Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Biography (politics)
Time in Taksindu:

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Biography (general)
Biography (culture)

Biography (politics)

BP Jayanti being observed today (kh 09/09/2024)

Pushpa Lal: Nepal’s Communist Founder, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 01/09/2024)

Girija Babu’s odyssey : He played out poetry in history without being close to the Muse, by Abhi Subedi (kp 07/07/2024)

Mister Terminator : Balen Shah is seeking to become more Newar than Newars of Kathmandu, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 21/06/2024)

BP Koirala in the lens of changing geopolitics, by Dinesh Bhattarai (rep 02/05/2024)

Bharatpur Mayor Renu Dahal honored with International Mayor Award in UK (kh 08/03/2024)

NC leader and former minister Budhathoki dies aged 80 : Congress leader Budathoki was minister for general administration in 2016 (kp 07/02/2024)

Inside-Outside the Corridors of Power, by Narayan Manandhar (rep 09/12/2023) [book review]

Memorializing the man who worked for Nepal’s constitution : Members of the international community, including the UN agencies in Kathmandu, paid tribute to Subash Chandra Nembang who passed away last month, by Mahabir Paudyal (nlt 07/10/2023), In memoriam: Subas Chandra Nembang, the sweet man at seventy : Subas Chandra Nembang's legacy is not merely etched in the annals of Nepali politics. It is a testament to the power of unwavering dedication and good cheer in the face of formidable challenges, by Tika P Dhakal (nlt 07/10/2023)

Balen listed among 2023’s top 100 emerging global leaders (kh 14/09/2023)

CPN-UML leader Subash Nemwang passes away : Nemwang’s body to be kept at UML party office in Chyasal for last tribute (kh 12/09/2023), Ilam plunges in sorrow with Nembang’s demise (kh 12/09/2023), Former Speaker and UML vice-chair Subas Chandra Nembang passes away : The UML leader dies on his way to the hospital after a heart attack (kp 12/09/2023), 'Late Nembang was found unconscious in toilet' (rep 12/09/2023), Subas Nembang, the leader of Nepal’s constitution project : Government decides to give the former Speaker, who died on Tuesday, a state funeral (kp 13/09/2023), Speaker of the nation : Nembang steered Nepal’s fragile transitional democratic process until the charter’s promulgation in 2015, by Dinesh Kafle (kp 13/09/2023), Nation loses gentle, amible leader Subas Nembang (ht 13/09/2023), Subas Chandra Nembang: Key architect of Nepal’s new constitution, by Kamal Dev Bhattaraim (ae 13/09/2023), Subash Nembang cremated at Pashupati Aryaghat with state honors (kh 14/09/2023), Former Speaker Nembang cremated with state honours : The 70-year-old CPN-UML vice-chair died in the wee hours Tuesday from cardiac arrest, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 15/09/2023), The gentleman of Nepal's politics is gone : Subhas Chandra Nembang perfected moderate politics and his credo of consensus, cooperation, and communication extended beyond politics, by Santa Gaha Magar (15/09/2023)

BP's 110th birth annioversary : Visionary Leader, Perceptive Writer, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn 12/09/2023)

Deputy Prime Minister And Water Resources Minister : Shailaja Acharya As I Knew Her, by Santa Bahadur Pun (sp 08/09/2023)

NC leader Karki passes away (rep 24/08/2023)

Ideals of B P Koirala: Need of translating into action by NC, by Jiba Raj Pokharel (ht 25/07/2023)

45th Memorial Day of Pushpa Lal being observed (kh 23/07/2023)

41st BP Memorial Day being observed today : A towering figure in the history of Nepali politics, Koirala dedicated his life for the establishment of democracy in Nepal while also making a name for himself in the field of Nepali literature (nlt 22/07/2023)

Sita Dahal dies. Prime minister loses his wife and comrade of 54 years : Tributes pour in from home and abroad, including from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the spouse and comrade-in-arms of Pushpa Kamal Dahal passes away at 69, by Anil Giri (kp 13/07/2023), Sita Dahal: Life Devoted To The Nation, by Upesh Maharjan (rn 22/07/2023)

MP Sobita Gautam shortlisted for 'Young World Politician of the Year' award (rep 25/06/2023)

