equality and Madheshi dignity are likely to be a protracted one, by CK Lal (rep 13/03/2017)

Erneute Eskalation im Tarai: Die Gefahr des gescheiterten Staates, von Karl-Heinz Krämer (Nepal Observer 38, 10/03/2017)

The ideal transition: There are major obstacles that need to be overcome to avoid prolonging the process, by Binoj Basnyat (kp 07/03/2017)

Uncertainty, not instability: Nepal’s current political problem is an inability to move from a deal-based mechanism to a rule-based one, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 05/03/2017),
Politics of agreement: Announcing polls before resolving disagreements could be a ploy to perpetuate political instability, by Sachchi Ghimire Karki (kp 05/03/2017)

Discourses of Alternative Politics in Nepal, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 04/03/2017)

Politics and Economics of Local-Unit Elections, by Siddhi B. Ranjitkar (km 01/03/2017)

Chasing a mirage: Given the myriad challenges, we should hold local polls under the existing structure and gradually adopt the new set-up, by Achyut Wagle (kp 27/02/2017)

Divine motherland: The task of healing and rejuvenating Nepal is long overdue, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (kp 26/02/2017)

Old heads on young shoulders: Student elections have become no more than an extension of the patronage politics on the national stage, by Deepak Thapa (kp 23/02/2017)

Political Bone Of Contention, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 21/02/2017)

Politics And Academics: Challenge Of De-linking, by Mukti Rijal (rn 16/02/2017)

The choice is yours: Short-term Panchayat-era nationalism or long-term vision of Nepal owned by all? The seed of one language, one dress nationalism that Mahendra sowed, KP Oli tries to reseed as the ideological son, by Pramod Mishra (kp 16/02/2017)

Rome wasn’t built in a day: Politics in Nepal is guided by interests, but winning elections will be increasingly hard unless benefits trickle down, by Rupak D. Sharma (kp 15/02/2017)

Post-truth narratives: The elite want to regain sway over the bureaucracy by amending the inclusion policy, by Ramesh Sunam (kp 14/02/2017)

Challenging mediocrity, adopting meritocracy: For the big picture to change, it is important for the small pixels to be right, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 14/02/2017)

Sources of instability in Nepal: Only a change in the political system will make progress and development possible, by Hisila Yami (kp 14/02/2017)

Polls over partisan interests: If political parties remain unwilling to give up their respective stances, we might as well prepare ourselves for another round of serious political turmoil, by Sarin Ghimire (kp 11/02/201o7)

CSOs in a loktantrik Nepal: A democratic polity should look for ways to further allow Nepali citizens to fully enjoy their fundamental right to organise, by Pratyoush Onta and Avash Bhandari (kp 10/02/2017)

Executive President For Political Stability, by Mukti Rijal (rn 09/02/2017)

Breaking the threshold: All the making and breaking of post-1990 governments have been due to the big parties, not the small ones, by Deepak Thapa (kp 09/02/2017)

Fake Student Union (FSU): Yes, we need student unions, but they should work for  the students not the vested interests of politicians; It’s about time we had  age limit for our politicians as well. Yes, you have to be 25 to contest general elections in this land but why not have a cut-off age at 65?, by Guffadi (kp 04/02/2017) [satirical and true!]

A critical moment: As Nepal’s economic prospects expand, who benefits and how will depend on the success of its democratic system, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 01/02/2017)

Idea of citizenship: We need to revisit the 1952 Citizenship Act in order to make Nepal a true republic, by Kalpana Jha (kp 31/01/2017)

Debunking a few myths: Nepal was never a buffer state, and China and India prefer maritime routes for trade, by Madan Shahi (kp 29/01/2017)

Whose turn next? The politics of agreement ensures that every person willing to hang on will have his day, by Sachchi Ghimire Karki (kp 27/01/2017)

A nation still in the making: Ethnicity and nationhood need not be mutually exclusive, but Mahendra failed to create a multi-ethnic nation, by Deepak Thapa (kp 26/01/2017)

Anti-intellectualism: a growing menace; Undereducated political leaders in fledgling democracies like Nepal are undermining democracy even before it takes root, by Naresh Koirala (kp 24/01/2017)

