Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Society (general)
Time in Taksindu:
Human Rights

Society (general)
Census and population
Ethnicity and identity

Mobile screens are stealing family time and harming children : Many parents complain about their children’s phone use, but often they are no better, by Aarati Ray (kp 22/10/2024)

An Odyssey Beyond the Himalayas : Teaching and Living in Upper Dolpa, by Ankit Suwal (kh 14/09/2024)

Nepal's Male-female Ratio Expected To Alter, by Namrata Sharma (rn 14/08/2024)

Address Landless Squatters' Problems, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 13/08/2024)

Nurturing The Virtues Of Social Cohesion, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 27/07/2024)

Kathmandu records highest number of divorce cases with 13 couples filing for divorce daily (rep 27/07/2024)

‘Only 20 percent of landless squatters in Kathmandu are genuine’ (rep 22/07/2024)

Low female birth rate poses gender imbalance challenges in Nepal, by Ruby Rauniyar (rep 22/06/2024) [This is a consequence of the patriarchal delusion, also practised in politics, that only males are real Nepalis. The deliberate abortion of female foetuses is a capital offence!]

Child marriage driving up maternal and newborn deaths: Report : Teenage pregnancy is highest in Karnali Province, at 21 percent, followed by Madhesh Province, at 20 percent, Koshi and Gandaki Province, at 13 percent, and Lumbini Province, at 10 percent, by Arjun Poudel (kp 15/06/2024)

Nepali queer couples in live-in relationships battle social stigma : They are often compelled to hide their relationship and lie to their homeowners and neighbours that they are either siblings or friends. Of late, things have changed for the better, however, by Manushree Mahat (kp 15/06/2024)

Bharatpur Metropolis honors ten inter-caste couples (kh 09/06/2024)

Lugging loads for a living on treacherous Everest trails : They brave rain and snow, getting by in a single piece of clothing in a season to save money, by Mahesh KC (kp 08/06/2024)

Budget 2024/25: Average life expectancy 71.3 years, literacy 76 percent (kh 28/05/2024)

Couples who remain childless by choice face societal othering : Nepali society doesn’t yet accommodate the idea of staying childless as a choice, say experts. And it’s women who are often blamed for not conceiving a child, by Manushree Mahat (kp 25/05/2024), Take it easy, baby : Whether or not women have children should be a matter of their personal choice, not societal pressure (kp 27/05/2024)

Free cremation at electric crematorium from July 16 (rn 01/05/2024)

Love affair dispute sparks clashes in Dhanusha, police deploy tear gas (kh 25/04/2024)

Emptying out : As politicians squabble for power and perks, people continue to move out of rural Nepal for lack of basic amenities (kp 03/04/2024)

Youth exodus to India leaves Bajura villages with ageing, ailing residents : In Bajura’s impoverished villages, schools are on the brink due to fewer students, elderly are dying at home unattended for days, by Basant Pratap Singh (kp 26/03/2024)

Writ petition filed at Supreme Court seeking legal recognition for live-in relationships (kh 14/03/2024)

Can there be peace, love and harmony between the couples? Intimate partner violence has taken a toll on many families in Nepal. Here is a story of how positive interventions can change the situation (nlt 01/03/2024)

Govt preparing to announce Internal Migration Decade: Minister Bhandari (rep  25/01/2024)

The marginalised on the margins : Two Nepali families on either side of a path suffer from state neglect, but one is much doing better. Why?, by Sonia Awale (nt 05/01/2024)

Crimes related to extra-marital affairs on the rise, by Ajabi Poudel (ae 22/11/2023)

Villages left with only women as men flock to India for job opportunities (rep 18/11/2023)

Over 25 per cent Nepali households in debt: NSO (ht 31/10/2023)

A Bright Star Over The Dark Clouds, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 20/10/2023)

Dialogue on Divorce in Nepal, by Abin Ojha (rep 16/10/2023)

The Young, the Old, and the Dependent : We have a demographic time bomb and a dependency sword hanging over our heads, by Mukesh Khanal (rep 08/10/2023)

Human Migration And Population Dynamics In Nepal, by Ramesh Kumar KC (rn 06/102023)

End Entrenched Social Inequality : Merely demanding the rights be granted and forgetting the responsibilities cannot achieve the goals of social equality, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 06/10/2023)

Old folks lonely but happy in empty mountain villages : The old generation is glad to see their migrant children are getting a better life than they had, and sending some money back home from time to time, by Sangam Prasain (kp 16/09/2023)

Manage Rural-To-Urban Migration, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 05/09/2023)

DPM Khadka calls for caution against those disturbing social harmony (kh 25/08/2023) [Social harmony is endangered by all those who deny the multi-ethnicity, multi-religion and diversity of cultures of the country, who refuse proper inclusion of all sections of society and who identify the country exclusively with Hinduism and the language and culture of the (male) Khas Arya!]

Degrees of Dalitness : It is a fallacy to think that the Dalits are the only community facing caste discrimination, by Mitra Pariyar (kp 22/08/2023)

Divorce rate rising in Salyan where child marriage continues unabated : Lack of awareness, mentorship and financial constraints contribute to early marriages leading to divorces, say experts, by Biplab Maharjan (kp 22/08/2023)

Incentivise good behaviour : People clicking photos of a dying man rather than coming to his help is deeply disturbing (kp 11/08/2023)

Call for finding long-term solution to Kathmandu Valley’s landless squatters problem (rep10/08/2023)

Local approaches to ending landlessness : Many commissions were formed in the past to resolve the issue, but none could offer a reasonable solution, by Jagat Deuja (kp 16/07/2023)

Towards Exemplary Social Harmony, by Bhupa P Dhamala (rn 07/07/2023) [People who do not belong to the circle of male Khas Arya see social harmony in a more differentiated way!]