Former Minister Mathura Prasad Shrestha passes away (kh 20/02/2023), Former health minister Shrestha passes away
Shrestha served as the minister for health in the interim government after the democratic movement of 1990
(kp 20/02/2023) [It is very painful to lose a friend who has been instrumental in shaping one's own commitment to Nepal. Mathura was an outstanding and humane personality. May his soul rest in peace!], Mathura Prasad Shrestha: His legacy will endure; his values will guide generations to come : The pain of Mathura Prasad Shrestha’s departure comes heavily on us, more so in his family, but perhaps it is time to remember and celebrate his gloriously worthy life, by Mahesh K Maskey (nlt 21/02/2023), Noted human rights activist Mathura Prasad Shrestha passes away at 88 : Dr Shrestha is widely acclaimed as a torchbearer of Nepal’s public health sector and human rights activism. He played an important role in two people’s movements (kp 21/02/2023)

Ruby Khan: An unrelenting fighter for justice, by Anushla Nepal (ae 31/01/2023)

Bhagwati Chaudhary: New beginning for a leader who defeated NC heavyweight Bijay Kumar Gachchhadar in November elections : Chaudhary will be now leading the policy discourse and implementation of activities related to women, children and senior citizens (nlt 18/01/2023)

Dr Toshima Karki’s test begins after her appointment as state minister for health, by Sairam Uperkoti (kp 18/01/2023)

Bimala Rai Paudyal: Third female foreign minister of Nepal : The newly appointed foreign minister has assured that Nepal will stick to the policy of non-alignment in its foreign policy conduct with neighbors and friendly countries (nlt 17/01/2023)

Enigma of Prithvi Narayan Shah : The uncertainty that the political interpretations have created about the king carries a burden of ambivalence, by Abhi Subedi (kp 15/01/2023)

Prachanda: An epitome of survival : During his electoral campaigns, Prachanda admitted that aligning with KP Sharma Oli was a tragedy, by Sambridh Ghimire (kp 08/01/2023) [Like many of the ageing and failed politicians, Dahal never means what he says. Everything depends only on his personal advantage and interest. He has nothing to do with his pretended ideals of the People's War era!]

A parlous path ahead for Rabi Lamichhane : Within six months of quitting TV job, the Rastriya Swatantra Party chief has emerged as one of most powerful leaders, by Nishan Khatiwada (kp 27/12/2022)

Sixth-time NC PP leader Deuba’s political journey (kh 21/12/2022)

Her dream was to become a lieutenant, she is a lawmaker : As a lawmaker in Bagmati province, Laxmi Ghimire, a woman with disability, vows to make education, health and public transport disability-friendly, by Kalpana Ghimire (nlt 19/12/2022)

The generation Gagan : Why people of all walks want Nepali Congress politician Gagan Thapa to win November 20 election? (nlt 16/11/2022)

Leader Ganesh Man Singh’s 108th birth anniversary being commemorated today (kh 10/11/2022)

Reasons why Subarna SJB Rana is immortal figure of Nepal, by Birat Anupam (kh 10/11/2022)

Senior politician Shrestha passes away (kh 23/10/2022)

UML politburo member Bal Krishna Dhungel passes away (kh 08/10/2022) [One of those politicians who were sentenced to life imprisonment for murder but received blanket amnesty thanks to their party political affiliation!]

Pradip Giri, a socialist thinker and philosopher, dies at 74 : The Congress leader was well-versed in Marxism and earned respect from across the political spectrum for his politics of conviction, simplicity and great oratory skills, by Anil Giri, Arjun Poudel, Tika R Pradhan and Binod Ghimire (kp 21/08/2022), An interpreter of maladies : Pradip Giri was a quintessential Nepali public intellectual who interpreted to us our desires, miseries, hypocrisies, by Dinesh Kafle (kp 21/08/2022), Condolences pour in for Pradip Giri from various quarters : Leaders say Giri’s demise a big shock to them and it has left a void in Nepali politics and society, by Samuel Chhetri (kp 22/08/2022), Flicker of the eternal flame : Pradip Giri's enthusiasm for Marxism turned him into a fringe player in the politics of the Nepali Congress, by CK Lal (kp), With passing away of Giri, there is doubt over sustained critical thoughts in Nepali politics, by Narayan Prasad Ghimire (rn 22/08/2022), Pradip Giri: The storyteller par excellence
An eternal optimist, Giri hoped that Nepali society would move towards a better future in the days to come. He, however, cautioned that socialism is not something we could see and practice in our lifetime
, by Bhagirath Yogi (nlt 23/08/2022), Widely Esteemed Political Thinker, by Narayan Upadhyay (rn)