Low capital expenditure: Begging for money but not having a plan to spend it is an age-old problem in Nepal, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 17/01/2017)

Margin of error: Nepal should think about adapting to the new global trend of 'responsible' nationalism, by Janak Raj Joshi (kp 10/01/2017)

You are a nationalist too: Those who shaped the destiny of Nepal have been questioned since 2007 political changes and nationalism has been portrayed as a flawed strategy, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 10/01/2017)

Money and politics: Election campaign contributions and political corruption are a threat to fledgling democracies like Nepal, by Neel Kantha Uprety (kp 09/01/2017)

Report at your own risk: Press freedom remains a myth in daily practice despite broad legislative measures, by Bhanu Bhakta Acharya (kp 08/01/2017)

Interwoven issues and complexities: Mishandling of politics can extend Nepal’s transition phase and deteriorate its ties with neighbours, by Niranjan Mani Dixit (kp 08/01/2017)

Between a rock and a hard place: There might be civil conflict if we drive the constitution on the basis of a resurgent nationalism and refusal to accommodate differences, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 04/01/2017)

US election and Nepal: Trump cannot destroy American democracy, but his success sets a terrible example for struggling democracies like Nepal, by Naresh Koirala (kp 04/01/2017)

Relevance Of Reconciliation, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 03/01/2017)

Possibility of state failure: Democracy in Nepal seems to be floundering due to the sheer folly of our visionless leaders, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp 01/01/2017)

Anti-federalists And Hindu Fanatics, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 01/01/2017)

A Rightist Revival Attempt, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 27/12/2016)

Democratising nationalism: Greater the perception of a threat to security, stronger the tendency to push in-group cooperation by excluding others, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 21/12/2016)

After Oliological rush: From the debris of despair, let rays of openness, coexistence and cooperation emerge to light the path to a confident future, by CK Lal (rep 19/12/2016)

Nepal and post-truth: A condition that is ironically being created in America and Europe has become a global phenomenon, by Abhi Subedi (kp 11/12/2016)

The magical, musical chair: What is in store for our nation that is perpetually in transition, one way or another?, by Sarin Ghimire (kp 10/12/2016)

The limits of rhetoric: Oli and his followers have no choice but to negotiate hard with the govt and the Madhesi and Janajati leaders, by Pramod Mishra (kp 08/12/2016)

Faith and politics: Are we going back to times when religion and political power were complementary?, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 06/12/2016)

Together We Stand, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 06/12/2016)

Growth without democracy: Nationalistic triumphalism is more likely to make only a chosen few well off at the cost of others’ interests, by Achyut Wagle (kp 05/12/2016)

An uncertain future: Unfolding events in the country make one doubt that there will be lasting peace, by Binoj Basnyat (kp 04/12/2016)

Seeking another path: If the newly merged RPP decides to support monarchy, it will lose people’s trust, by Khagendra N. Sharma (kp 04/12/2016)

Power to the people: Contrary to general perceptions, federalism could be a source of stability in Nepal, by Mukesh Jha (kp 02/12/2016)

Can Nepalis think? There are three groups of people in this country—complainers, planners and doers, by Jaya Jung Mahat (kp 29/11/2016)

How we did ii: There were setbacks. But the Nepali peace process kept inching towards its logical conclusion, in a “two steps forward, one step backward” fashion, by Madhu Raman Acharya (rep 29/11/2016)

A decade has passed: If the remaining parts of the peace pact are not executed, new conflict may ensue, by Prakash Bhattarai (kp 27/11/2016)

Smoke and mirrors: Maoist leaders need to work hard to justify their gun-barrel politics against the parliamentary system to the generations to come, by Shreya Paudel (kp 26/11/2016)

The impeachment motion: Reflection of our system; The Lok Man case represents the true face of our political system. It is an attitude that has become our social system. His case represents how this country is run by our politicians, bureaucrats and others, by Gyan Basnet (ht 25/11/2016)

Let’s raise our voices: Corruption and bad management in every sector is leading this country towards ruin, by Angel Sharma (kp 23/11/2016)

Quality Leadership Missing, by Prem Khatry (rn 22/11/2016), Leadership crisis in Nepal: Radical change is needed, by Madhukar Shamsher JB Rana (ht 23/11/2016)