Fast fashion fever grips young Nepalis : Generation Z, also called post-millennials (born between 1997 and 2010), whose identity has been shaped by the digital age, have the attitude of ‘buy now, throw later’, by Subin Adhikari (kp 06/07/2023)

Myagdi’s development fails to stop residents from outmigration : While some families have migrated to the country’s urban centres, many individuals have left for foreign employment, by Ghanashyam Khadka (kp 20/04/2023)

Winds of change sweep Mustang : Nepal’s trans-Himalayan district faces deep demographic shift due to migration, by Jagannath Adhikari (nt 14/04/2023)

The last men standing : Villages in Khotang empty out as entire households leave for cities in the Tarai for easier lives, by Daman Rai (nt 14/04/2023)

Outmigration, Social Change, and the Elderly, by Udaya R Wagle (rep 14/04/2023)

Nepal is happier country than India, World Happiness Report 2023 shows : According to the report, country rankings this year are based on life evaluations in 2020, 2021, and 2022 and therefore all of the observations are drawn from years of high infection and deaths from COVID-19 (nlt 21/03/2023)

Local government rule requiring its permission to marry draws flak : Kapurkot defends new rule enforced to tackle underage marriages and teen pregnancies, by Biplab Maharjan (kp 24/02/2023) [related to Karnali province]

Sky Burial—a unique death ritual : The ancient death ritual called sky burial is still practiced in parts of Upper Mustang, like in Tibet, Bhutan and Mongolia, by Ravi M Singh (ae 22/02/2023)

Social Repercussions of Divorce : Recent statistics show that about half of all married couples have divorced, and this percentage is rising dangerously quickly, by Rajendra Prasad Koirala (rep 25/01/2023)

Uncontrolled migration, foreign employment depleting Myagdi villages, by Dhruba Sagar Sharma (rn 19/01/2023)

Learning From Relocation Of Homeless Families, by Pallav Ranjan (rn 14/10/2022)

461 cases of divorce registered in Syangja (kh 29/07/2022)

Feature News: Outmigration a headache for Menchchyayem Rural Municipality, by Birat Anupam (kh 29/07/2022)

Love Kills in Nepal : In Nepal, where the caste system has penetrated society for centuries, inter-caste love relations remain a crime, by Shreya Khatiwada (rep 15/07/2022)

The Native Roots Of Freedom, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 09/07/2022)

Landless finally get ownership certificates (kh 10/04/2022)

417 households getting land ownership certificates after 36 years (rep 25/03/2022)

UN survey says Nepalis are happiest in South Asia, but experts doubt : Some sociologists say respondents might have presented only the rosy sides—or positive emotions, by Binod Ghimire (kp 22/03/2022), Happy about what? Happiness, for Nepalis, has remained a dream deferred for quite long (kp 23/03/2022) [This proves the low value of such comparative statistics!]

Building An Egalitarian Society, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 05/03/2022)

Alienation of Muslims in Madhesh : The ‘othering’ of the most significant minority will probably require more effort from civil society, by CK Lal (kp (kp 16/02/2022)

Landless squatters from Chitwan demand land ownership certificates (rep 19/12/2021) [Unequal land ownership is also a historical consequence of monarchy, its arrogant allocation of land and Hindu state thinking!]

Foreign employment leaving villages sans youths (kh 18/12/2021), Villages sans youths : Things will remain unchanged unless the govt comes up with policies to absorb the youths within the country (ht 20/12/2021)

Teenage elopement widespread in Kalikot : As many as 169 incidents of child marriage were reported in Tilgupha Municipality and Shubhakalika Rural Municipality last year, by Tularam Pandey (kp 18/11/2021)

Land to landless is more political than a socioeconomic issue : Yet another commission formed, 14th since 1990, but the landless people’s problems  persist, as governments have failed to find a permanent solution, by Binod Ghimire (kp 17/09/2021)

Number of divorce cases on the rise in Kapilvastu, by Kiran Man Bajracharya (kp 11/09/2021)

Let them grieve : I believe these items exist in every family, this set of few people who have to guide the family with the final rituals, by Swarna Tamrakar (ae 02/09/2021)

Nepal’s unequal marriages : Men cheat and get away with it, while women are blamed for shaming the family, by Arjana Rajbhandary (nt 27/08/2021)

The salt traders of Karnali : With the decline of the salt trade, the once-prosperous region of Karnali came to depend on Tibet, the very place it had been trading with for centuries, by Jag Bahadur Budha (rec 31/08/2021)

Ji and the cost of name suffixes : When we hide behind ji, dai and didi, ageist and patriarchal relations take over the workspaces, and that is hard to shake off, by Vikase Manush (rec 13/08/2021)

Valley slums face torrential problems : Abandoned by the government and harassed by the monsoon rains, slum dwellers lack shelter when they need it most, by Aishwarya Baidar (rec 09/07/2021)

Codifying the breaking of wind : The Nepali state’s desire to control all aspects of life, including our orifices, is omnipresent, by Amish Raj Mulmi (kp 09/07/2021)

Koshi Tappu residents protest decision to turn their homesteads into leasehold forest : The proposed area is home to 500 families, mostly flood and landslide victims, squatters and impoverished households, by Dilliram Khatiwada (kp 01/07/2021)

Police nabs landlord in Babarmahal for caste-based discrimination (kh 20/06/2021)

The forgotten soldiers: Kathmandu’s trash collectors, by Cilla Khatry (ae 17/0/2021)