BP through his friends’ looking glasses : BP could exhibit as much courage and character while fighting the monarchy, as when he espoused reconciliation, by Minendra Rijal (kp 27/07/2022)

Remembering BP And Pushpalal, by Ballav Dahal (rn 25/07/2022)

The social construction of Balen Shah, by Pragyan Thapa Ghimire (rec 20/06/2022)

BP’s life-based documentary ‘Rajdrohi Rajneta’ to be screened today (kh 14/03/2022)

Biru Lama obituary: The ‘driver’ of the 1973 plane hijack, by Stuti Mittal (ae 10/03/2022)

Why Nepalis should unite to commemorate King Prithvi Narayan Shah : The primary motive for King Prithvi to launch the battle for Nepal's unification was to save the country from the threat of annexation by the powerful British East India Company which was looking to subjugate Nepal, by Prem Singh Basnyat (nlt 09/01/2022) [Prithvi Narayan has historical significance as the unifier of Nepal. Without him, Nepal would probably be a part of India today. For this, he deserves respect and recognition. That he did this for this reason alone and not for the pursuit of power and wealth is a myth. At that time, he conquered the numerous small states militarily, partly brutally, and forced the non-inclusive Hindu state on the people. Thus the original reasons for the today's social malaise were laid. These negative aspects must be thought of as well!], A Tribute To Nation's Unifier, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 09/01/2022), Prithvi Narayan Shah, an Astute Strategist, by Surendra Singh Rawal (rep 10/01/2022), That iconic portrait of Prithvi Narayan Shah, by Pranaya Shamsher JB Rana (rec 11/01/2022)

Kishun Ji: A True Hero, by Akhilesh Tripathi (rep 23/12/2021) [on the occasion of the 98th birthday of Krshna Prasad Bhattarai]

The rise and fall of ‘rebel leader’ Prachanda : The leader of a political party that once claimed to be the messiah of the proletariat is now reduced to a symbol of opportunism and malpractices, by Nishan Khatiwada (nlt 24/10/2021)

Ganesh Man Singh and history : Political ideology of leaders like Ganesh Man is a belief in the common people’s judgement, by Abhi Subedi (kp 26/09/2021)

Supreme Commander Ganeshman Singh’s 24th Memorial Day (kh 18/09/2021)

Forgotten heroes : Despite its contribution  to the anti-Rana struggle, the Mukti Sena still lives  in the shadows, by Deepak Thapa (kp 16/09/2021)

108th Birth Anniv of first people-elected PM BP Koirala being marked today (kh 09/09/2021)

Madhav Nepal: A Soft Rebel, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 29/08/2021)

Five interesting facts about Nepal’s communist founder, Puspalal (kh 22/07/2021), Tribute To Pushpa Lal, by Lok Narayan Subedi (rn 27/07/2021)

Who is Oli? (rep 13/07/2021)

Bibeksheel’s former Chairman Ujwal Thapa passes away (kh 01/06/2021), Ujwal Thapa, who ignited a movement of alternative politics, dies at 44 : Thapa started a campaign against corruption, social evils and injustice. It became a  political party that inspired hopes among youths and encouraged them to join politics, by Binod Ghimire (kp 02/06/2021), He gave hope : Alternative politics is not only possible but also necessary in our context (kp 03/06/2021), Ujwal Thapa’s light shines on : A tribute to Bibeksheel Sajha Party co-founder who lost his battle against Covid-19 at age 44, by Kunda Dixit (nt 04/06/2021), The Space Creator : Ujwal didn’t want a professional political party like the ones which have been in power for the last thirty years in Nepal, where the only way someone could serve had to go through decades spent on the different rungs of party membership, by Simón Dhungana (rep 16/06/2021)