New democratic alternative: Facing crisis; A balanced and successful democratic polity in Nepal’s context would be one that has an inclusive federal structure with a strong executive at the centre. And, we need to build a system that can supersede the flaws of both capitalism and socialism, by Baburam Bhattarai (ht 21/11/2016)

Wrong move: Declaring a public holiday during Mukherjee’s visit has set a very bad precedent, by Khagendra Nath Sharma (kp 20/11/2016)

Double-edged words: Exposure to liberal democratic values of the West does not necessarily translate into a similar outlook among Nepali immigrants; The kind of anti-Madhesi  vitriol coming out of Nepalis in the US during last year’s blockade was but one indication of their illiberalism, as was the silence over KP Oli’s repeated denigration of Madhesis over that period, by Deepak Thapa (kp 17/11/2016)

From clout to rout: The question for Prachanda is whether to worship pahunch, the supreme principle that drives Nepali democracy, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 16/11/2016)

Breaking Information Monopoly: Key To Democratic Governance, by Mukti Rijal (rn 10/11/2016)

Nepalis and nationalism: Nationalism is best demonstrated by our responsibility towards the nation, by Meera Rajbhandari Amatya (kp 06/11/2016)

Frost at the core: One should see the Lokman phenomenon in light of the long-sustained and unscrupulous structure of the Nepali state, by Pramod Mishra (kp 27/10/2016)

Faulty tool: What would have happened if there was a referendum in 2007 on whether to accept the peace deal with the Maoist rebels?, by Mukesh Khanal (rep 25/10/2016)

Come Out Of Machiavellian Politics, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 25/10/2016)

The rightward drift: The majority believe that their identity is threatened by the new narratives of those pushing for change, by Pranab Kharel (rep 20/10/2016) [The dominant groups of male Bahuns and Chhetris are not a majority but a minority constituting not more than 15 per cent of the population!]

Ideological Deviation In Politics, by Yuba Nath Lamsal (rn 18/10/2016)

A peep into public relations: Politicians should be careful not to undermine their public image, which takes years to build, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp 16/10/2016)

A Dashain, despite it all: Celebrating the festivities with the squatter community at Thapathali, by Prakash Chandra Timalsena (kp 15/10/2016)

Better bedfellows: We need to work to make coalition politics effective as it looks like it is here to stay, by Jeevan Baniya (kp 14/10/2016)

Politics of exclusion: Lack of inclusion in Nepal’s political parties is a reflection of social realities, by Mukesh Jha (kp 06/10/2016)

Debunking political arguments: According to decentralisation experts, the ideal number of local bodies for a country like Nepal is about 300, by Sachchi Ghimire Karki (kp 05/10/2016)

Mirage of land reform: The Maoists lost their revolutionary zeal after getting a taste of bourgeois comforts, by Kalpana Jha (kp 05/10/2016)

The Nepal saga: That this country has not collapsed thus far is perhaps one of the greatest surprises this world has ever seen, by Devendra Gautam (rep 05/10/2016)

Path to de-democratisation: Enlarging constituencies without reforms in parties is likely to weaken political representation of marginalised groups; The current Nepali bureaucracy is set up in such a way that any political party, other than the NC and the UML, cannot extract services from it , by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 28/09/2016)

Silent and divided: As things stand, most public intellectuals hesitate to take sides even on issues that do not require any ifs and buts, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 28/09/2016), Emerging consensus: The silver lining in the murky skies of Nepali politics is the national consensus at common people’s level, by Aditya Man Shrestha and Dwarika Nath Dhungel (rep 28/09/2016)

Culture of silence: Common people’s ability to speak out against injustices has qualitatively declined over the years, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp 18/09/2016)

Point of departure: Nepal should ideally be in a position to take advantage of the increasing competition between India and China, by Achyut Wagle (kp 14/09/2016)

Modest proposal: What does Nepal expect from New Delhi during the prime minister’s upcoming visit? Prolonged instability could invite big-power struggles and Nepal will turn into a theatre of geopolitical games, which will be beyond ournational capacity to manage , by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp 12/09/2016)