Monsoon means nightmare for riverside squatters in Kathmandu : Thousands of squatter households living along the riverbanks spend sleepless nights throughout the monsoon. Over 8,000 families are living along  the Bagmati  riverbanks alone, by Anup Ojha (kp 17/06/2021)

Dining Table Talks: Casual Racism, by Shailaja Upadhyaya (kp (rep 06/06/2021)

Infection fears force farmers to go it alone : The pandemic has ended the tradition of working in each other’s fields during the busy season, farmers say, by Agandhar Tiwari and Prakasj Baral (kp 25/05/2021)

Weddings In Pandemic, by Namrata Sharma (rn 28/04/2021)

Divorce cases on the rise in Ramechhap (ht 18/04/2021)

Shortcomings Of Patrimonial Regime, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 30/01/2021)

Ghunsa folk staying back this winter due to Covid-19, by Ananda Gautam (kp 10/12/2020)

New eyes and ears : There is much to do  before Nepali society  appreciates the likes of Sapana Roka Magar, by Pramod Mishra (kp 03/12/2020)

People from high hills migrating to lowlands as mercury dips (ht 12/11/2020)

Villagers help harvest paddy of coronavirus infected family in Tanahun : At a time when Covid-19 patients are facing stigma in different parts of the country, people from four villages in Vyas set an example of community solidarity amid this crisis, by Anup Ojha (kp 30/10/2020)

जातीय व्यवस्थाको अर्थशास्त्र, by CK Lal (ka 21/10/2020)

The virus is reshaping lives : The lockdowns offer a chance for macho men to learn to become peaceful househusbands, by Hisila Yami (kp 18/09/2020)

For marginalised, access to media and information a major challenge during pandemic: The Danuwar community in rural Sindhuli is deprived of information regarding Covid-19 and facts are overshadowed by rumours, by Samiksha Baral (kp 09/07/2020)

Children in Sindhupalchok village start going to school twice a week: Officials say they have adopted safety measures to prevent the transmission of Covid-19, by Anish Tiwari (kp 30/06/2020)

The lockdown has put an end to all sex work and pushed sex workers into poverty: Even though the lockdown has been eased, there is no respite in sight for sex workers—already marginalised and vulnerable—who have been jobless for months, by Tsering Ngodup Lama (kp 20/06/2020)

Food that divides us: For many, food is something that connects two people. But there are some historical food practices that have been used as tools for social exclusion, by Prashanta Khanal (kp 19/06/2020)

Dowry still rampant in Nepali society (ht 18/03/2020)

Genus For Survival Fitness, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 20/02/2020)

Why do we want the big, fat Nepali wedding? From a mehendi ceremony to a bachelorette party to a filming/photography crew, Nepali weddings these days have become more massive, lavish and expensive, by Ankit Khadgi (18/02/2020)

Last remaining shepherds of Nepal's eastern Terai plains struggling to retain their occupation (rep 04/02/2020)

Crossing the divide: Are you raising your sons to understand that all jobs are important? Do you tell them that it is okay to do the household chores? Are you raising your sons the same as your daughters?, by Usha Pokharel (rep 18/01/2020)

'Love marriage' common among school students in Rolpa, by Dinesh Subedi (rep 15/01/2020)

KMC rescues 250 persons from streets in five days (kp 22/12/2019), Kathmandu vows to rescue homeless from City’s streets, but without proper homework: Of the 215 homeless persons rescued last week, many have returned to the streets because of unconducive living environment in shelters, by Anup Ojha (kp 23/12/2019)

Let’s talk about the queer: Bringing LGBTIQ discussions to the mainstream at WOW festival, as the community struggles for social acceptance, by Srizu Bajracharya (kp13/12/2019)

Kathmandu metropolis announces ‘beggar-free’ programme again: Though the previous campaigns to make the city beggar free had ended in failure, officials say this time they are well-prepared to see the plan through, by Shuvam Dhungana (kp 12/12/2019)

LGBT community seeks an end to discrimination (ht 11/12/2019)

First inter-caste couple to have an arranged marriage in Bajhang: The marriage between Bohara and BK is a significant departure from an age-old norm—the first such case in the district, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp 08/12/2019)

Feast and fun in country side: Time is of essence when it comes to this sweet and sour feast which needs to be served in leaf plates as soon as it’s ready, by Babu Ram Neupane (rep 24/11/2019)

Old-school games to take you down memory lane: Here’s a list of some favourite and forgotten childhood games that needs to come back, by Arjun Bhattarai (kp 21/11/2019)

70 percent population in Mai Municipality landless, by Bhim Chapagain (rep 02/11/2019)

Blood is thicker than water: Kinship care preserves the continuity of care, relationship and environment that are essential to a child’s well-being, by Umesh Raj Regmi (kp 06/10/2019)

More males seeking divorce (kp 02/10/2019) [related to Jajarkot]

Nepali communities that do not cremate say they have no space in Kathmandu to bury their dead: Once the Shleshmantak forest was a free-for-all graveyard, but now there has been a government ban on burials within the Pashupati area, by Alisha Sijapati (kp 22/09/2019)

Fair or not, some say it’s time to talk about skin colour discrimination: Like racism, colourism is largely overlooked and dismissed in Nepal. Some Nepalis say society should start addressing it head on, by June Karkee (kp 10/09/2019)

Lex Limbu: Love should happen to everybody: The UK-based blogger speaks about the progression of LGBTIQ rights and awareness in Nepal, his ongoing advocacy work, and his connection with Nepal, by Pranaya SJB Rana (kp 01/09/2019)