Former Minister Pahadi dies from COVID-19 (kh 06/05/2021)

22nd memorial day of late Adhikari marked (kh 26/04/2021)

Congress leader Nabindra Raj Joshi dies at 57 : The former industry minister, known as a humble and soft-spoken person, was battling for life for the past one month after suffering a brain haemorrhage (kp 27/03/2021), NC to lower party flag for three days to mourn Joshi’s death (kh 27/03/2021)

Remembering Rishikesh Shaha, a great Nepali diplomat of all time, by Birat Anupam (rep 13/11/2020)

Supreme Commander Ganeshman’s 106th Birth Anniversary Being Observed Today (rn 09/11/2020)

Communist Leader Lama Passes Away (rn 08/11/2020) [on the death of Bir Bahadur Lama]

NC expresses grief over demise of democracy fighter Shrestha (kh 08/11/2020) [on the death of Khadga Bahdur Shrestha]

NC lawmaker KC passes away (kp 03/11/2020) [on the death of Surya Bahadur KC]

The communist movement in Nepal loses its father figure, by Khem Bahadur Budha (ae 24/07/2020) [on the death of Burman Budhamagar]

In Memory Of Madan Bhandari, by Mukunda Raj Kattel (rn 25/05/2020), The legacy of Madan Bhandari: Madan Bhandari's contribution in Nepal's communist movement should be positively assessed for his successful democratization of the communist party and communist organization, by Tika P. Dhakal (rep 30/06/2020), Bhandari Rejuvenated Communist Movement, by Kaushal Ghimire (rn 01/07/2020)

The chairman has an identity crisis: Pushpa Kamal Dahal is torn between his two selves: an insidious, crafty Prachanda who will go on the offensive to get what he wants, and a gentle, pragmatic Pushpa Kamal who can placate opposing factions and win over the media, by Anil Giri (kp 15/02/2020)

National Assembly member Durga Prasad Upadhyay passes away (ht 15/02/2020)

Dhyan Bahadur Rai, architect of modern Dharan, dies at 60: As mayor, Rai’s model of development has been celebrated by locals for turning Dharan into a modern, cosmopolitan city, by Pradeep Menyangbo and Dipesh Khatiwada (kp 23/01/2020)

Former FinMin Rana passes away (ht 18/10/2019)

Manushi Yami Bhattarai: There’s a lot of hypocrisy in Nepali society: The Samajbadi Party Nepal leader speaks on her own terms about the MeToo movement that she’s championed, youth leaders in Nepal, and being the daughter of Baburam and Hisila, by Pranaya SJB Rana (kp 13/10/2019)

BP Koirala's challenging options: That BP Koirala should remain a misread and misunderstood statesman in Nepal puzzles literary writers who read his works, by Abhi Subedi (kp 15/09/2019)

Remembering BP’s sentiment: Nepali Congress observes BP Memorial Day every year by holding tree-planting programme, by Ram Chandra Pokhrel (kp 08/09/2019)

A Gentleman Politician, by P. Kharel [on Bharat Mohan Adhikari]

Former education minister Poudel dies of heart attack (rep 15/06/2019)

Krishni Tharu’s journey from ex-Kamlari to Deputy Speaker, by Amrita Anmol (kp 09/03/2019)

Rabindra Adhikari: From a student leader to tourism minister: The Kaski native was known for his uncanny habit of absorbing criticism with a smile, by Anil Giri (kp 28/02/2019), Rising star of Nepali politics no more, by Bharat Koirala (ht 28/02/2019)

Ex-deputy PM Adhikari shifted to HAMS from Mediciti (kp 09/02/2019)

Tulsi Giri, who defended monarchy and betrayed Congress, dies at 93, by Anil Giri (kp 19/12/2018), Hardline monarchist ex-PM Dr Tulsi Giri dies (rep 19/12/2018), Giri and palimpsest history: Tulsi Giri chose to banish himself after king Birendra declared a referendum in 1979, by Abhi Subedi (kp 23/12/2018)

Freedom Fighter Bajimay dies at 105 (kp 11/11/2018) [on Minsundar Bajimaya]