Doesn’t look good: Nepal’s negative brand value cannot be removed until we correct our systemic flaws; Democracy without the foundation of a system rarely survives, and Nepal is becoming a victim of its demagogic leaders and the constitution made by them, by Aditya Baral (kp 05/09/2016)

Young force: A silent battle continues among political parties to divert the potency of student unions to their advantage, by Abhi Subedi (kp 21/08/2016)

Between the lines: Geo-political realities and Nepal’s overdependence on India make their ties complex, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 19/08/2016)

Rotational Diarchy: A Mockery Of Democracy, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 18/08/2016)

Towards a kleptocracy? There are worrying signs that interest groups have hijacked our democracy, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp 13/08/2016), The story of a failed revolution: Our common fate is more a result of corrupt, intransigent politicians than wrong systems in play, by Abhinawa Devkota (kp 13/08/2016)

Forces For And Against Enforcement Of Constitution, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 11/08/2016)

Politics and the young: The stereotypical image of youth politicians as violent goons needs to change, by Sarin Ghimire (kp 10/08/2016)

Transition cycle: Transition will remain until constitution is amended to address demands of Madheshi forces and remaining tasks of peace process are completed, by Birendra P. Mishra (rep 09/08/2016)

Power games, by CK Lal (rep 08/08/2016)

Unwarranted regression: Broad consensus on federalism is unlikely because if the main issue is settled, what will be left to fight about?, by Khagendra Nath Sharma (kp 07/08/2016)

Never-ending transition: No government has worked on developing a national policy to deal effectively with the past, by Ram Kumar Bhandari and Erik B. Wilson (kp 05/08/2016)

Into The Labyrinth Of Political Probabilities, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn 05/08/2016)

The Oli syndrome: It’s a tendency to disguise one’s group interest as nationalism and use external fears to weaken internal demands for justice, by Pramod Mishra (kp 04/08/2016)

Consensus in transition: Peace process, by Umesh Kumar Bhattarai (ht 04/08/2016)

Democracy on the edge: UML leaders, including outgoing PM, wanted to create constitutional complexities to prolong their stay in power, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep 04/08/2016)

Once foes, now friends: Observers say time to follow politics of conviction, not convenience, by Sarin Ghimire (kp 04/08/2016), Enter Prachanda As PM: The Stakes Are High, by Mukti Rijal (rn 04/08/2016), Protean Government: A Setback To Development, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 04/08/2016)

Dahal’s redemption: Here’s a five-point roadmap for Prachanda to redeem his legacy, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp 03/08/2016)

Nepal’s political mess: Unconstrained horse-trading and backstabbing in the ‘game of possibilities’ is likely to continue for a long time, by Naresh Koirala (kp 01/08/2016)

The waiting game: As long as the state indulges in fleecing its people, the country remains in transition forever, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 31/07/2016)

Lost and found in translation: No one would think of Prachanda as being illustrious but that is one meaning of the word, by Deepak Thapa (kp 28/07/2016)

Backtracking On Executive Presidency: Parties Made A Mistake, by Mukti Rijal (rn 28/07/2016)

Political Instability: A Bane For The Country, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 28/07/2016)

Old wine in old bottles: Neither Pushpa Kamal Dahal nor Sher Bahadur Deuba has anything in his records to enthuse Nepalis, by Ramesh Khatry (kp 27/07/2016)

Politics and principles: When a prime minister loses support of Parliament that elected him, he should quit the office immediately, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp 24/07/2017)

Perils of questioning federalism: The way forward is not to turn away from the storm of federalism, but to weather its biting winds in anticipation of sunnier skies, by Waris Husain (kp 21/07/2016)

Vision 2030: The generation that will lead Nepal in 2030 will be driven by pragmatism rather than ideologies of the bygone era that consumed their parents, by Kul Chandra Gautam (rep 21/07/2016)

Hard work needed: The Nepali people have been unnecessarily selective regarding the political system, by Atindra Dahal (kp 17/07/2016)

Words won’t suffice: As long as privileges are not equitably and judiciously distributed among all members of society, those at the top will remain where they are, by Abhinawa Devkota (kp 16/07/2016)

Brexit and Nepal: Brexit vote has grave implications for all countries where there is social discrimination by the elite, including Nepal, by Basant Kumar Chaudhary (rep 16/07/2016)