Most families in Achham are without land titles: Even though locals have already submitted information about their ownership to the special survey office, more than half of the applicants are yet to receive their renewed certificates, by Menuka Dhungana (kp 20/08/2019)

This is what the annual Gai Jatra Pride Parade looked like: The Gai Jatra Parade, held on the day of Gai Jatra, has been taking place since 2002 and is organised by Blue Diamond Society, Nepal’s first LGBTIQ advocacy group, by Tsering Ngodup Lama and Rabindra Adhikari (kp 17/08/2019)

Appointing the middle child as a lama in gumbas may no longer be the norm: The age-old tradition is dying out because Mustang families have started employing birth control measures, by Deepak Pariyar (kp 17/08/2019)

Nepal is turning into a nation of hybrid identities: Increase in inter-ethnic marriages blurs cultural distinctions, complicating job quotas, by Sanghamitra Subba (nt 16/08/2019)

A dance for diversity and acceptance: Everyone is different, and organisers and participants of Nepal’s first-ever LGBTIQ flash mob want people to embrace diversity, by Tsering Ngodup Lama (kp 11/08/2019)

New legal provisions incite men to file for divorce, by Ujjwal Satyal (ht 02/08/2019)

Yak herding is vanishing in Upper Mustang. So are the yaks.: Amid geopolitical concerns, a changing climate and the increasing intrusion of the modern world, young nomads are abandoning their traditional way of life, Tsering Ngodup Lama (kp 27/07/2019)

Shifting Community Virtues, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 16/07/2019)

Tehrathum villagers desert rural areas in search of greener pastures: Drinking water shortage, wild animals menace, food scarcity, lack  of education and health facilities is driving migration in the area, by Chandra Karki (kp 12/07/2019)

Migration invades every aspect of culture and society: With the men away, the women are seeing new opportunities and responsibilities, by Anchala Chaudhary (kp 25/06/2019)

Divorce cases up in Ramechhap (ht 13/06/2019)

After years of rejection, things are changing for inter-caste couples in Sindhupalchok: An inter-caste marriage campaign launched by Bahrabise Municipality  is bringing winds of change in the district, by Anish Tiwari (kp 09/06/2019)

Moderns we claim to be: Pseudo-modernism on the rise, by Adesh Karkee and Saramsha Aryal (ht 05/06/2019)

The absent generation: The ones that got away, by Uttam Paudel (ht 29/05/2019), Youth and economy: Nepali youths, from home and abroad, are sustaining our economy. Their contribution should be well recognized and further opportunities for them should be created for the future, by Dwaipayan Regmi (rep 29/05/2019)

Shauka folk start migrating back to Byas in Darchula, by Manoj Badu (kp 19/05/2019)

Sex and society: A society that expects women to be virgin until the day they get married and expects these women to become sex slaves will never know the impact women have in changing history, by Ushma Rebel (rep 19/05/2019)

As open spaces shrink, Kathmandu’s youths flock to futsal courts to play the beautiful game: Sports like futsal are rising in popularity—and have become one of the few avenues for young people to play sports inside cities like Kathmandu, where open spaces are rapidly vanishing, by Timothy Aryal (kp 18/05/2019)

Know thy self: Oftentimes, in our quest to be globally informed, we tend to forget the local history and practices, by Deepak Thapa (kp 16/05/2019)

Whistle and hum: Life in the hills can be hell if it were not for the whistles and hums. Whistle gives strength to people who are out of breathe while traversing a steep trail with a heavy load on their backs, by Babu Ram Neupane (rep 12/05/2019)

Breaking with tradition, yet another daughter lights her father's funeral pyres, by Sabita Shrestha (rep 10/05/2019)

Nepali Muslims on the margins: Madrasa education needs to be improved to uplift Nepal’s Muslim community, by Prakriti Kandel (nt 03/05/2019), Moving to the mainstream: Nepal’s polity provides the Muslim community adequate space for social, economic and political uplifting, by Chandra Kishore (nt 03/05/2019)

Erstwhile dacoits from the Dusadh community turn over a new leaf, by Shyam Sundar Shashi (kp 30/04/2019)

The fate and future of Guthis: The age-old cooperative system of the Kathmandu Valley finds itself at a crossroads, by Ayusha Bajracharya (kp 28/04/2019)

Discarding age-old taboos, more Nepalis are eating pork: Celebrated by Limbus, Rais and Tharus but forbidden to Bahuns and Chhetris, pork was political. Today, traditions are changing, by Thomas Heaton (kp 27/04/2019)

Rise in divorce cases attributed to new civil and criminal codes, by Nirmala Khadayat (kp 22/04/2019)

Inter-caste couples still facing social stigma, by Tanka Chhetri (rep 25/03/2019)

7,144 committed suicide in 16 months, 57% were youths, by Pratik Rimal and Bipana Thapa (rep 15/03/2019), Youths are killing themselves. Save them (rep 17/03/2019)

Welcome to Pink Tiffany, Kathmandu’s first openly LGBTIQ-friendly restaurant and bar, by Abani Malla (kp 28/02/2019)

Tikapur Municipality sans Muslim graveyard, by Ganesh Chaudhary (kp 10/02/2019)

It takes two to tango: In diverse Nepal, it is natural that different lifestyles shape different world views, by Sarans Pandey (kp 04/02/2019)

It’s men’s work too: Most Nepali men are let off the housework duties from earlier on in their lives, as if being a male gives them that privilege, by Ushma Rebel (rep 02/02/2019)

Richest 10 % Nepalis over 26 times wealthier than poorest 40 % (rep 11/01/2019) [see OXFAM report]