Padma Ratna Tuladhar, peacemaker and voice for the voiceless, dies at 78, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 04/11/2018) [Rest in peace, dear old friend!], Padma Ratna Tuladhar no more (rep 04/11/2018), PM saddened by Tuladhar's demise; last rites to be performed with national honor (rep 04/11/2018), The indefeasible struggle: When Padma Ratna Tuladhar passed away, a powerful symbol of struggle for dignity of historically humiliated communities of Nepal suddenly disappeared from the scene, by CK Lal (rep 12/11/2018)

Nepali Congress leader Banstola no more, by Tika R Pradhan (kp 14/10/2018) [on the death of Chakra Prasad Banstola], Banstola: A Congress stalwart who stood against dynastic rule of Koiralas, by Anil Giri (kp 15/10/2018), Remembering Bastola: A democracy fighter, by Bal Krishna Dahal (ht 26/10/2018)

On your Marx: The inspiration BP drew from Marx with the central idea of socialism never changed, by Ram Chandra Pokhrel (kp 16/09/2018)

Ex-ambassador Jha found murdered; 3 suspects held (kp 21/08/2018), Ex-envoy Keshav Jha found ‘murdered’ at home, three held, by Biken K Dawadi (rep 21/08/2018), Former envoy Jha murdered, motive a mystery, by Ujjwal Satyal (ht 21/08/2018)

Bharat Shamsher, 89, dies in Kolkata, by Sanjeev Giri (kp 12/08/2018), Bharat Shumsher, a tribute from a brother, by Sagar SJB Rana (nt 17/08/2018)

Dahal’s designs: Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s salvation lies only in changing Nepal’s power structure. Otherwise the oppressed will remember him as a tyrant, by Manjeet Mishra (rep 14/06/2018)

Former home minister Shahi no more (kp 04/06/2018) [on the death of Dan Bahadur Shahi]

Jhapa Rebellion leader missing for two weeks (kp 27/04/2018) [on Harka Khadka]

NC leader Khum Bahadur Khadka passes away (ht 30/03/2018), NC leader Khum Bhadur Khadka no more (rep 30/03/2018), NC leader Khum Bahadur Khadka dies (kp 31/03/2018)

Rise of leader from Tehrathum after fall (kp 16/02/2018) [on new PM KP Sharma Oli]

Uma Devi Badi: An epitome of struggle, by Yogesh Rawal (rep 13/01/2018)

Standing her ground: Karki handed down many landmark verdicts during her eight-year tenure on the SC, by Binod Ghimire (kp 31/12/2017) [on Sushila Karki]

Silver lining: At a time when politicians are not shy of  sounding off improbable dreams, leaders like Gagan Thapa are showing how science-backed and data-driven policies can be implemented, by Manish Gautam (kp 31/12/2017)

Agent of change: Within a year, Mishra’s life has transformed from that of a popular journalist once  pitching tough questions to political leaders to a leader facing similar questions himself, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp 31/12/2017) [on Rabindra Mishra]

The second coming: KP Oli had long established himself as a good leader but it was the Indian economic blockade that made him a statesman, by Niranjan Narsingh Khatri (rep 13/12/2017)

Kirti Nidhi Bista, who strongly stood for sovereignty, dies at 90: The three-time former prime minister is remembered as a man of conviction and epitome of simplicity and integrity, by Binod Ghimire (kp 12/11/2017) [Nevertheless did he stand for sovereignty of the king, not of the people!]

Ganeshman Singh: Super Iron Man, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 17/09/2017)

BP’s Birth Anniversary, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 09/09/2017)

Democracy fighter Das critically ill (kp 01/08/2017) [on Sudishta Lal Das]

Remembering BP Koirala, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 21/07/2017)

Veteran NC leader Joshi no more (kp 15/07/2017) [on the death of Ram Hari Joshi, one of the founding members of the NC], When dreamers die, by CK Lal (rep 17/07/2017)

Lawmaker Limbu passes away (rep 26/06/2017) [On the death of MP Mahin Limvu, CPN-UML]

Deuba's trysts with power (rep 07/06/2017)

Minister of my health: The curious case of Gagan Thapa, by Biswas Baral (rep 17/03/2017)