The post-ideology era: Nepali politics has left ideology behind creating space for the development agenda, by Atul K. Thakur (kp 08/07/2016)

How new is Naya Shakti Nepal? Constitution should be neither celebrated nor condemned; we need to implement it, but simultaneously make it more inclusive, by Hisila Yami (kp 12/06/2016)

Nation building: Disgraceful deviation, by Atindra Dahal (ht 09/06/2016)

Honouring the code of honour: Not-so-gentlemanly agreements!, by Roshan Sedhai (kp 07/06/2016)

Nation First, Or Else..., by Prem Khatry (rn 07/06/2016)

Resumption of meetings indicate thaw in relation, by Kamal Dev Bhattarai (kp 06/06/2016)

Seven wasted months: Oli's government neither talks with Madheshi parties nor is it keen on improving Nepal's strained relations with India, by David Kainee (rep 06/06/2016) [This has been predictable from the moment when he became PM! But the other so-called leaders are not one iota better!!]

Repositioning Nepal: Nepal has to believe that it is no longer the proverbial yam but an important regional player, by Mahendra P. Lama (kp 01/06/2016)

Trilalateral cooperation: We expect India and China to respect our concerns and let us to solve our problems on our own, by Prakash Chandra Lohani (kp 30/05/2016)

What about class? It appears that Nepali political ideology has already arrived at its Fukuyamian ‘end of history’ when it comes to the economy, by Shreya Paudel (kp 28/05/2016)

A third people’s movement: The Oli regime has begun to show signs similar to those of the waning days of Panchayat, by Pramod Mishra (kp 26/05/2016)

Populist pandering: When leaders see the democratic process as a threat to their functioning and self interest, they embrace populist measures, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep 25/05/2016)

Nationalism and its discontents: Challenge of national integration grows as political power becomes centralised and decision-making opaque, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 18/05/2016)

Grinding on: People are fed up with the frequent changes in government without any purpose, by Jagannath Adhikari (kp 18/05/2016)

Convergence point: It is vital that our parties have common understanding of national interests despite their other differences, by Geja Sharma Wagle (rep 12/05/2016)

Leveraging diaspora: Given South Asia’s geopolitics, it is becoming more important to engage with the global community, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 10/05/2016)

A case for history: Historical project is critical in that it demands more from the past than the present is willing to concede, by Ajapa Sharma (kp 08/05/2016)

Commitments of New Force Nepal: It’s a political movement that will build on the latest achievements in the realms of knowledge and science, by Baburam Bhattarai (kp 06/05/2016)

Where are the rights? Representatives from the marginalised communities are under pressure to conform to the norms, by Mukesh Jha (kp 06/05/2016)

Modus Operandi Of Government, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 05/05/2016)

Times are different: Nepal’s political stability and national security are of international significance; Political will to amend the constitution to address the legitimate demands of the Madhes-based political parties is required, by Binoj Basnyat (kp 19/04/2016)

New directions: India does not mind connecting with China, but Nepal’s linkages with the Chinese have always been a matter of concern for it, by Hari Prasad Shrestha (kp 19/04/2016)

Triumph of trickery: Ruling Oli-garchy is a continuation of socio-political reality of Nepal where Khas-Arya considers itself to be rightful owner and ultimate defender of purity of nation, by CK Lal (rep 18/04/2016)

Country sans leaders: We have had too many position holders but not a single person who used the position as a platform to exercise leadership, by Hitesh Karki (rep 18/04/2016)

Lessons from Pakistan: A theocratic monolithic system drove a wedge between the state and the people, by Kalpana Jha (kp 10/04/2016)

Mind your own business: Nepali politicians have managed to constantly block long-term socio-economic development of the country, by Ramesh Shrestha (kp 04/04/2016)

From right to left and back: Conservatism seems to have become a major force of our times and Nepal is not immune to it, by Abhinawa Devkota (kp 12/03/2016)

Money mind: The parties work hand-in-glove with the bureaucracy and business elite to plunder and loot in our kleptocratic state, by Bidushi Dhungel (nt 11/03/2016)

Money Played A Significant Role In Politics, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 08/03/2016)