Fighting for a sense of belonging, by Rakshya Khadka (rep 04/01/2018)

LGBTI issues not govt priority: Joint-secretary (ht 02/12/2018)

The Nepali know-it-all: Tea stalls, canteens and drink parties are the usual places where they congregate, by Nirmal Kandel (kp 30/12/2018)

LGBTI people face discrimination (ht 19/12/2018)

New law helping men file divorce cases, by Dhruba Dangal (rep 15/12/2018), Why relationships fail: Marriage as an institution has always thrived amid inequality where women serve the interest of men, by Biranchi Poudyal (rep 15/12/2018)

No place to call home: Informal settlements in Kathmandu continue to be under supported, by Narayan Prasad Bhatta (kp 09/12/2018)

Divorce cases up in Dhading (ht 09/12/2018)

Chasing Nepali Dream: Why are 1500 plus Nepali youths leaving the country every day? Are they being forced to relinquish Nepali Dream for survival?, by Mukesh Baral (rep 01/12/2018)

Rough road to inter-caste marriage: Unless we dismantle caste-hierarchy and end intra-caste discrimination, we won’t be able to build a just and peaceful society, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (rep 17/11/2018)

Moving beyond two, stuck in three: Legal vernacular needs to adopt a more fluid understanding of gender diversity, by Rukshana Kapali (kp 16/11/2018)

Sole guardian of six siblings at 16, by Daman Rai (kp 06/11/2018)

Divorce rate rises in Dang (kp 03/11/2018)

Dailekh court sees higher number of men filing for divorce than women, by Govinda KC (rep 26/10/2018)

Migration Certificate: Student visas are now the preferred method for young Nepalis to emigrate, by  Prakriti Kandel (nt 26/10/2018)

Life expectancy of citizens will be increased to 73 years in two years’ time: NPC (ht 25/10/2018)

New civil codes adds to rising divorce cases, by Nagendra Upadhyaya and DB Budha (rep 24/10/2018)

Displaced Majhis back home after 3 decades, by Sangam GhartiMagar (rep 15/10/2018)

Subtle sexism: Looks harmless from the outside but could have a sinister impact on everyday lives, by Suvechha Ghimire (kp 14/10/2018)

One step forward two steps back on same-sex marriage, by Gopal Gartaula (nt 12/10/2018)

A Dashain diversion: Stories of history and society from perspective of Dalits, Janjatis and Madhesis remain to be written. Until then, only way to get their version is to listen to their woes firsthand, by CK Lal (rep 08/10/2018)

Life and livelihood in remote Nepal: Easing the daily struggle of families in a village far, far away from Kathmandu, by Jocelyn Powelson (nt 28/09/2018)

Dramatic surge in number of men seeking divorce in Rupandehi, by Mohammad Habib (rep 25/09/2018)

Together we should care: Nowhere has it been written that a daughter cannot provide support to her parents once she is married, by Ushma Rebel (rep 16/09/2018)

To all those fathers: Until masculinity is measured by men’s ability to shuttle back and forth from one wife to another, gender equality will remain an elusive quest in Nepal, by Mukesh Baral (rep 08/09/2018)

Influence of Gaijatra Festival In Nepali Society, by Prapanna Maskey (rn 26/08/2018)

Wedding planning firms find love from couples: It now costs more than Rs1.5 million for a complete wedding package, by Krishana Prasain (kp 27/07/2018)

Reversing migration: The trend of leaving villages, mostly by youths and new generation, is the major cause behind the arable rural lands becoming barren fields, by Prakash Acharya (rep 21/07/2018)

Squatters re-encroach Chatara Canal land, by Amar Khadka (rep 26/06/2018)

Contradictory provisions in laws related to annulment of marriage, by Ram Kumar Kamat (ht 24/06/2018)

Migration no solution: The happiness is missing in families although they might have become more affluent, by Kabi Adhikari (kp 08/06/2018)

Transforming the society: The urgent need of the hour is to transform the current culture of Nepali society from an unstable “lahure” to something more stable, by Karma Tamang Lama (rep 14/05/2018)

Muslim leaders take the fight to dowry practice, by Shankar Acharya (kp 29/04/2018)

Hill settlements turning empty as people migrate to greener pastures (rep 12/04/2018)

Helping people on the move: Nepali government should pay attention to the fact  that Nepal is now a hub for asylum seekers, by Sapana Phuyal (kp 08/04/2018)

Vitality of Associational Life, by Dev Raj Dahal (rn 03/04/2018)

Chhampi squatters demand land ownership certificate (ht 28/03/2018)

78 inter-caste couples honoured (kp 22/03/2018)

Poverty forcing people to resort to begging: Study (ht 17/03/2018)

Squatters warn of protests if govt gives public land to army, by Mahesh Kumar Das (rep 12/03/2018)

Love wins out for Muslim boy and Hindu girl, by Arjun Oli (rep 15/02/2018)

Social trend of migration effecting more migration (rep 10/02/2018)

Rural-to-urban migration to remain high (ht 25/12/2017)

No more dress code: The idea that men should wear this and women should wear that must be dismantled, by Giri Bahadur Sunar (kp 24/12/2017)

What is in store? Societal changes are much needed, but whether or not they will occur after elections is doubtful, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 21/11/2017)

What migration means on the home front: Nearly three-quarters of Nalma’s young male demographic now works abroad and landscapes and social hierarchies are being shaken from tradition, by Gabrielle Lipton, Leona Liu and Bimbika Sijapati Basnet (kp 28/10/2017)

Over one-third migrant workers hail from seven districts (ht 23/10/2017)

Country’s ‘first transgender marriage’  finds rare family acceptance (kp 10/10/2017)