From a guerilla fighter to humble Speaker, by Onshari Gharti Magar (kp 18/02/2017)

We may have come a long way, but there is much to achieve: The feminist consciousness flourished after the restoration of democracy in 1990 and received ample focus  during the decade-long Maoist struggle followed by people’s movement and constitution-writing process, by Mohna Ansari (kp 18/02/2017)

Shadowing Prachanda: A photographer’s pictorial documentation of Pushpa Kamal Dahal from revolutionary to two-time prime minister, by Shreejana Shrestha (nt 25/11/2016)

Justice-in-chief: Fiercely independent, Sushila Karki is determined not to be a token female and has flouted convention throughout her career, by Binita Dahal (nt 25/11/2016)

Panchayat-era democracy champion neglected (ht 11/11/2016) [on Madhukanta Singh]

True patriot: Madhav Ghimire was a man of substance and grace, and we must remember him by celebrating a life devoted to Nepal, by George Varughese (nt 30/09/2016)

BP’s 102nd Birth Anniversary, by Siddhi B Ranjitkar (km 10/09/2016)

Baburam’s Biography Filled With Eulogies, by Mukti Rijal (rn 08/09/2016)

The Oli paradox: His backers may not openly characterize him as such, but a benevolent dictator is what they are looking for in KP Oli, by Biswas Baral (rep 03/09/2016)

Former Minister Khapangi passes away (rep 29/08/2016)

Recalling Pushpa Lal: Indian communist leader Nripendra Chakrawarti suggested that Pushpa Lal should establish a communist party in Nepal, by Dipendra Adhikari (rep 23/07/2016)

Hospitalised Shashank Koirala ‘critical’, by Manish Gautam (kp 07/07/2016)

In memoriam: Bhandari redefined traditional role of communist parties, moving them from bullets to ballots, by Dipendra Adhikari (rep 16/05/2016) [remembering Madan Kumar Bhandari], Dashdhunga mystery still haunts the country (rep 17/05/2016)

On the death of Sushil Koirala: Ex-PM, Nepali Congress President Sushil Koirala passes away (ht 09/02/2016), Sushil Koirala’s demise poses potential problems for Nepal (ht 09/02/2016), Sushil Koirala’s final rites on Wednesday (ht 09/02/2016), “I’ve already understood…,” said Sushil Koirala before breathing his last (ht 09/02/2016), Indian delegation pays tribute to Koirala; to return today after meeting Oli, Thapa (ht 09/02/2016), Adieu Sushil Da (photo feature) (kp 09/02/2016), Nation wakes up to shockFormer PM and NC President Sushil Koirala, who led constitution-drafting to its conclusion, dies at 78 (kp 10/02/2016), Adios Sushil Da (1939-2016): Man of few words but many strengths, by Kamal Dev Bahattarai (kp 10/02/2016), Koirala’s home district in outpouring of grief, by Janak Nepal (kp 10/02/2016), Was Koirala’s illness ‘kept in dark’ for political expediency?, by Binod Ghimire (kp 10/02/2016), Nepal’s friends send words of comfort in hour of grief (kp 10/02/2016), Women politicians hail late leader’s role (kp 10/02/2016), Rest in peace: Known for his simplicity, Koirala leaves behind a mixed legacy as leader (kp 10/02/2016), Former PM Sushil Koirala passes away (ht 10/02/2016), Was to be admitted to TUTH on Mon (ht 10/02/2016), Condolences pour in for Koirala (ht 10/02/2016), Foreign leaders hail former PM’s simplicity, by Lekhanath Pandey (kp 10/02/2016), Koirala family mourns in Nepalgunj (ht 10/02/2016), Madhes shocked at former PM’s demise (ht 10/02/2016), Homage to Koirala: If leaders benefit from his virtues and become wiser from his mistakes and weaknesses, it will be the best homage they will be paying to their departed leader (ht 10/02/2016), Remembering late former PM Sushil Koirala: Those who worked closely with him recall him as having an innate characteristic of doing what he considered was right for the nation, by Rupak D. Sharma (ht 10/02/2016), Constitution promulgation, Koirala's biggest achievement, by Thira L. Bhusal (rep 10/02/2016), Multiple complications led to sudden death: Dr Yogi (rep 10/02/2016), Adieu, Sushil da, by Swarnim Wagle (rep 10/02/2016), Ex-PM Koirala's sudden demise takes country aback, by Ashok Dahal (rep 10/02/2016), True achiever: If Sushil Koirala had been close to India he would not have been the only Nepali prime minister who was not invited by India on assuming office, by Prateek Pradhan (rep 10/02/2016), Koirala’s final rites performed with state honours (kp 11/02/2016), Tributes pour in for Koirala (kp 11/02/2016), Sushil Koirala cremated with state honours, by Prakash Acharya (ht 11/02/2016), Koirala lauded for guiding Nepal thru transition, by Lekhanath Pandey (ht 11/02/2016), Koirala consigned to flames with state honors (rep 11/02/2016), An Icon Of Simplicity And Rectitude, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn 12/02/2016), Remembering a political hero: Lessons from him, by Shobhakar Parajuli (ht 15/02/2016), Bidding Farewell To Sushil Koirala, by Prem Khatry (rn 16/02/2016), Under the circumstances: Sushil Koirala led the nation during difficult times and won hearts with his simplicity, by Dinesh Bhattarai (kp 23/02/2016), Missed opportunity: Sushilbabu, given his background, stature and a squeaky-clean image, could have asserted himself as a leader after the death of Girijababu, by Sukhdev Shah (rep 24/02/2016)