Politicos with hearts: One way of controlling corruption is by having humanists at the helm; We need them as leaders, administrators and managers, by Uddhab Raj Pandey (rep 25/02/2016)

New Force awakens: Society and the country should give Baburam Bhattarai a chance to change if he wants to, by Janak Raj Joshi (kp 12/02/2016)

Words beyond Oliology: Oliology captures the essence of social tendencies that equates Nepali nationality with Khas-Arya communalism, by CK Lal (rep 08/02/2016)

A web of lies: Politicians should be held accountable for the promises they make to the people, by Surendra Regmi (kp 07/02/2016)

Stale political system: Successive prime ministers have not understood that creating  robust systems and hiring competent teams is key to success, by John Narayan Parajuli (kp 05/02/2016)

System upgrade: Nepali citizens are tired of fake democracy that does not benefit the common people, by Bimal Pratap Shah (kp 31/01/2016)

Story of failure: Government heads in Nepal fail in such a way in such a short span of time that every PM proves to be worse than his immediate predecessor, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 30/01/2016)

A Marxian Approach To Ethnic Problems, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn 29/01/2016)

Counting heads: Fixed boundaries do not necessarily create fixed citizenships, by Deepak Thapa (kp 28/01/2016)

Lost spirit of 2036: Intersectionality of class and ethnicity is the need of the day for the Nepali left, by Shreya Paudel (kp 26/01/2016)

Selling patriotism: King Mahendra started the patriotism game to enrich his henchmen; PM Oli is using the same to benefit his coterie, by Kuvera Chalise (rep 25/01/2016)

Hail Comrade Premier: The Pahadi Rights Defenders protesting against the so-called Indian Blockade failed to contemplate over absurdities of their own action, by CK Lal (rep 25/01/2016)

Political borders of museums: Narayanhiti museum has become a metaphor of confusions surrounding the change-savvy Nepali politics today, by Abhi Subedi (kp 24/01/2016)

Local Democratic Institutions: Key To Political Democratisation, by Mukti Rijal (rn 21/01/2016)

Nepal in crisis: For amicable solution, by Shobhakar Parajuli (ht 21/01/2016)

Psychology of fear forced bureaucrats to seek political protection, interview with Bhojraj Pokharel (kp 18/01/2016)

Demand accountability: Politicians seem to think that governance means ensuring benefits for themselves, by Lal Rapacha (kp 17/01/2016), Crisis to cure: If people do not raise their voices, Nepal will be a hopeless place to live in, by Nav Raj Simkhada (kp 17/01/2016)

Elite-scape: The class of neo-elites and their traditional counterparts are now at the center stage of Nepal’s political economy, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep 12/01/2016)

Same old paradigm: Existing political parties have become structurally incapable of reinvigorating ideas, by Pramod Mishra (kp 07/01/2016)

All about education: The fight for people's rights continues after 10 years of abolition of monarchy, two Constituent Assemblies and five proletariat PMs, by Ghanshyam Bhatt (rep 04/01/2016)

Who are we? If we can all rejoice in the richness of our collective cultural heritage, we will all be the better for it, by Deepak Thapa (kp 31/12/2015)

Shifting identities: There is a need to deconstruct the notions of ‘Nepali’ identity and nationalism, by Pramod Mishra (kp 26/11/2015)

Means and ends: All the parties involved in the current conflict need to rise to the occasion and think about the people first, by Anita Parajuli (kp 24/11/2015) [For this, you must exchange the complete political leadership! None of them is of any use!]

What is wrong with us? Mental revolution needed, by Anil Keshary Shah (ht 24/11/2015), Selective reading: It is worthwhile revisiting arguments Morcha has been presenting as keys to resolution of the current crisis, by Mahabir Paudyal (rep 24/11/2015)

Seller of dreams: The nation is keen to see Oli implement his plans to make the country self-reliant, by Deepak Thapa (kp 19/11/2015), Nation In Crisis: Oli Needs To Act Promptly, by Mukti Rijal (rn 19/11/2015)

Government’s Policy Of Drift?, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 19/11/2015)

Great Indian Desert: Fear of China is making India act in all kinds of irrational ways, the most recent manifestation of which is economic blockade of Nepal, by Biswas Baral (rep 19/11/2015)