Foreign jobs blamed for increasing divorce rates (ht 03/10/2017)

Use of sex toys on the rise in Kavre: Illicit and extra marital affairs have broken homes of many people in Kavre (ht 03/10/2017)

Suicides increasing at alarming rate, says report, by Sabitri Shakal (ht 11/09/2017)

More people opting for electric crematorium (ht 10/09/2017)

Biratnagar squatters to be removed from river bank (ht 31/08/2017)

Bajura folks prefer baby boys to girls (ht 29/08/2017)

Migration in a microcosm, by Sebastian Wolligandt (nt 18/08/2017)

Love comes to everyone: Nepal is one of the most progressive countries in the world for sexual minorities, by Sumeru Sambahangphe (kp 13/08/2017)

Suicides on the rise in Myagdi, by Hari Krishna Gautam (rep 10/08/2017)

More wives of migrant workers eloping with assets, by Amar Khadka (rep 08/08/2018)

Divorce rampant in Rolpa, by Dinesh Subedi (rep 02/08/2017)

Kavre grappling with rising cases of suicide: 12 incidents reported in two weeks, by Nagendra Adhikari (kp 01/08/2017)

Couple jump off bridge in ‘suicide pact’ (kp 31/07/2017)

A daughter lights the funeral pyre of her mother, by Ganesh BK (rep 30/07/2017)

Superstition And Social Suppression, by Nandalal Tiwari (rn 24/07/2017)

468 committed suicide in Kathmandu Valley last fiscal (ht 22/07/2017)

Demand for pork meat surges 30pc in Pokhara (kp 21/06/2017)

Rural migrants face tough choices for survival in cities (ht 27/05/2017)

Long way from home, by Isha Upadhyay (rep 19/05/2017)

The art of conversation: It is often said that cities breed loneliness. Kathmandu is somehow an exception. Even in a city of nearly millions, complete strangers will ask you for your last name and where your parents come from, by Pranaya SJB Rana (kp 06/05/2017)

We, the ugly people: Don’t think our smile signifies innocence and happiness. It is only a way to mask our hideous and scheming mind, by Trailokya Raj Aryal (rep 29/04/2017)

Oli’s follies: His words and actions have been unfair to some groups of Nepalis, including the Christians, by Ramesh Khatry (kp 27/04/2017)

Complaints from men on rise at police’s women cell, by Samipa Khanal (kp 20/04/2017)

‘Slums continue to grow in urban areas’ (ht 13/04/2017)

LGBT and media: Reel truth, by Ayush Joshi (rep 11/04/2017)

Suicide rate continues to rise: 3,366 people killed themselves by hanging last fiscal (ht 06/04/2017), Growing suicide rates major cause for concern (kp 07/04/2017)

Let’s talk about sex: A new mobile app MeroLagi is hoping to change how Nepali young adults converse about sexual and reproductive health, by Samikshya Bhattarai (kp 01/04/2017)

SAC endorses Social Practices Reform Bill (kp 27/03/2017), A long-felt need: Main challenge of the bill lies in monitoring social events and whether the legal provisions are being followed or not (ht 28/03/2017)

Erosion of family values hits grey population: Over 1,700 elderly are living in old age homes across the country (ht 24/03/2017)

Report on labour migration, its socio-political impact released (kp 14/03/2017)

On the home front: Listen to the unheard voices of the suffering wives of migrant workers left behind, by Roni Pradhan (kp 07/03/2017)

The purse strings: Women have little control over household finance despite being important earners, by Ashika Sharma (kp 07/03/2017)

Live-in relationship: Experiment time; Nepali judiciary has not accorded legal status to live-in relationship but no law has declared it illegal either, by Ganesh Paudel (rep 04/03/2017)

Suicides on the rise in Baitadi, by Bira Gadal (rep 23/02/2017)

Morang gay couples want marriage right: LGBTIs are allowed to live together, but not marry (kp 22/02/2017)

Number of sex workers increasing (ht 17/02/2017)

Identification of squatters begins: Government plans to relocate them to Ichangunarayan (ht 14/02/2017)

More than 200 families in Salyan without land ownership certificates, by Biplav Maharjan (kp 12/02/2017)

LGBTIs in civil service: 651 transgender people applied for PSC exams; Officials describe it as a big step forward for the gay community, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 11/02/2017)

The last goodbye, by Priyanka Gurung (rep 10/02/2017)

Trump era triggers fear among Nepal’s LGBTI, by Anjali Subedi (rep 24/01/2017)

Hindu-Muslim dispute upsets harmony of Kapilvastu village, by Manoj Paudel (kp 11/01/2017)

China-Nepal bilateral relations: After reports of abuse on social media, fewer Nepali women are getting married to Chinese men, by Pan Lan (nt 06/01/2017)

Stop the scourge: We must come together as a society  to reject the woeful practice of dowry (kp 05/01/2017)

Tarai youths migrating to mid-west hills for work (ht 01/01/2017)

Lack of annual leave, disintegrating migrant worker families, by Krishna Oli (rep 28/12/2016)

Till death do you part: Marriages have become one  of the most costly of enterprises. There is virtually no limit to the wealth squandered, the debts incurred, by Mohan Guragain (kp 24/12/2016)

Driving coffin vans a heartbreaking job: They reach the bodies of dead migrant workers home and then run, by Bhadra Sharma (rep 15/12/2016)

Rural migrants face reality check, by Anita Shrestha (ht 12/12/2016)

Engaging the public: There is communication gap between our sociologists and larger public, by Pranab Kharel and Gaurab KC (rep 29/11/2016)

