Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Society (general)
Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Society (general)
Census and population
Ethnicity and identity

Government prepares to lower minimum age for marriage : Deeming the current age limit to have increased cases of rape, lawmakers support plan to revise Child Act and the Criminal Code (kp 24/03/2025), Why the rush? The issue of lowering legal marriage age needs to be more broadly debated and discussed (kp 26/03/2025)

51% Nepali households still rely on firewood for cooking (kh 15/03/2025)

The slaughter of our daughters : Nepal ranks highest for sex ratio at birth in the region due to gender-biased sex selection, by Shristi Karki (nt 07/03/2025)

Call for Reform in Divorce Law in Nepal, by Sharmila Chandi Shrestha (Tandukar) (rep 256/02/2025)

Stakeholders oppose decision to lower legal marriage age (kh 17/02/2025)

Divorce in debate: News item or invasion of privacy?, by Sita Neupane (kh 16/02/2025=

Divorce cases spike in Surkhet and other Karnali Province districts : Most divorce cases filed by women cite domestic violence as the main reason, by Jyotee Katuwal (kp 07/02/2025)

Ensuring Dignity Of Each Culture, by Hari Shrestha (rn 31/01/2025)

Caste-based Prejudices Threaten Social Fabric (rep 27/01/2025)

Madhesh’s poor struggling to survive winter, by Mithilesh Yadav (rep 23/01/2025)

66,000 Nepalis seek permanent residence abroad in 2024; 850,000 seek employment (rep 14/01/2025)

Gen Z’s Materialistic Obsessions, by Jigyasha Sonam (kh 07/01/2025)

The Secrets behind Nepal’s Rising Life Expectancy: Staying active and embracing resilience, by Safalta Bhandari (rep 09/12/2024)

Concerns over village desertification due to migration (kh 27/11/2024)

Mobile screens are stealing family time and harming children : Many parents complain about their children’s phone use, but often they are no better, by Aarati Ray (kp 22/10/2024)

An Odyssey Beyond the Himalayas : Teaching and Living in Upper Dolpa, by Ankit Suwal (kh 14/09/2024)

Nepal's Male-female Ratio Expected To Alter, by Namrata Sharma (rn 14/08/2024)

Address Landless Squatters' Problems, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 13/08/2024)

Nurturing The Virtues Of Social Cohesion, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/07/2024)

Kathmandu records highest number of divorce cases with 13 couples filing for divorce daily (rep 27/07/2024)

‘Only 20 percent of landless squatters in Kathmandu are genuine’ (rep 22/07/2024)

Low female birth rate poses gender imbalance challenges in Nepal, by Ruby Rauniyar (rep 22/06/2024) [This is a consequence of the patriarchal delusion, also practised in politics, that only males are real Nepalis. The deliberate abortion of female foetuses is a capital offence!]

Child marriage driving up maternal and newborn deaths: Report : Teenage pregnancy is highest in Karnali Province, at 21 percent, followed by Madhesh Province, at 20 percent, Koshi and Gandaki Province, at 13 percent, and Lumbini Province, at 10 percent, by Arjun Poudel (kp 15/06/2024)

Nepali queer couples in live-in relationships battle social stigma : They are often compelled to hide their relationship and lie to their homeowners and neighbours that they are either siblings or friends. Of late, things have changed for the better, however, by Manushree Mahat (kp 15/06/2024)

Bharatpur Metropolis honors ten inter-caste couples (kh 09/06/2024)

Lugging loads for a living on treacherous Everest trails : They brave rain and snow, getting by in a single piece of clothing in a season to save money, by Mahesh KC (kp 08/06/2024)

Budget 2024/25: Average life expectancy 71.3 years, literacy 76 percent (kh 28/05/2024)

Couples who remain childless by choice face societal othering : Nepali society doesn’t yet accommodate the idea of staying childless as a choice, say experts. And it’s women who are often blamed for not conceiving a child, by Manushree Mahat (kp 25/05/2024), Take it easy, baby : Whether or not women have children should be a matter of their personal choice, not societal pressure (kp 27/05/2024)

Free cremation at electric crematorium from July 16 (rn 01/05/2024)

Love affair dispute sparks clashes in Dhanusha, police deploy tear gas (kh 25/04/2024)

Emptying out : As politicians squabble for power and perks, people continue to move out of rural Nepal for lack of basic amenities (kp 03/04/2024)

Youth exodus to India leaves Bajura villages with ageing, ailing residents : In Bajura’s impoverished villages, schools are on the brink due to fewer students, elderly are dying at home unattended for days, by Basant Pratap Singh (kp 26/03/2024)

Writ petition filed at Supreme Court seeking legal recognition for live-in relationships (kh 14/03/2024)

Can there be peace, love and harmony between the couples? Intimate partner violence has taken a toll on many families in Nepal. Here is a story of how positive interventions can change the situation (nlt 01/03/2024)

Govt preparing to announce Internal Migration Decade: Minister Bhandari (rep  25/01/2024)

The marginalised on the margins : Two Nepali families on either side of a path suffer from state neglect, but one is much doing better. Why?, by Sonia Awale (nt 05/01/2024)

Documents / Websites

Nepal's population : immigration and structure, by Karl-Heinz Krämer. Nepal Observer 72

Community Self Reliance Centre (CSRC), Sindhupalchok

List of Nepali surnames and their ethnic/caste affiliation, by K.-H. Krämer (in German)

List of Nepali surnames and their ethnic/caste affiliation, by Rishav Dahal

Fighting inequality in Nepal: The road to prosperity. OXFAM report, 11 January 2019

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