Stand together: The Madhes Andolan is an opportunity for us to push for transparent and inclusive political dialogues, by Umanga Pandey (kp 17/11/2015)

The bigger bully: The crisis in Nepal will not end unless the international community asks India to respect the rights of a landlocked country, by Yogendra P. Paneru (kp 17/11/2015)

Faux patriotism redux: If there are similarities between 1989-90 and now, they seem to have completely escaped Premier Oli and team, by C.K. Lal (rep 02/11/2015)

Flawed discourse: Nepali nationalism is traced by cultural anxiety within the frame of which foreigners conspire to rape mother Nepal, by Sanjeev Uprety (rep 02/11/2015)

Fight or perish: We need leaders who have the guts to do the right thing, by Aditya Man Shrestha (rep 31/10/2015)

Emerging Discourse On Need Of New Political Force, by Kushal Pokharel (rn 31/10/2015)

Interpreting China: Chinese presence and influence is everywhere but China is not flaunting it, something the Indians like to do in Nepal, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (rep 31/10/2015)

All too confusing: It was impossible to imagine Modi, who charmed us all during his two Nepal visit, would stop us from celebrating Dashain, by Hitesh Karki (rep 31/10/2015)

Betrayal of the knowledgeable: Nepal is where it is not just because of ignorance of the masses, but also the betrayal from the academics, by Pramod Mishra (kp 29/10/2015)

Baburam At The Crossroads: Too Early To Dismiss Him, by Mukti Rijal (rn 29/10/2015)

Self-fulfilling prophecy: It is time politicians stop sacrificing Nepali people for political exigencies, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 28/10/2015)

Der Berg ruft: Die Nepalesen streiten über ihre Identität, die Erdbebennothilfe ist erst einmal zweitrangig, by Adrienne Woltersdorf (IPG 27/10/2015)

The long view: Nepalis are leaving the country because it does not have a favourable environment for work, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 27/10/2015)

Uneasy neighbour: Nepal should learn from the recent turn of events and redefine its relationships with other countries, by Gyan Basnet (kp 27/10/2015)

Beyond just voice: A stronger civil society could provide constructive  solutions to the country's political problems, by Prakash Bhattarai (kp 27/10/2015)

Internal medicine: Nepal should first set its house in order and then reassess Nepal-India relations, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 26/10/2015)

Lay it on the table: Bhattarai has embarked on a public relations campaign, but his goals are not clear, by Randhir Chaudhary (kp 20/10/2015)

Leadership void: And other shortcomings, by Anil Shah (ht 19/10/2015)

No end in sight: The path taken by the ruling elites is likely to exacerbate the current crisis, by Saket Thakur (kp 16/10/2015)

State Restructuring In Nepal: Issues And Problems, by Mukti Rijal (rn 15/10/2015)

Flawed charter: Our suboptimal performance as a nation and an economy is due to the policy of exclusion practiced by ruling elites, by Avinash Gupta (rep 15/10/2015)

Rule of the few: Even after repeated struggles for democracy, all that Nepal has is kleptocracy, by Sanjay Sharma (kp 11/10/2015)

Matter of trust: Inability of the political parties to rise above party politics has lead citizens to lose faith on the government and its institutions, by Meena Bhatta (kp 04/10/2015)

Historical ties: How do regional politicians and scholars look at the history of Nepal in postcolonial South Asia?, by Abhi Subedi (kp 04/10/2015)

Bhattarai draws flak as he bats for socialism: The former prime minister says he needs to unlearn what he has learnt in 40 years (ht 03/10/2015)

Errors and lies: The three major parties have failed the litmus test to lead a multicultural country, by Pramod Mishra (kp 01/10/2015)

Several jurisdictions overlap in new statute: The constitution needs either new acts and regulations or amendment in the existing legal provisions before it could be fully implemented, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 01/10/2015)

Distrust and dialogue: In times of political polarisation, defining groups in opposition to each other can create further rift, by Ajapa Sharma (kp 13/09/2015)

Madhesh maligned: The thrust of the draft constitution could have been no different had it been proposed by erstwhile Rana rulers or Panchayat supremacists, by Sukhdev Shah (rep 01/09/2015)