Lastentr�ger im Himalaya: Warum Nepalesen so viel tragen k�nnen (Der Spiegel 17/11/2016)

Muslim community stands against dowry, by Pawan Yadav (kp 07/11/2016)

Go home again: People in Nepal use festivals to meditate on peace and continuity, by Abhi Subedi (kp 30/10/2016)

Nepal ranked 39th in World Giving Index 2016 (ht 27/10/2016)

6,800 bighas of land encroached upon, by Durgalal KC (kp 22/09/2016)

Mortality among migrant workers same as for other Nepalis: ILO report, by Siromani Dhungana (rep 20/09/2016)

12 persons killed self every day on an average last fiscal (kp 11/09/2016), Alarming trend (ht 12/09/2016), Poverty, inflation behind rising suicides, by Devendra Basnet (rep 12/09/2016)

Dhaka topi losing appeal among younger Nepalis (ht 27/08/2016)

New Generation, by Prem Khatry (rn 16/07/2016)

LGBTI community faces ostracisation, by Anita Shrestha (ht 15/08/2016)

Suicide cases spike in Arghakhanchi: Victims range in age from 9 years old to 90, by Arjun Bhushal (rep 08/08/2016)

Squatters in Valley hate police but can’t do without: Report (kp 03/08/2016)

Down and Out: Possible correlation between migration, mental health and an increase in suicide rates, by Smriti Basnet (nt 15/07/2016), Mental cost of migration: Mental health is not among the diseases for which returning migrant workers can seek compensation, by Shreejana Shrestha (15/07/2016)

Tehrathum population drops by 75 pc in 50 yrs, by Chandra Karki (kp 12/07/2016)

Far from home and hearth: Many things need to be changed to ensure the rights and dignity of labour migrants, by Bhawana Pokhrel (kp 12/07/2016)

Finding refuge in cyberspace: Fear of ostracisation by family and friends forces Nepal’s LGBTI community to seek solace on social media, by Christopher Kelly (nt 08/07/2016)

LGBTI community lauds UN decision to appoint independent monitor (kp 04/07/2016)

Middle class swells to 22pc of population (kp 30/06/2016), 22pc of population in middle-class category: Atypical structural transformation a hindrance to pull out people from vulnerable group, by Rupak D. Sharma (ht 30/06/2016), 90% Nepalis struggling or feel sense of insecurity: Building larger and stronger middle class key challenge for country, by Kuvera Chalise (rep 30/06/2016)

Only women, children left in entire ward, by Barun Paneru (rep 10/06/2016)

42 percent population lives in urban centres (kp 28/05/2016)

LGBTI people ‘fail to cope with depression’: The BDS says lack of social acceptance and psycho-social counseling has left gays miserable (kp 22/05/2016)

No trivial matter: Many people I know are unhappy but they are not in a position to share their suffering, by Anjali Subedi (rep 21/05/2016)

Happiness is a hot meal, by Priyanka Gurung (rep 20/05/2016)

Cases related to family disputes up in Kaski (ht 14/05/2016)

Five years on, state still undecided on squatter resettlement plan (kp 09/05/2016)

Rainbow country: Promoting cultural diversity is important as it will lead to sustainable development, by Anita Yadav (kp 08/05/2016)

Where the streets have no men: the Nepalese town where women hold sway; Years of migration by men taking up jobs abroad have drained Bhramarpura of working-age men, leaving women to take the reins, by Sune Engel Rasmussen (Guardian 03/05/2016)

Suicide rate increasing sharply in far-western region (ht 23/04/2016)

It’s cheaper, faster, cleaner ...... so why aren’t more families choosing electric cremation?, by Liew Yu Wei (nt 15/04/2016)

Caste of characters: In Hindu society, many of the problems are a result of caste and not merely class, by Ratna BK (kp 05/04/2016)

Migration and rural change: The success stories of the few often distract attention from the hard reality for the majority, by Fraser Sugden (kp 05/04/2016)

Dating couples in public places face music, by Isha Pandey (rep 22/03/2016)

Alerted by Facebook post, police thwart suicide bid: Youth from Jhapa had posted his intention to kill self, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 12/03/2016)

LGBTI rue exclusion from survey (kp 02/03/2016)

Learning through culture: Understanding different aspects of culture helps understand the current Nepali quagmire, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 01/03/2016)

Setting things straight, by Isha Bista (rep 26/02/2016)

On the banks of river Bagmati, by Cilla Khatry (rep 19/02/2016)

Once hailed, now failed? LGBTI people have been facing hurdles when it comes to getting hitched, by Pratichya Dulal (kp 24/01/2016)

Nepal ko time: It's not just high-ranking government officials who believe only their time is important, by Biswas Baral (rep 22/01/2016)

Raising children: Men and women should share equal responsibility for childcare, by Seema Subedi (kp 01/01/2016)

CSR in Nepal: The poor beneficiaries can now afford two meals a day, schooling for their children and they now have confidence to lead decent lives, by Sudeep Bahadur Singh (rep 31/12/2015)

Social change through political empowerment? Nepal gets first female President and Speaker of the Parliament in 2015, by Ashok Dahal and Shreejana Shrestha (rep 31/12/2015)

LGBTI community urges lawmakers not to ignore their issues (kp 20/12/2015)

‘A lot more needs to be done to eradicate existing social evils’ (ht 17/12/2015)

A sense of place: According to a study, Nepalis choose to settle and work in Britain for the future of the children, by Abhi Subedi (kp 29/11/2015)

Know them: We all need to be aware of our thought processes when dealing with gender and sexual minorities, by Sanjeev Dahal (kp 29/10/2015)