Remembering Kishunjee: No other politician of 20th century is probably more relevant than Kishunjee in conflict-ridden atmosphere of Nepal, by Pradip Giri (kp 27/12/2015)

Back to BP: BP Koirala’s political and literary visions are not mutually exclusive, by Abhi Subedi (kp 15/11/2015)

The man from Limbuwan: A tribute to my father Padma Sundar Lawoti, by Surendra Lawoti (kp 01/11/2015)

A ‘think tank’ on Nepal law and affairs (kp 28/10/2015) [on the death of Ganesh Raj Sharma]

A Leader Who Stands Out From The Crowd, by Narad Bharadwaj (rn 16/10/2015) [A exaggerated eulogy on PM Oli that leaves the impact of his conservative mind unmentioned!]

History through her eyes, by Chahana Sigdel and Garima Chaulagain (kp 26/09/2015) [on Shanta Shrestha]

Lawati, staunch royalist, no more (kp 11/06/2015) [on the death of Padma Sundar Lawati], , Panchthar mourns Lawati’s death (ht 11/06/2015)

Uprety, authority on corporate law, dies at ‘my own will’, by Bhadra Sharma [on suicide of Bharat Raj Uprety]

GP Koirala accorded highest honour posthumously (kp 21/04/2015), Nepalratna conferred on late Girija Prasad Koirala (ht 21/04/2015)

Five-time PM Surya Bahadur Thapa passes away, by Rajan Pokhrel and Keshav Koirala (ht 16/04/2015), Thapa: An astute politician, by Binod Ghimire (kp 17/04/2015), Thapa’s last rites with state honour today (kp 17/04/2015), Thapa to be cremated with state honours today (ht 17/04/2015), Thapa's mortal remains flown back for last tributes: Public holiday to honor late leader (rep 17/04/2015), Surya Bahadur Thapa (1928-2015): The man who did not shape national politics, but let national politics shape him, by Om Astha Rai (nt 17/04/2015), Govt honours five-time PM with state funeral (kp 18/04/2015), Ex-PM Thapa cremated with state honours (ht 18/04/2015)

CPN-UML politburo member dies: Dhakal was undergoing treatment for swine flu (ht 06/04/2015) [on the death of Ram Nath Dhakal], UML leader Dhakal dies of swine flu, by Arjun Poudel (rep 06/04/2015), Dhakal’s last rites performed (kp 07/04/2015)

GPK a true hero of democratic movement: PM (ht 22/03/2015)

Baburam and Prachanda are best suited for their current roles, as thought and organisational leaders, by Jainendra Jeevan (kp 08/02/2015)

At home in the hills: Subhash Ghisingh’s life has much to tell of the politics of federation in India, by Ajapa Sharma (kp 08/02/2015)

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