Opening act: The constitution must include all elements of participatory democracy to be acceptable to the majority, by Lok Raj Baral (kp 10/08/2015)

The farcical circus: The "clowning glory" of the draft statute is the midnight settlement over federal boundaries, by C.K. Lal (rep 10/08/2015)

Six int’l firms vie for national ID card project (kp 06/08/2015)

Our syndicate raj: The ills of governance result from the unaccountability in our electoral politics, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp 31/07/2015)

Redraft the Constitution: Guarantee people’s sovereignty, by Madhukar Shamsher JB Rana (ht 21/07/2015)

Native aliens: The message is clear: Men own this country; Women had no place in Nepal in the past and they will have no place in Nepal in the future, by Anjali Subedi (rep 09/07/2015)

Drafting challenges: Without the committed intervention of citizens and political parties this draft will pose huge long-term problems, by Seira Tamang (kp 03/07/2015) A sub-optimal draft: The 601 CA members must arise to correct the draft constitution so that it reflects the values of the times, by Kanak Mani Dixit (kp 03/07/2015)

Lost in translation: The term ‘republic’ in Nepal pertains mainly to the symbolic sphere and makes dubious reference to the French Revolution, by Gérard Toffin (kp 19/06/2015

Building bridges: Political parties can still redeem their image by participating in reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts, by Khagendra Nath Sharma (kp 07/06/2015)

Rubble and realpolitik: The republican government of Nepal has set a bad example for the people, b y Atul K. Thakur (kp 07/06/2015)

Universal Social Protection: Fiscal Space And Sustainability, by Lok Nath Bhusal (rn 27/05/2015)

Three things we learned: This past year, the continuing significance of language, inclusion, and geopolitics were made apparent, by Ajaya Bhadra Khanal (kp 15/04/2015)

Third Force And The Labour Of Sisyphus, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn 20/03/2015)

What people want: Political agendas espoused by the parties do not necessarily reflect the people’s priorities, by Bhanu Bhakta Acharya (kp 25/02/2015)

Political avatars: The current political imbroglio can be attributed to rivalries within parties as much as between parties, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 24/02/2015)

Writing it wrong: Representation and inclusion, agendas of Janaandolan II, have been seriously undermined by the NC-UML coalition, by Sanjay Sharma (kp 24/02/2015)

Youth of the nation: Nepal and Estonia re-established democracy around the same time, but while Estonia took a digital route, Nepal remains stuck in the past, by Bimal Pratap Shah (kp 20/02/2015)

Common Man And Democracy, by Mukti Rijal (rn 19/02/2015)

Conflict theories and Nepal: No rational thinking, by Umesh K. Bhattarai (ht 11/02/2015)

Misplaced priorities: The present turmoil is all about power-sharing rather than a real fight for an all-inclusive constitution, by Narayan Manandhar (kp 23/01/2015)

Psychopathy And Politics In Nepal, by Kedar Maharjan (rn 22/01/2015) [see part 2 (23/01/2015)]

Paradigm shift: Without a fundamental shift in the way politics is approached, it is difficult to see a new constitution, by Akhilesh Upadhyay (kp 19/01/2015)

Parties' Flawed Stances And Failures, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn 19/01/2015)
Documents / Websites

What’s Ailing Nepal’s Democracy?, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 18/03/2025)

What about Nepal’s democracy? Political parties, elections, federalism, secularism and social inclusion, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 03/06/2024)

Celebrating National Oligarchy Day!, by Karl-Heinz Krämer (kh 21/02/2023)

The ambition of politicians and the will of voters : Attempt of a first election analysis, by Karl-Heinz Krämer. Nepal Observer 78, 27 November 2022

From Exclusion to Inclusion : Crafting a New Legal Regime in Nepal, by Bipin Adhikari et al. Kathmandu: Social Science Baha 2022

Youth Anxiety, Aspiration, and Activism: Survey Report, by Niti Foundation and ILO, April 2021

Prime Minister Oli is undermining the constitution: Rule of law and democracy at stake, by Karl-Heinz Krämer. Nepal Observer 63, January 25, 2021)

Putsch at the top of the state, 60 years after Mahendra's coup d'état, by Karl-Heinz Krämer. Nepal Oberver 62, December 25, 2020

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