‘Leave for home early this Dashain’: Official data shows that more than 2.4 million people live in Kathmandu Valley and around 1.5 million of them leave every Dashain, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 08/10/2015)

Not made in heaven: Marriages in Nepal have never been about two people starting a life together on equal terms, by Paridhi Acharya (kp 13/09/2015)

4,350 suicide cases reported last fiscal (ht 10/09/2015), Most suicide cases go unreported (ht 11/09/2015), Suicide rate surges post quake: Report (kp 15/09/2015)

Bhumika finally gets citizenship (kp 08/09/2015)

The Migration Effect, by Pramila Rai (rep 28/08/2015)

Violence against men up in Kavre, by Ram Kumar Parajuli (ht 23/08/2015)

Nepal issues 3rd gender PP: Passport Dept awaits applicant to collect machine readable passport, by Chahana Sigdel (kp 07/08/21015), Passports for third gender, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht 07/08/2015), Proud moment for transgender, by Chahana Sigdel (kp 11/08/2015), Passport issued to third gender (ht 11/08/2015), Other battles: Amendment of existent and proposed laws is key to ensuring rights of sexual minorities (kp 12/08/2015)

Think long and hard: In some villages if a young male hasn't gone abroad for employment purpose, he finds it hard to get the bride, by Tarun Pratap Shah (rep 04/08/2015)

Divorce cases up in Parsa (ht 30/07/2015)

Suicide rate up in Valley after quakes (kp 12/07/2015)

Foreign affairs: The rise of foreign employment has led to an increase in the number of extramarital affairs in the country, by Anjali Rajbhandary (nt 10/07/2015)

‘No progress’ on legalising same sex marriage, by Chahana Sigdel (kp 29/06/2015), To get on equal footing: Badri Pun has had one overriding wish in life—to get married to a woman. The problem is he was not born a man, by Chahana Sigdel (kp 04/07/2015), Ministry pledges to take LGBTI agenda forward, by Chahana Sigdel (kp 10/07/2015)

Diverse lives matter: The conventional narrative of minority groups is changing with more organisations and groups coming to their support, by Subhanu Khanal (kp 16/06/2015)

Nuptials and earthquakes: The quake has brought about changes in social rituals, as reflected in post-quake marriages, by Puspa Paudel (kp 14/06/2015)

Demand for rental space escalates in Valley, by Ramesh Shrestha (ht 11/06/2015)

Love in the time of quakes, by Devika Bista (nt 05/06/2015)

Nepalis have something to cheer about: Nepal climbs 14 ranks on happiness index in two years (ht 25/04/2015)

3 teenage girls commit suicide, by Mohan Shahi (kp 20/04/2015)

Four schoolgirls commit ‘mass suicide’ over poor exam results, by Manoj Badu (kp 14/04/2015), Four girls jump into river ‘after failing in their final exam’ (ht 14/04/2015), Three bodies recovered (ht 14/04/2015), Body of fourth girl recovered from river (ht 15/04/2015)

Life expectancy to be up by 2034: In two decades, women likely to outlive men by two years, by Rajan Pokhrel (ht 07/04/2015)

Deserted villages where males are old or very young, by Barun Paneru (rep 06/04/2015)

Muted colors: Most of Nepal's homosexcual men suffer from internalized homophobia because they are unable to escape old marriage with opposite sex, by Kedar Maharjan (rep 04/04/2015)

Construction of human identity: Flawed pre-selected categories, by David Seddon (ht 27/03/2015)

Task force recommends legal status for same-sex marriage (ht 26/03/2015)

Happiness index: World may be upbeat, but Nepal looks a bit glum; Ranked 138th among 143 countries in global survey (ht 22/03/2014)

LGBT to get passports under ‘O’category, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht 20/03/2015)

Superstitions: Believing the unbelievable, by Nitya Pandey (rep 20/03/2015)

Family rendered landless for failing to repay Rs 20, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp 15/03/2015)

Let’s talk society: Patriarchy harms men as much as it does women (kp 13/03/2015)

Daktar saab: Social prestige is associated with being called ‘Dr’ even if the said doctors are not thus qualified, by Deepak Thapa (kp 12/03/2014)

Drawing caste lines: More than quotas, the focus should be on building a meritocracy, which will lead to better inclusivity, by Suman Khadka (kp 26/02/2015)

Sexual minorities: Same-sex couples see new ray of hope, by Weena Pun (kp 13/02/2015)

Mass wedding in Capital, by Anup Ojha (kp 09/02/2015)

Baitadi villagers join hands against drinking, gambling, by Khagendra Awasthi (kp 08/02/2015)

Transgenders, hijras want better health, living condition (ht 06/02/2015)

Love marriages ending in divorce up in Kailali (ht 30/01/2015)

Unfulfilled promises: Dreams shattered and neck deep in debt, families of migrant workers who die abroad struggle to get by, by Debendra Basnet (rep 28/01/2015), Scholarships for children of deceased migrant workers in offing (rep 28/01/2015)

Ill treatment in society: Third gender people, by Bimal Khatiwada (kp 11/01/2015)

Road clear for 3rd sex passports (kp 06/01/2015)

Documents / Websites

Nepal's population : immigration and structure, by Karl-Heinz Krämer. Nepal Observer 72

Community Self Reliance Centre (CSRC), Sindhupalchok

List of Nepali surnames and their ethnic/caste affiliation, by K.-H. Krämer (in German)

List of Nepali surnames and their ethnic/caste affiliation, by Rishav Dahal

Fighting inequality in Nepal: The road to prosperity. OXFAM report, 11 January 2019

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